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A complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission says the Minnesota Republican Party has continued to hide its debts.
President Obama shares his New Year’s resolution: doing whatever it takes to move the economy forward and ensure that middle class families regain the security they’ve lost in the last decade.
President Obama tells the American people that although there will be tough debates to come in the new year, by joining together, we can continue to help grow the economy and create jobs across the country.
Time for a very different year in review.
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama offer a special holiday tribute to the men and women who wear our country’s uniform and the families who support them.
President Obama comments on US House passing extension of unemployment benefits and the payroll tax cut.
House Republican leaders had refused to let the bill come to a vote, but relented after pressure from Senate Republicans and intense public pressure fanned by the White House.
President Obama calls on the House of Representatives to negotiate a compromise on extending the payroll tax cut, which already has broad bipartisan support, because the American people can’t afford to see their taxes go up next year.
President Obama says that extending the payroll tax cut is not a game for the millions of people who depend on that money to make ends meet.
President Obama comments after Congress passes an extension of the payroll tax cut and the extension of unemployment benefits. He expects “less drama” when congress votes to extend this again in two months.
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Live video:The Minnesota Capitol is buzzing with activity in preparation for the start of next week’s legislative session.
Minnesota businesses are paying more in federal taxes because the state of Minnesota hasn’t paid back loans it got from the federal government.
Despite Republican congressional resistance that’s made it difficult to make headway on progressive issues, Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison is optimistic about 2012.
“You know the Republicans, they ran in 2010 saying they wanted to govern Minnesota in the worst possible way, and they have,” Governor Dayton told the appreciative crowd who laughed, cheered and applauded his comments.
Wells Fargo Bank isn’t backing the Minnesota Somali community’s fight to send money back to their starving families, so the Somalis are pulling their money out of Wells Fargo. About 100 people, Somali Americans with their supporters from labor unions, and from citizen activist groups staged a noisy rally in …
Why were people in orange jumpsuits silently filing through the Minneapolis skyways? The answer may be ten years old, but those in the jumpsuits will tell you the problem is not in the past, but is a current one.
A complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission says the Minnesota Republican Party has continued to hide its debts.
Rebuild highways and buildings plus give a $3,000 tax credit to businesses that create new jobs— those are the proposals Minnesota Democrats (DFL) outlined less than two weeks before the start of the 2012 legislative session.
Occupy Homes activist Leslie Parks announced a rally that the Minnesota Coalition for a People’s Bailout will hold on Jan. 24 at the Minnesota State Capitol to push for a two-year moratorium on home foreclosures.
Minnesota Republicans have publicly owned up to some of their financial mistakes and that could mean more than a million dollars in fines if an investigation from the state Campaign Finance Board finds the party acted illegally.
Sustaining SolutionsSustaining Solutions
If we didn’t cover these stories, who would have?
As we’ve been reporting for the past six months, many tornado victims who need help still haven’t gotten it.
Occupy MN is occupying Monique White’s house at 3310 N. 6th St. in the city’s downtrodden North Minneapolis neighborhood. In doing so, Occupy MN instantly made itself more diverse, and more relevant.
When administrators revealed a plan last spring to shut down North High School — one of only two public schools on Minneapolis’ embattled north side — MN Neighborhoods Organizing for Change and other activists answered the call.
North Minneapolis food entrepreneurs use Kindred Kitchen to learn about starting their own business, making their food safely and legally in a commercial kitchen, and marketing it within the community.
Voters should pick their politicians, not the other way around. That’s the thought behind Draw The Line Minnesota, a citizen group that is working to draw the maps for congressional and legislative districts.
This year’s FLOW art crawl was all about recognizing thousands of volunteers that helped with the clean-up and recovery efforts after the May 22nd tornado. Leaders hope the positive can-do attitude of the cleanup can power a rebirth of the Northside.
After their home in North Minneapolis was destroyed by the May 22 tornado, Dennis and Deborah were forced to seek refuge in the local Armory and at the North Commons Recreation Center. For weeks, they and their five children slept on cots on the floor of a gymnasium.
Her home destroyed and now condemned, north Minneapolis tornado victim Joyce Chineth feels abandoned by the system.
North Minneapolis resident Leonard and his family live in a house with broken windows near the corner of Knox and Lowry. For a month after the May 22 tornado that devastated the neighborhood, their gas was still turned off. Nevertheless, their landlord continues to force Leonard’s mother to pay rent, under threat of court action.