
New National Polls Show Newt Leading In GOP Race (Yes, Really)

Newt Gingrich

Two new national polls of the Republican primary race show very different results in the horserace, but do agree on one thing: Newt Gingrich is rocketing upwards.

The new CNN poll, among Republican respondents: Romney 24%, Gingrich 22%, Cain 14%, Perry 12%, Paul 8%, Bachmann 6%, Huntsman 3%, and Santorum 3%. In CNN’s previous poll from a month ago, Romney had 26%, Cain 25%, Perry 13%, and all others in single digits (including Gingrich at 8%).

And the new numbers from Public Policy Polling (D): Gingrich 28%, Cain 25%, Romney 18%, Perry 6%, Bachmann 5%, Paul 5%, Huntsman 3%, Santorum 1%, and Johnson 1%.

In the previous PPP survey from a month ago, Cain led with 30%, followed by Romney at 22%, Gingrich at 15%, Perry at 14%, and all others in single digits.

The two polls also show Newt Gingrich currently having the best favorable ratings among Republican voters.

In the CNN pol, Gingrich’s favorable ratings among GOPers is 61%, to only 21% unfavorable. This is followed by Romney at 55%-27%, Cain at 47%-31%, Perry at 43%-37%, Bachmann at 41%-33%, Santorum at 30%-22%, and Huntsman at 19%-22%.

And in the PPP numbers, Gingrich’s numbers are 68%-23%, compared to 57%-31% for Cain, 48%-39% for Romney, followed by Bachmann at 40%-41%, Perry at 35%-49%, and Paul at 31%-52%.

The polls also explored the ongoing story surrounding the accusations that have been made against Herman Cain, involving alleged past sexual harassment.

For CNN’s sample of all American adults — not just Republicans — they also asked: “Who do you tend to believe — the women who have made these charges, or Herman Cain?” The answer 50% for the women, to only 33% for Cain — but among the Republican sub-sample only, the answer was the other way around at Cain 53%, the women 28%.

Similarly, CNN also asked all respondents: “Do you generally think the news media have behaved responsibly or irresponsibly in their coverage of the charges against Herman Cain?” The answer was a 48%-48% tie int he wider pool, but among Republicans it stood at only 36% saying the media have behaved responsibly, to 62% saying they have behaved responsibly.

PPP also asked their Republican respondents a variety of questions about the accusations. The results were very positive for Cain:

Q8. Do you think allegations of sexual harassment against Herman Cain that came out this week are mostly true or false?
Mostly true - 24%
Mostly false.54%
Not sure - 22%

Q9. Is your opinion of Herman Cain now more positive, more negative, or unchanged from what it was before these allegations came out?
More positive 9%
More negative - 26%
Unchanged - 63%
Not sure. 2%

Q10. Do you think that the media’s treatment of Herman Cain this week has been mostly fair or unfair?
Mostly fair - 26%
Mostly unfair - 61%
Not sure - 13%
2012, 2012 Presidential Primaries, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Polls, Presidential Primaries
Eric Kleefeld

Eric Kleefeld joined TPM as an intern for the final months of the 2006 midterm elections, and then kept showing up for work. His other interests include guitars, old comic books and the politics of various English-speaking countries.

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John Tell 5 pts

Newt's going to be the next serial imploder in the large roster of losers. Huntsman seems like a respectable candidate but doesn't have the leading-man recognition to get the nomination, in my opinion, or Buddy Roemer either. The only nationally prominent Republican who could jump into the race now with a chance of winning the nomination is Senator Mitch McConnell, I think.

Mulkie 62 pts

John Tell It seems like many of these candidates know they don't have a chance, as did Palin, but are running to "sell something".I believe they see book deals in the future, enhanced speaking fees, general recognition, chance to be appointed to a seat on an administration, or to be elected or reelected for a seat in congress. Corporate boards and lobbyist jobs can also be in the mix. Anyhow, it takes an ego to run for POTUS. It takes any ego to run for any office. To do so really means one has something to offer, just anything. Most of us are average and have average competency in something. Oh, we may be doctors or lawyers but we still are average and maybe more average than others. But to determine that you can create policies that are good for the balance of the people and just "want to serve" to make lives better is sheer hubris. It is not however if one wants to get to powerful offices to better one's own life and "heck" with the others which is what seems to be the goal of most of our congressional leaders. It is a good gig to basically make more money as well.

pitsmcgoo 209 pts

Interesting. The same number Republicans who think Obama was born in Kenya think Cain is being framed by the liberal media.

carpetbagger_1968 69 pts

pitsmcgoo Huh. Maybe they aren't really racist, just stupid?

mschapira 15 pts

Raise your hand if you think that a thrice married, twice divorced, Catholic philanderer, who converted away from the Southern Baptist Church, and is the only Speaker of the House to be sanctioned ($300,000) who led the impeachment of Clinton (for what?) at the same time that he was having an affair with Calista, and shut down the government has a chance in hell. Well, he doesn't. And not just for the obvious reasons. Nor even because he worked with Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton. It's because every time he opens his mouth, you just want to say, "Geez! This guy is a d*ck!"

RealDB 372 pts

President Gingrich's (vomit inducing thought) first act will be a resumption of the Contract On America.

Say it again with me, President Gingrich, then do a shot of pepto.

gdspeedy 84 pts

Just when you think the GOP has hit the bottom of the barrel , they scrape past the putrid ooze that would gag a maggot and find Newt.

amatthews0417 73 pts

So the country has stooped to a new low (so to speak). Who'd have imagined a day when this discredited old fool would be considered a viable candidate for the Presidency?

cacamp 40 pts

I just saw a vid on dkos that wil pop the Newt bubble if it gets some play on teabagger sites. It's a video of Newt and Pelosi sitting together agreeing on how dangerous CLIMATE CHANGE is and how they both support legislation to end carbon uses.

Can you imagine what the wingnuts will say when they see Newt being all chummy with Nancy and saying he'll stand with her to combat global warming?

labman57 132 pts

The other candidates have been stinking up the joint so badly that voters have become desensitized to Newt's stench.

shoes4industry 547 pts

Huntsman will be the last man standing.

barfthemawg 5 pts

It's times like these I go into the basement, turn on the television, and pretend the west wing is real life.

bushsucks12 74 pts

NO NO NO NO!!!!!! I can not possiblly stand to have the current Mrs. Newt being more visible then she already is. I will have to find some cave to hide in. She will be all over the networks trying to pump this nonsense up AHHHHHHHH Run away run away!!!!!

amatthews0417 73 pts

She's like one of those creatures in a old Sci-Fi movie. You just KNOW she could incinerate you with one look out of those eyeballs. BZZZZZZ! and all you have left is a little pile of ashes on the floor. bushsucks12

Douglas Friede 86 pts

LMFAO..are you serious??? The flavor of the week...rotton fruit...oooppps rotton Newt.....AHAHAHAHAH Please, just like the serial sexpervert, (Cain) PLEASE Oh PLEASE NOMINATE THIS SERIAL PERVERT.....PLEASE NOW! NEXT!!!

rscalf 13 pts

Wasn't Donal Trump in the lead for a couple of weeks?

lockwood 10 pts

I would rather be listening to Huntsman and Paul debate than ever see the clown posse on stage again. This drama is too predictable.

dennismartin30 25 pts

Jan 2013,

"If you want to know the State of the Union, it's all there in my latest book, $39.99 in the White House bookshop

JEP 2582 pts

dennismartin30 "be sure and check out the Tiffany items..."

jjdjjd 54 pts

i saw eric kleefeld in a biker bar, guess what he was doing......

KYshiner 12 pts

Gosh, have their choice come down to mean, him?? Okay, strike up the band playing, "Proud to be an American," show some photos of him with Reagan, and do what you can to make this turd smell a little rosier... Sorry folks, I just don't see it working.

David 3978 pts

But I think that the most likely reason of all

May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.

booond 90 pts

This is poor planning on Newt's part. He wants to get out after Iowa and keep the rest of the money. He doesn't want to be a contender, he wants to keep his speaking engagements.

FreedToChoose 183 pts

Looks like it's going to be between two seasoned politicians: Romney and Gingrich. I'm looking forward to the others finding graceful exits so we can hear what these two have to say.

David 3978 pts

FreedToChoose Seasoned? As in heavily spiced? As in Spicy Gingrich Divorce Stories?

gdspeedy 84 pts

I'll save you the time of listening:

Newt: DERP!

Mitt: DERP(flip) DERR? (Flop) DERP !


mdelaune57 18 pts

The Dick Armey Party wants to refight the Clinton Wars. They eat it once, they can eat it again.

Mickey Bitsko 6528 pts

mdelaune57 Now that's living high off the hog.

joissc 6 pts

See the Tea Party Rocker Chris Holly LIVE w/ Newt Gingrich Nov 28th Charleston SC. music vid of GOP hopefuls.

YouBetcha 55 pts

ChrisHollyMusic ahhhh don't hold your breath

Carlos Fiance 1308 pts

ChrisHollyMusic You trying to be the Hi-Caliber of this election cycle?

RealDB 372 pts

ChrisHollyMusic bad Dylan cover for the Teabagged, nice, Chris I hope you appreciate the irony of the power in the lyrics of this song compared to how you are using it.

CareySub 396 pts

Sadder and sadder. What a pathetic shell of human being you must be (if indeed you are not a "bot").

jjdjjd 54 pts


its true, look up wilson.

bearclaw 1601 pts

jjdjjdCareySub I did. Turns out "Wilson" was a volleyball.

Chesire 2151 pts

bearclaw jjdjjd CareySub Yeah, but he circulated a petition when a basketball tried to move into the neighborhood.

Chesire 2151 pts

jjdjjd Yes...not sure what that has to do with the discussion...

Mickey Bitsko 6528 pts

Chesire Something brought up by Rush Limpaw today perhaps?

Carlos Fiance 1308 pts


Well, that's true.

I guess even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then.

jjdjjd 54 pts

as i write this i thought you guys would like to know that jon corzine, liberal democrat, was responsible for the 8th largest bankruptcy filing in our history.

Chesire 2151 pts

jjdjjd ...behind seven conservative republicans, no doubt!

jjdjjd 54 pts


actually not....look it up.

Chesire 2151 pts

jjdjjd Don't much care either way...a businessman is motivated by greed whether he is a Democrat, an Independent or a republican.

bearclaw 1601 pts

Chesirejjdjjd Was it Saint Jerome who wrote, "Every rich man is either a thief, or the son of a thief"?

rhewitt 541 pts

jjdjjdChesire At least he didn't pay any taxes. That's a relief.

Chesire 2151 pts

bearclaw jjdjjd I'm not sure, but it sounds like him...personally, I've always felt he would make the perfect patron saint of blogs, lol!

jjdjjd 54 pts


there are no saints.

JEP 2582 pts


look it up

jeffgee 926 pts

bearclawChesirejjdjjd There is no great fortune without larceny.

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