The American Spectator


Special Report

Environmentalism and the Leisure Class

William Tucker | 1.20.12 @ 6:08AM

In playing Keystone cop, President Obama protects his environmental flank for no good reason.

The Public Policy

Red-Lighting Photo Traffic Enforcement

Ross Kaminsky | 1.20.12 @ 6:08AM

Government's revenue-raising justifications should never trump safety considerations.

Political Hay

Mitt Romney's Chance for Glory

Burton Folsom, Jr. & Anita Folsom | 1.20.12 @ 6:08AM

It's imperative that he continue avoid committing his father's mistake.

Among the Intellectualoids

The High Price Economy

Iain Murray & David Bier | 1.20.12 @ 6:07AM

Obama allies to the world's poor: Stop this greed. Low prices won't set you free.

At Large

Europe in Demographic Denial

Samuel Gregg | 1.20.12 @ 6:07AM

An even bigger form of denial than about the causes of Europe's financial collapse.

The Hell-Hole Spectator

Occupiers for Obama

Peter Hannaford | 1.20.12 @ 6:05AM

The only Occupy camp that hasn't been cleared is in Washington, D.C. Why is that not surprising?

In Memoriam

Remembering John Thaw and Inspector Morse

Larry Thornberry | 1.20.12 @ 6:03AM

Twenty-five Years of the most intelligent cop show ever to hit the small screen.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Campaign Crawlers

Desperate Days in Dixie

Robert Stacy McCain | 1.19.12 @ 6:10AM

Late news about Newt could shake up the South Carolina primary.

Special Report

'Abortion Is as American as Apple Pie'

George Neumayr | 1.19.12 @ 6:09AM

Meet abortion provider Merle Hoffman, who has her own way of marking the Roe v. Wade anniversary.

Streetcar Line

The Big Chill Primary

Quin Hillyer | 1.19.12 @ 6:08AM

South Carolina, heard through the grapevine, as voters are about to lose their mind.

The Current Crisis

Obama vs. Christie and the Future

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. | 1.19.12 @ 6:08AM

One wants to raise taxes. The other will cut them. 

Letter From Paris

Sarkozy Rated Dead

Joseph A. Harriss | 1.19.12 @ 6:08AM

We have his word for it.

The Obama Watch

Don't Waste Another Crisis, Mr. President

Frank Schell | 1.19.12 @ 6:07AM

Leading from behind on Iran won't cut it.

The Nation's Pulse

Youth or Consequences

Christopher Orlet | 1.19.12 @ 6:07AM

Today's parents always blame the authorities first.

Buy the Book

Do We Really Look That Peculiar?

Michael Johnson | 1.19.12 @ 6:04AM

A UK professor brings a foreigner's perspective to "peculiar" U.S. institutions and finds us wanting.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Political Hay

Rick Santorum, Bad Economist

Ross Kaminsky | 1.18.12 @ 6:11AM

Shortsightedness can leave you thinking like a Democrat.

Another Perspective

Mitt & Mop

Aaron Goldstein | 1.18.12 @ 6:10AM

Was Mike Huckabee right about Mitt Romney?

Special Report

Now Playing: The Sustainability Con

Ron Ross | 1.18.12 @ 6:09AM

Endless streams of gibberish and pseudo-science from the well-established neo-Malthusian establishment.

The Public Policy

The Che Guevara Democrat Party

Peter Ferrara | 1.18.12 @ 6:08AM

Under Obama-Pelosi, this isn't even George McGovern's party anymore.


Clip of the Day

Most Popular Articles

The Che Guevara Democrat Party

Peter Ferrara | 1.18.12

'Abortion Is as American as Apple Pie'

George Neumayr | 1.19.12

Obama vs. Christie and the Future

R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr. | 1.19.12

Election Deceptions

Lisa Fabrizio | 1.18.12

Mitt & Mop

Aaron Goldstein | 1.18.12

Desperate Days in Dixie

Robert Stacy McCain | 1.19.12