Clumsy and Dumb. No Really, I Am.


I’m pretty good at embarrassing myself. I don’t mind being goofy, or I don’t mind being self deprecating. Because I certainly want to be the first person to make fun of me. I like to think that I hone conspicuous personal embarrassment as a fine artisan would whittle a duck from a bar of soap. [...]

Sometimes, I Am A 16 Year Old Boy

This is, perhaps, one of those things I shouldn’t really be proud of. It should certainly be one of those things I SHOULDN’T write about on the internet. But as you know, I just can’t help it. I do embarrassing or dumb shit and immediately think, “Ooh, I need to tell the internet all about [...]

I’m Bad At Giving Directions

We’ve been living in Astoria, Oregon for over five months now. Before we moved here, we visited many times over the course of a few years. We like it here. It’s not a big town, you can’t really get lost. There are some bizarre starts and stops to streets, where a road might dead end [...]

Misshapen Crochet Projects As A Weak Ass Metaphor For Life In General


I’ve been working on a crochet blanket for a couple of years. Wait, wait, before you leave, this isn’t just a post about a crochet blanket. There’s some deep fricken insight coming up. Right. So, as with many big crochet projects, I started and stopped a couple times before I settled on a pattern and [...]

I’m Not Sure What We Were Thinking


Today is Tuesday. When I woke up this morning, I had no designs to hike to the top of Saddle Mountain. But somehow, that’s what we did. It was a beautiful day. About twelve hours ago, I said, “We should go on a drive. Let’s go to Saddle Mountain.” And so we did. That was [...]

The Dumbest Way To Almost Break Your Toe

I think I could maybe write a whole blog about grocery store consumerism. I have some of my more profound insights about our society while shopping for noodles and kitty litter. I believe that being thoughtful in the grocery store is exactly what retailers don’t want. I think they want us softened up by the [...]

Schrödinger’s Cholesterol

I got a note from my doctor’s office that they have an unfulfilled request for a lipid test. I know just what this is for. My doctor ordered it months ago. But I’m hesitant to go in for this test. At the beginning of the year, I went in for a slew of doctor and [...]

Driving Without Directions

I can’t be the only one to do this. I hop in the car to drive someplace unfamiliar and forget to get detailed directions. Or maybe I drove somewhere once a long time ago and I vaguely remember how to get there. I seem to do this remarkably often. I don’t realize I don’t know [...]

Mind If I Stare?

Okay, if you have a bruise or a cut or a gaping wound on your face, I will most likely stare at it. I will also likely want to know what happened. I don’t mean to be rude. I feel as though an injury is a curious thing and can withstand a little inquiry. And [...]

Whew! That Was Fun!

It turns out, when you accidentally delete your blog database, it only takes five hours of freaking out to fix it! Awesome! But so far, all the little issues I was having with comments not showing up in my backend (and boy, does my backend get comments) and other various issues seems to be gone. [...]