Research Before Reposting Things on FaceBook

bieber bonerHow many times have you seen someone post something on FaceBook, and it gets posted to all of their friends? There’s this reaction of: OMG! It looks scary and more than one person posted it, so it must be true and I need to repost! How many times do you later see links posted under these messages that point to snopes, hoaxslayer or some other site proving that it’s just more FaceBook hoax trash? Too often on both accounts.

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Who’s Going on Strike to Protest SOPA PIPA?

No SOPA PIPAOn Wednesday, January 18th 2012, we will be closing down our sites,, and to join the protest against SOPA/PIPA. We in no way support censorship of the internet, so we’re taking a stand and joining the internet blackout in the hopes of keeping these from passing. We may be small potatoes in the grand scheme of the internet, but we’re adding our digital voices as backup to some pretty heavy hitters.

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BrianaDragon Creations on Zazzle

Cracking Down and Losing That Excess Weight

waistlineLast year I started dieting and trying to lose the weight I’d gained the year before. I did manage to lose 13.6 pounds, but it was driving me crazy getting there. I still wanted to be leaner, but counting calories was sending me over the edge. I pretty much gave up on it, even though I knew I shouldn’t. i guess I got lucky in the fact that over the holidays I only gained 2 lbs., and I’ve already lost it again. However, I’m not taking my body reform lightly this year.

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BrianaDragon Creations on Zazzle

Oh the Joys of Writer’s Block… Not!

pen and paperAh, there’s nothing quite like having writer‘s block. You want to write, you know there are ideas and words just below the surface of your mind, but try as you might, you just can’t seem to get them out. It’s something I face more than I’d like to admit, and it happens even more with my art than it does with my writing. Either way you look at it, having writer’s block isn’t much fun.

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Custom Products on Zazzle

FaceBook Comments for WordPress Seem to be a Good Thing

facebook comments wordpressWe’ve actually had Facebook Comments integrated into our blogs for quite a while, but we also had standard WordPress comments visible too. Since we made the change and switched to showing the FaceBook comments only, it does seem that we’re getting more interaction with the site, including likes and shares that we never got before. If you’re thinking about integrating FaceBook Comments into your blog, it might actually be a good idea.

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