Ed Brayton is a journalist, commentator and speaker. He is the co-founder and president of Michigan Citizens for Science and co-founder of The Panda's Thumb. He has written for such publications as The Bard, Skeptic and Reports of the National Center for Science Education, spoken in front of many organizations and conferences, and appeared on nationally syndicated radio shows and on C-SPAN. Ed is also a Fellow with the Center for Independent Media and the host of Declaring Independence, a one hour weekly political talk show on WPRR in Grand Rapids, Michigan.(static)
Ed Brayton is a participant in the Center for Independent Media New Journalism Program. However, all of the statements, opinions, policies, and views expressed on this site are solely Ed Brayton's. This web site is not a production of the Center, and the Center does not support or endorse any of the contents on this site.
Any and all emails that I receive may be reprinted, in part or in full, on this blog with attribution. If this is not acceptable to you, do not send me e-mail - especially if you're going to end up being embarrassed when it's printed publicly for all to see.
As I've written about before, Uganda is currently considering an incredibly brutal anti-gay law. Apparently it's not good enough to make homosexuality illegal and put people in prison for it for life, now they may go even further and put...
Jeremy Scahill, who is the expert on Blackwater, has new revelations in The Nation about the paramilitary company now called Xe and its involvement in military and intelligence operations in Pakistan. At a covert forward operating base run by the...
The New York Times has a rather strange article claiming that left and right are "joining forces" on criminal justice reform measures. And in some limited cases, there's a kernel of truth in that. When it comes to asset forfeiture,...
As the Supreme Court considers the case of Pottawattamie v. McGhee and the notion of absolute prosecutorial immunity, here's a perfect example of why their ruling is so crucial to any notion of keeping "criminal justice system" a three-word phrase...
Here's a video clip of Glenn Beck citing, of all people, Thomas Jefferson while claiming that there is no separation of church and state and that the First Amendment's religion clause was only meant to protect the churches from the...
Michigan State basketball coach Tom Izzo got his 341st win last night, passing his mentor Jud Heathcote for most wins all-time at MSU. He's being characteristically modest about it, saying all the things you should say about never being as...
Someone emailed me a link to this spectacularly idiotic screed at the terribly misnamed American Thinker website. It's written by someone who calls herself Robin of Berkeley and it fits a common style among the right, the "I used to...
This is a hilarious bit from Patton Oswalt's new DVD about interrupting orgy. It's very crude, so be warned. It's not for the easily offended. It may not even be for the difficult to offend. So if you're bothered by...
Matt Sigl sends a cease and desist letter to George Lucas, demanding that he stop making movies that destroy the legacy of his earlier work by sucking in the worst possible way. It begins: Dear Mr. Lucas: It has come...
I intend to be fairly busy all day, so in the tradition of PZ's Son of the Cursed Undead Heart of the Bride of the Thread That Will Not Die, I give you an open thread. Talk amongst yourselves about...