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Tim And Eric Owe Money For Their "Billion Dollar Movie"
The Schlaaang Corporation might not be the smartest investment group. #SHRIM
911 Call Released Of Model Sucked Into Plane Engine on tmz.com ›
Still doesn’t answer the question, “How do you accidentally walk into a moving plane propeller?!” Model Lauren Scruggs lost her left eye and hand to the freak accident in December.
23 Hilariously Bad Knockoff Brands
In every dollar store and Chinatown marketplace these little gems can be found. If nothing else, their efforts are commendable.
The G-String Wedding Dress
Shown by fashion brand Kaviar Gauche at Berlin fashion week yesterday. This seems both practical and stylish.
Dr. Drew's Dollar Makes “Toddlers & Tiaras” Star Alana Holler, Honey Boo-Boo
Praise Alana! Remember soda-addicted six-year-old beauty queen Alana—and her obese mother, June—from “Toddlers & Tiaras”? Those other talk shows must've been crazy if they thought they were gonna book her, honey boo-boo child! Because on February 3rd, Alana and her “Coupon Queen” mom will be on “Dr. Drew's Lifechangers.”
10 Actors Who Hated Their Own Films on mentalfloss.com ›
When actors have a movie out, it’s customary that they publicize the film by saying nice things about it. Customary, but not required.
Jason Segel In The First Trailer For "Jeff, Who Lives At Home"
Segel and Ed Helms are brothers in Jay and Mark Duplass’s quirky slacker comedy. In theaters March 16.
Nicki Minaj Is A "Stupid Hoe"
“I am the female Weezy.” So says Nicki Minaj at the end of her already-controversial new (and ~explicit~) music video for “Stupid Hoe,” which centers around the education-related difficulties of a learning-disabled garden tool (except not). It's likely already stuck in your head—whether that's a good thing or a bad thing, I'll leave it up to you to decide.
Tiger Quietly Lounges On Houston Rooftop on blogs.discovery.com ›
Almost unnervingly quiet. Dozens of people began frantically dialing 911 in Houston, Texas this week after spotting the eight-foot long animal perched on top of an abandoned hotel.
Ricky Gervais As Adolf Hitler And Winston Churchill
Since he couldn’t dress up as Der Fuhrer at the Golden Globes, Ricky shared his cosplay action with his Twitter followers Thursday. Who do you think he resembles more?
This Photo Of The Costa Concordia Will Make You Dizzy
I don't feel so well…
The Crooner-In-Chief's Greatest Hits
Obama sings the classics. Take advantage of this limited time offer! No CODs.
Microsoft Endorses Gay Marriage
Microsoft has released a statement expressing their support for gay marriage, specifically in Washington state where their company headquarters are based. If you didn't already know, Washington is REALLY CLOSE to passing gay marriage. This endorsement will surely help. (via theatlantic.com)
Florida Woman Uses Knife To Steal Hair Weave
Will shank for weave! Because when Melissa Bujeda needs a hair weave, she's gonna get herself a damn hair weave. Also: Florida.
All 117 Things That Leslie Knope's Campaign Ad Says She Supports
Last night's episode of “Parks and Recreation” featured a campaign ad for Leslie Knope that had a long crawl of programs and ideas that Leslie supported. We transcribed that crawl. So now you can know where the Pawneean Politician really stands.
Twitter Buzz: Jason Segel Would Like Celebs To Stop Retweeting Non-Famous People
Jason “King Of The Muppets” Segel would like for famous people stick to their own tweets, thank you very much. Plus, Alan Cumming ponders a new twitter photo, Kelly Osbourne tunes into Kathie Lee & Hoda for the first time, an egg-salad birthday cake, and Uncle Joey and Stephanie Tanner from “Full House” cut a rug.
Friday Morning Hell: When Escalators Don't Work on gothamist.com ›
You know what was missing from New York’s morning commute? Getting bottlenecked like sardines next to hundreds of strangers.
This Animatronic Baby Will Haunt Your Dreams
KILL IT WITH FIRE! Or just disconnect its power source. You know, whatever.
How Much Do Politicians Make Per Speech?
Many political figures earn a living on the speaking circuit these days, and an industry source sent us on the fees of some prominent ones. Two Cheneys gets you an Arnold.
The Classiest Way To Get Owned
Is it really that hard to silence your cell-phone?
Libya: Was It Better Under Gaddafi? on globalpost.com ›
Not even revolution can wave a magic wand and make all a country’s problems disappear. Libya’s transitional government is struggling to collect guns and secure the streets.
The Cutest Hedgehog You'll Ever See
Awww, look at his tiny hat! His name was Ratclaw, and his owner IonShu loved him very much.
"Sterling Archer Draper Pryce" Is Perhaps The Most Perfect TV Mashup Ever
Sterling Archer Draper Pryce is a young Tumblr that deserves to get blown the hell up. Taking stills from “Mad Men” and putting “Archer” quotes over them (and vice versa) is a match made in heaven. Here are some examples from the first run. (via uproxx.com)
White Castle Now Taking Valentine's Day Reservations
I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess this is where the couple who got married at a White Castle celebrates the holiday? A “Hot & Steamy” Valentine's Day at White Castle? Sure, if we're talking burgers…
Michael Fassbender Strips For ‘W’ Magazine on justjared.buzznet.com ›
I’ll be in my bunk. Ryan Gosling’s got nothing on this man.
Crowd-Sourced "Star Wars Uncut" Is Complete
Now witness the firepower of this fully operational fan film.
Rich Kids For Romney
“Do we really want a president who isn’t rich?” I never thought about it that way. Honestly, I was completely undecided until I saw this video. (via huffingtonpost.com)
The 25 Most Important Penguin Gifs On The Internet
Happy Penguin Awareness Day! You should be aware of all of these adorable penguin gifs. Enjoy.
“Cat Soup” With David Cross
If this was a real show that aired every week, I can't think of a reason that would deter me from tuning in. Of course, I could do without the dark turn this clip takes right at the very end, but I don't really believe that David Cross wants to eat cat meat for dinner, anyway.