Trip report from Washington, MacPherson Square, Occupy Congress, and Freedom Plaza

NOTE: Readers, there are a number of photographs on the full post, and I hope the page isn't too slow to load. And I'm sorry this post took so long for me to write, but as it turned out I had a lot to think about.

* * *

Thanks to Correntians helping out, and thanks especially to Coyote Creek, who let me crash in her hotel room, I was able to visit DC for Occupy Congress. Like any tourist, I've got pictures, not the best, but at least authentic! I'm going to put the pictures up more or less in their order of taking, give impressions, with an occasional nugget of analysis, as I go along. Take what you like and leave the rest....

However, before I walk through my time in DC, here's why DC has always felt creepy to me. And it's a fine illustration of "what's normal is the problem" however you define normal. Along the National Mall:

Yes, friends, in DC Politico is a freebie. A shopper. And you can guess what's being shopped.

So, I got into DC late on Monday -- and thanks again to Correntians, I could take Amtrak*, which has WiFi (of a sort), rather than cobble together several Chinese buses -- and met the violet-eyed Coyote Creek at the hotel. She was full of energy and suggested we walk over to MacPherson Park. (Amazingly, the OccupyDC encampments there and in Freedom Plaza were within walking distance of both the hotel, Congress, and the White House.) And so we did; it was rainy and chill (at least for DC):

The Job Guarantee and the MMT Core: Part Fourteen, MMT Is A Holistic Knowledge Claim Network

The recent extensive blogosphere discussion on the JG and the MMT core began with a post by John Carney that stated his opposition to the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Job Guarantee proposal and claimed it either wasn’t an essential component of MMT, or that if it was, then MMT was wrong. Cullen Roche, a well-known popularizer of MMT at his Pragmatic Capitalism blog then asserted:

Susie needs help with the medical bills


From Naked Capitalism --- The Real Deal with SmartPhones and Chinese "Competitiveness"

Know anybody who still thinks Steve Jobs is a god, or even a near-decent human being? Who doesn’t understand what’s meant by “Chinese competitiveness” in attracting iPhone and other computer & smartphone assembly business? Who doesn’t believe their favorite gadgets are assembled in near-slave conditions?

Plantidote of the Day 2012-01-23

dendrobium orchid

Dendrobium orchid

Criminogenic Environments, Bubbles and Financial Crises

Izvestia's Tom Friedman is the stupidest columnist on the face of the earth

The moustache of understanding opines today:

A Washington Post-ABC News poll released on Friday found that two-thirds of Americans would consider voting for a third-party presidential candidate, while 48 percent definitely wanted a third party in the race. Now what does that tell you? It tells you that with the campaign about to go into full swing, as the president delivers his State of the Union address next week, voters are still casting about for a leader with a winning message.

No, it tells what it tells, you stupid Fuck.

Deceit in progress

Check out Obama's new online ad.

Obama’s denial of Keystone XL tar sands pipeline permit was an easy decision, for now

While the current Keystone XL permit application is dead, the pipeline might not be. The administration will allow TransCanada to reapply for a permit after it develops an alternate route around the Nebraska Sandhills, a sensitive habitat.

Shut down the corporations

February 29, 2012, Be there or be square!

Mass Register of Deeds O'Brien sends Obama's AG Holder 31,897 fraudulent foreclosure docs, asks for criminal prosecutions


On Wednesday, John O'Brien Jr., register of deeds in Salem, Mass., announced that he had sent 31,897 allegedly fraudulent foreclosure-related documents to Holder. O'Brien said he asked for a criminal investigation of servicers and their law firms that had filed the documents because they "show a pattern of fraud," forgery and false notarizations.

Granted, criminal prosecutions of the servicers. The banksters are the next link in the food chain.

Ever wonder how our parasitic overlords live with themselves?

Binge Drinking—Especially by Wealthy—Is Surging in US

Binge drinking by Americans is much higher than originally thought—especially among the more affluent households, a recent report by the Centers for Disease Control finds.

Gingrich wins SC

That's hilarious.

10 Questions Re the West’s Nuclear-Winterization of the Arab Spring

Clearly the Syrians are going through unimaginable hells with the merciless oppression of their leadership. According to Nadin Abbott:

The Syrian unrest started in March 2011, on the heels of the successful Arab Spring In Tunis and Egypt. As Syrians took to the streets to demand that President Bashar Al Assad step down, the regime quickly clamped down. The Syrian government used armed personnel and snipers against peaceful demonstrators. Many people were kidnapped and taken by the security forces, after which they were tortured and in many cases killed.


Occupy South Carolina disproportionately veterans

Al Jazeera:

The stereotypical Occupier is often portrayed as a young, unemployed, college student. That may be one demographic - but far from the only one.

South Carolina, with its many military bases and academies, has a lot of veterans - and a disproportionate number of Occupiers seem to be veterans. Of the 11 people arrested when Occupy Charleston set up a short-lived encampment in the city's Marion Square, five were veterans, including Ramon Caraballo of Charleston.

Obama proposes to raid pension funds to bail out banks

Talks set out terms of US mortgage deal

The banks would receive less credit if they reduce balances for loans packaged in bonds or by reducing monthly payments through cuts in borrowers’ interest rates. In one scenario, the banks would get about 50 cents of credit for every $1 of reduced mortgage principal in home loans used to back bonds. In another scenario, balances on loans held on the banks’ books that are cut in the first year of the deal would receive $1.25 credit. This means, under certain circumstances, the aid to homeowners would be less than the aggregate size of the settlement, people familiar with the matter said.

So I met Jill Stein last night…

There was a little meet and greet session with her in DC while she was in town supporting the various Occupy actions this week in DC.

And I have to say, she was pretty awesome. The event was open to anyone, no guest list or anything. She reminded me a little of Elizabeth Warren; very likable and energetic with this really sincere warmth about her. No ego AT ALL. There were no handlers, security personnel, etc. You could literally just reach over, tap her on the shoulder and introduce yourself. By far the most open and approachable politico I’ve ever met.

Slapping the little guys back into line

After watching the banksters swagger around, looting and pillaging, for over a generation, I have pretty much decided that the most we can hope to achieve in controlling these criminals is serious regulation.  I still applaud the wag who suggested that "the regulation of the financial services business should be so comprehensive and strict, the head of Goldman Sachs would have to get a hall pass from Marcy Kaptur to take a dump." But in reality, I would settle for financial services being treated like a regulated utility.

But look what happened to Hungary when she attempted to put some restrictions on the "sacred" independence of the central bank.  The EU has stepped in to explain how her government will be allowed to run.   Actually, the restrictions Hungary wanted impose are very reasonable—which pretty much means my reform wish list will never happen. (sigh)  I especially liked the part where central bankers were required to swear a loyalty oath to the country.  Imagine asking a central banker to place the well-being of his country above the institutional needs of the central bank. (the horror)  Gotta bring the big guns down on that! (cross posted at real economics)

Occupy Apple

Why is Occupy Tampa protesting inside malls?

More than a dozen from Occupy Tampa laid down inside the Apple Store at International Plaza and at Best Buy on Dale Mabry on Monday night. Protestors say they were trying to represent the bodies of 14 Chinese Apple workers who they say committed suicide due to miserable working conditions.

'Mass suicide' protest at Apple manufacturer Foxconn factory

Israel supporter completely out of control

Op-ed in Atlanta Jewish Times says the slaying of the president may be an effective way to thwart Iran's nuclear program.

NEW YORK - The owner and publisher of the Atlanta Jewish Times, Andrew Adler, has suggested that Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to consider ordering a Mossad hit team to assassinate U.S. President Barack Obama so that his successor will defend Israel against Iran.

Clearly the war party is losing its mind.

Occupy the courts around the nation

Chicagoans join Occupy the Courts protests

Detroit Group Joins National Protest Of Supreme Court Decision

Protesters gathered outside the Theodore Levin U.S. Courthouse in downtown Detroit Friday afternoon, joining the nationwide Occupy Our Courts protest taking place at more than 130 courthouses across the country.

Kansas City part of Occupy the Court events across U.S.

The Job Guarantee and the MMT Core: Part Thirteen, John Carney Is Full of Talking Points and That's Polite

In a piece called “More Questions About the Job Guarantee,” John Carney provides some links to the continuing debate on the Job Guarantee (JG). All the links are to posts critical of the JG idea except a link to one of my four posts critical of Carney’s earlier work and supportive of the JG. The four posts are all at Daily Kos, but also at MyFDL,, and

David Sirota on Bigotry

Perhaps this is cheating, but rather than giving a link to follow, I'm reproducing a newspaper column by David Sirota. The original can be found here. He makes a very good point - one that I think is the reason that liberals are foaming at the mouth about Ron Paul. Agree or disagree?

Our Selective Definition of Bigotry

"If they have any value at all anymore, presidential election campaigns at least remain larger-than-life mirrors reflecting back painful truths about our society. As evidence, ponder the two-sided debate over Republican candidate Ron Paul and bigotry.

"First-world problems"

Teh awesome:

“We sat on the tarmac with the AC off and no Wi-Fi for 20 minutes after boarding the plane.”

“You can order a pizza from your computer but you still have to get up to answer the door.”

Just... Ouch. More and more.

Help the hamsters with their winter heating bill ...

… as they power the wheels that turn the servers at The Mighty Corrente Building. Please, won’t you help them keep their cages shiny?

No PayPal Account required! Give the hamsters immediate relief!

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Corrente is completely supported by contributions from readers. Thank you!

Download Citibank Plutonomy files

Part 1 [PDF]

Part 2 [PDF]

Good reading! Favorite quote: What could go wrong?
Beyond war, inflation, the end of the technology/productivity wave, and financial collapse, we think the most potent and short-term threat would be societies demanding a more ‘equitable’ share of wealth.

The 12 Word Platform

1. Medicare for All

2. End the Wars

3. Tax the Rich

4. A Jobs Guarantee

Senior fellows of The Mighty Corrente Building

Leah (CA), Lambert (PA/ME), RDF (??), BDBlue (DC), Hipparchia (FL), MsExPat (NY), letsgetitdone (DC), twig (LA), Tony Wikrent, (NC), jawbone (PA).

Corresponding fellows


Western Coordinator



Health care reform: DCBlogger.

Fellows emeritus

mjs, Riggsveda, Tresy, Tom, hekebolos, chicagodyke, shystee, and Xenophon, Vastleft (MA), Sarah (TX).

Random term

A ritual term of abuse used of liberals by wingers when the winger lacks a substantive response to an argument. Synonym: "Shut up!" Sometimes used ironically by liberals. Usage example, with irony: I used to like Paul Krugman when he wrote about economics, but lately he's been getting too shrill (from Atrios).

I support Americans United for Separation of Church and State.

Americans United is dedicated to preserving the constitutional principle of church-state separation as the only way to ensure religious freedom for all Americans.