Rick Santorum defends SOPA and says any freedom has to be regulated
Bye bye Rick Santorum. I was willing to support Santorum as the “non-Romney” candidate, but no more. Seems Santorum likes SOPA, he didn’t go so far as to say he’d support the bill in it’s current form. But in the following video, but claims to supports SOPA’s intends, and claims that “any freedom needs to be regulated.” Now that’s the Rick Santorum I remember from his days in the Senate as a big government Republican. Here’s hoping Rick Perry surpasses you in the South Carolina Primary and you’re campaign money dries up soon.
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Gingrich ahead of Mittens in latest Insider Advantage South Carolina GOP Primary poll
The first poll since the Monday Fox News GOP debate in South Carolina shows Gingrich now ahead of Mitt Romney by three points. Gingrich gets 32% of the vote according to the latest Insider Advantage poll at Newsmax, while Mittens gets just 29%. This past weekend, the same poll had Mittens up over Gingrich by double digits. Gingrich of course kicked ass in the debate and Romney came off as a timid little RINO who would be crushed by Obama and the media. If Romney hopes to win South Carolina, he’d better knock it out of the park at the CNN/GOP South Carolina debate on Thursday, and quit acting like a pansy. Juan Williams must be hardest it.
Republican Senato Kelly Ayotte suddenly decides to pull support of SOPA and PIPA
Isn’t it amazing what can happen when the people rise up (both left and right) against government? No fires, no riots, no rapes, no public sh*tting or pissing like Obama’s occupiers, just results! Another one of the so called “conservative tea-party” members of the Senate has pulled the plug on her support of SOPA and PIPA. Kelly Ayotte announced on Twitter that she is pulling her support for the Internet censorship bills because “it deserve consideration before Congress moves forward.” Don’t think for a minute thought that these bills are dead. The vote on PIPA is on January 24th. Assuming it doesn’t pass (which is looking more likely now), they will try again in a few weeks with a watered down version, that will yield the same censorship.
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Juan Williams whines to Bill O’Reilly about the way Newt Gingrich called him Juan
Juan Williams continues to whine after getting absolutely destroyed at the Fox News GOP debate. Yesterday he whined on “The Five” about Gingrich, tonight he continued whining to Bill O’Reilly on The Factor. Not only did the NPR reject refuse to denounce any racist charges against Gingrich, but he even complained about the way Gingrich called him by his first name. I guess Juan Williams is developing into the Fox News version of Chris Matthews. Seems like NPR was a lot smarter than people gave them credit for when they dumped this retread.
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Rand Paul to filibuster PIPA
I actually like Rand Paul. A lot more than his father, though he probably has the same foreign policy as his daddy. Regardless, at least both Rand Paul and Ron Paul are on the right side of this Internet censorship issue, proving once again that it’s not only Marxist Democrats that want to take away your liberties, but also fascist Republicans like Lamar Smith and Marsha Blackburn. According the Daily Caller, Rand Paul plans to filibusterer any attempt by Dingy Harry Reid to bring PIPA to a vote on January 24th.
Dingy Harry Reid might have $3.5 million financial incentive to pass Internet censorship bill PIPA
Hey Nevada! Great job re-electing this idiot! According to Daily Caller, Dingy Harry Reid might have a $3.5 million financial incentive to see to the passage of either of the Internet censorship bills PIPA or SOPA. The numbers come from OpenCongress that show the $3.5 million in campaign donations from organizations supporting the Internet censorship bills. Second and third on the list? The New York Marxist Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gilebrand (both also support censoring the Internet.)
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz supports Internet censorship bill SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act)
Can’t say i’m surprised that Marxist Democrat and head of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman Schultz supports Internet censorship bill SOPA or the (Stop Online Piracy Act.) You would expect this type of “police state” attitude from Marxist Democrats like Wasserman-Schultz. Problem is, it’s not just them. Fascist Republican Lamar Smith is the author of SOPA and it has many Republicans co-sponsoring the bill.
Anti PIPA and SOPA traffic crashes Senate’s web server
No, there wasn’t any hacking or Denial of Service attacks on the Senate’s servers. Just a rush of traffic from people pissed off over the Internet censorship bills PIPA and SOPA. Diane Feinstein, one of the Marxist Democrat who support censoring the Internet with PIPA had her site crash today due to too much web traffic. CNET reports that one Democrat who shocking is against the Internet censorship bills Ron Wyden tweeted:
Obama regime destroys 20,000 new jobs – cancels Keystone XL pipeline
Proving again that Obama is the most anti-business, anti-energy, anti-jobs President in American history, the Obama regime has decided to cancel the Keystone XL pipeline. Like you couldn’t see this coming right? After the House Republicans fumbled the whole payroll tax cut issue in December in which they would have had forced Obama to allow the Keystone XL pipeline to go forward. With Obama the Marxist’s stopping of the Keystone XL pipeline, that destroys 20,000 new jobs for middle class working Americans. You know, the people that Obama and the Marxist Democrats always claim to be helping?
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Marco Rubio no longer co-sponsoring Internet censorship bill PIPA
So Marco Rubio who was yet another Tea Party winner in the 2010 mid-terms is turning out to be just another flim-flam politician. Rubio was actually a co-sponsor of the Senate’s evil twin of SOPA called PIPA. Now that the blackout of over 7,000 sites is in full affect, and the people are learning about the Congress’ attempt to take over the Internet, Rubio decides to pull his support. From his Facebook page (ironically):
Activist Virginia judge who wouldn’t allow Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich on state’s ballot is Obama appointed
U.S. District Court Judge John Gibney ruled that Rick Perry and Newt Gingrich will NOT appear on the Super Tuesday Virginia ballot just so happens to be an Obama appointed judge. What an amazing coincidence. Jon Huntsman and Rick Santorun were also a part of Perry’s lawsuit, but Jon Huntsman has since bought his ticket to ride to Panda Express and Rick Santorum didn’t even bother trying to get signatures to appear on the state’s ballot. From Judgepedia:
Juan Williams still whining about the beat down he got from Newt Gingrich
Poor Juan Williams. First NPR kicks his ass to the curb, then Newt Gingrich completely embarrassed him in from of millions of people at the GOP debate in South Carolina. Juan Williams is complaining that Newt Gingrich didn’t “fully answer his question.” Seems to me Gingrich answered his question to me. Oh, and Williams also played the race card again. Yes, this is what Fox News has become. The “conservatives” on the network shill for Mittens Romney, the rest are far left hacks like Williams, Bob Beckel, Geraldo Rivera, etc.
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White House on lockdown as Occupy Congress losers throw smoke bombs
Nancy Pelosi said “God Bless them” to Obama’s occupiers. Even with all the violence, riots, property damage, antisemitism, rapes, disease and death at these filth camps, the media fawned all over these anarchists who think this is the 1960′s. I wonder if this will finally wake people from their slumber as to what the extremists left wing Marxists are really about. According to Red State, at least one smoke bomb was tossed on the North Lawn of the White House. Secret Service put the White House in lockdown mode. There were hundreds of Occupy Congress occutards protesting in front of the White House, but I’m sure the smoke bomb came from a tea partier or something.
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Sarah Palin: If I had to vote in South Carolina, I would vote for Newt Gingrich
This is about as close to an endorsement without actually endorsing someone as you can get. Sarah Palin appeared on Hannity tonight, and discussed the GOP debate last night. She wants to make sure that RINO Romney automatically assumed to be the GOP nominee if he wins South Carolina and Florida. She declared on Hannity tonight:
If I had to vote in South Carolina order to keep this thing going, I would vote for Newt and I would want it to continue. More debates, more vetting of candidates.”
You can also watch the video of Palin’s non-endorsement endorsement of Newt Gingrich. Starts at about 3 minutes and 50 seconds.
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Newt Gingrich on Obama: ‘I don’t want to bloody his nose, I want to knock him out.’
Flying high after yesterday GOP debate and destroying Fox News race baiting leftist hack Juan Williams, Gingrich was at it again today. According to Fox Nation, Gingrich made his comments at town hall meeting that had about 200 or so people.
Virginia appellate court still wouldn’t allow Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum on primary ballot
Strike two for Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum in Virginia. According to ABC, a three-judge panel for the fourth circuit of U.S. Court of Appeals held up the lower courts ruling, and not allowing Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum on the Virigina ballot. Remember, the media darling Jon Huntsman was a part of this lawsuit too to get on the ballot, but I guess he took his ticket to ride to a local Panda Express instead.
Mittens Romney: “probably” pays only 15 percent in federal taxes because most of his earnings are capital gains
Yep. Mittens is the dream candidate for the Obama regime to run against. After the Bain attacks fail, now the attention is focus on Romney’s tax returns since he’s such a “rich” guy. Last night during the GOP debate on Fox News, Mittens said he “probably” will release his tax returns in April. Today, when pressed about his taxes, Romney claimed he pays “around” 15% since most of his income is from capital gains. Cue the class warfare card from the Marxist Democrats and NewT Gingrich/Rick Perry.
GOP establishment Bill Kristol: Ron Paul should leave the Republican Party
You’ve probably seen Bill Kristol. He usually appears on Fox News Sunday or “Special Report” during the week with that annoying grin on face. He is also a RINO, Republican establishment tool. Obviously he doesn’t like Ron Paul, or anyone who doesn’t toe the establishment line, like a Mitt Romney. On C-SPAN, he suggested that Ron Paul should leave the Republican Party. While Ron Paul (to me) is a disaster on foreign policy, he has other policies that I agree with, and many younger voters also agree with. If the Republican Party is going to be the “big tent” party, they would be foolish to ignore those who lean libertarian. Of course Paulbots may start going after Kristol now because he’s a “Zionist” or something.
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South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dick Harpootlian complains holding debate on MLK day is racist – Democrats held one in 2008
Did you know Republicans are now racist for holding a debate on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday? According to South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dick Harpootlian, they are are. Yet, when pressed by Bill O’Reilly tonight on why is it racist if Democrats held their own presidential debate in 2008 on the same day, suddenly Harpootlian went silent. I’ve seen Dick Harpootlian on Fox News several times before, mostly on America Live, and he is your typical, run of the mill, obnoxious Marxist Democrat who makes outrageous statements and is never held accountable. Watch the following video as Bill O’Reilly absolutely embarrasses this Marxist hack.
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Newt Gingrich absolutely obliterates Fox News race baiting hack Juan Williams
Well the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday turned out to be nothing more than a leftist weekend of race bating. You had Obama’s adviser Valerie Jarrett whining about Republicans at a MLK’s church in Georgia. You had corrupt Attorney General Eric Holder campaigning for Obama in South Carolina. You had media hacks doing their usual race baiting. And you even had the South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Dick Harpootlian claim that holding the GOP Debate on Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday was racist. This despite the fact Marxist Democrats held a debate on King’s birthday in 2008, sponsored by none other than the Congressional Black Caucus! So tonight at the GOP Debate in South Carolina on Fox News, Juan Williams did his usual race bait of the GOP candidates. Williams especially targeted Newt Gingrich. Bad move for the race baiting hack Williams as Newt Gingrich absolutely obliterated the pathetic race baiter, getting a standing ovation, in what was probably the best moment of an otherwise boring debate.
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