Women won in Washington this week. The Obama administration's decision to protect the birth control coverage benefit that is part of health care reform will have a real and direct impact on millions of Americans. For women in America, this is a watershed moment. The birth control coverage benefit is one of the most important breakthroughs for women's health care in a generation. Birth control will be treated like any other preventive prescription, and it will be more accessible than it's ever been. This benefit matters to women from all corners of this country and from all walks of life -- and when it mattered most, the Obama administration stood strong against efforts to take it away.
Alabama has passed the toughest immigration enforcement law in the country. Now children born in the U.S.A., American citizens, are living in fear. Some children are afraid to go to school.
We face a choice. Americans can let Citizens United remain the law of the land, or we can have a functioning democracy. We can't have both.
This is not a progressive issue or a conservative issue. This is not a Tea Party issue or a liberal issue. This is an American issue. Money is destroying our politics and our political system. The signs are everywhere.
The sinking of public trust is integral to our faith in complex social and technical systems that undergird everyday life, our confidence in each other, and ultimately our belief that we can build a better future together.
As Bob Dylan would put it, the times they are a-changin'. There's a storm outside and it's raging, baby. We really are shaking their windows and rattling their walls. The establishment is getting very, very nervous.
Just because I love dressing like I'm Lizzie McGuire with an injection of 1960's mod doesn't mean that society has the right to assume I am not interested in guy's opinions.
If asked, Newt Gingrich would obviously say no, in his arrogant, 'you're asking me a ridiculously stupid question' sort of way, but it sure sounds like he is lately. And if he is, he may be doing the "right" thing politically.
I was thinking about another time when things didn't work out so well on Christmas. ... Another time that folks had to deal with their "normal" being ripped apart by the "normal" of someone else -- of God.
This is how we've learned to talk about our economy: as a matter of personal virtue and vice, from the overdrawn consumer to the one-percenter with the fifteen percent tax rate and some senators' private numbers in his iPhone.
The GOP primary debates feature politicians and the debate moderators in a deep state of denial about the most burning issue facing the country: the fact that our elections have become auctions.
Hispanic leaders involved in trying to get Romney to talk with them and engage Hispanic issues are now issuing alerts that they are not at all happy being ignored.
The media's singular focus on LGBTQ youth suicides creates a deadly echo chamber. The repetitive tale about our collective failure to address the pain felt by many LGBTQ youth doesn't translate into inspiration for the kids who are still here.
Since polling place influences the vote, governments and election boards should do all they can to find neutral voting locations. And it would seem very unlikely that churches would be chosen if neutrality were the aim.
Hormesis is a little-known term with huge implications. It refers to a fascinating phenomenon: a favorable biological reaction to low doses of chemical toxins, radiation or some other form of stress that is damaging, even fatal, in higher doses.
Do we need a constitutional amendment to overturn the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. FEC? Should opponents of the ruling pressure the Supreme Court to reverse course, and also seek changes in the composition of the Court through the appointment process? The answer is yes.
The FDIC closed it's first banks of 2012 today. A total of three insitutions were shuttered by the regulator.
If Obama's entertaining performance last night at the Apollo tells me anything, it's Amateur Night in Republican-land, and they are likely to be yanked off the stage come November by Sandman Sim's hook. Prove me wrong.
Simply put, it is imperative that politicians cease to endorse religion in the name of religion. Doing so casts the role of faith, which is an important element in the daily lives of many Americans, in a negative light.
Money is not speech, and corporations are not people. The true measure of our success is the well-being of each American, not the wealthy's stock market payouts or corporate profit margins.
That was the thing about Etta: She had total credibility. She lived the blues, and you'd best believe she was going to tell you about them, and in the bluntest (and thus, most poetic) way possible.
When it comes to policy and culture, Gingrich rails against anything that smacks of a "European" influence. Well, almost everything.
The Gold Dust Lounge is one of the venerable old watering holes downtown, which used to be littered with them. Now, like many other cities, downtown is turning into a glorified mall, and the saloon is being forced out for yet another clothing store.
When the fact of climate change becomes as evident to doubters as the orbit of the earth, perhaps we will learn from this colossal mistake of elevating opinion to the status of fact. If we are lucky enough, we will have another chance.
Haiti's rates are on par with some of the world's highest burdened countries and ranks it as one of the most risky places in the western hemisphere for poor women to give birth.
China's size and its centralized governance have enabled the creation of a parallel Internet universe connected to and separate from the one outside. China is pursuing a distinctive response to the Internet.