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Read PDFs of many of Dave's journal articles and monographs at
Kopel's new book,
Aiming for Liberty: The Past, Present, And Future of Freedom and
Self-Defense, is now available for on
Barnes & Noble.
Japanese version of this entire website.
Great My
father's essays on Colorado and national politics, based on his 22
years of service as a Colorado State Representative.
How Does The Independence Institute Make A Real Difference For Gun Rights?
Kopel discusses his Senate testimony on Sen. Schumer's gun control bill. NRA News, Nov. 15, 2011.
"Braveheart 2.0." Kopel on Russia
Today television, Crosstalk Program, discussing Scottish
independence with representatives of Labour and the Scottish
National Party. Feb. 6, 2012.
In Congress and
on D.C. Council's proposed revision to the District's gun
control laws. Kopel argues against a provision which
excessively discriminates against people with visual
impairments. The testimony also critiques D.C.'s unusual
system of long gun registration. Feb. 13, 2012.
Kopel testified on Nov. 17 before the U.S. Senate
on Crime and Terrorism regarding S. 463, SenatorSchumer's
bill to vastly expand the number of people prohibited from
owning or temporarily possessing a firearm. 29-page
written testimony.
Video of subcommittee hearing. Kopel's 5 minute prepared
remarks begin at 72:41. At 103:40, there is a Q&A with
Senator Grassley, with leads to follow-up questions with
Senator Schumer, in which Kopel explains to Schumer what the
Schumer bill actually does. Kopel
discusses the bill on NRA News. Media coverage:
Governing, Albany
Times Union.
Kopel testified on Sept. 13 before the U.S. House
subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security,
regarding H.R. 822, which would set up a national system of
interstate reciprocity for concealed handgun carry permits.
Kopel's 24-page written
Video of the subcommittee hearing. Cato Institute
podcast with Kopel on the issue.
In the Media
‘Fahrenheit 9/11′ Lies Revisited: Leftist Filmmakers Split Profits from
Defaming President Bush. Big Hollywood. by Jeffrey Scott Shapiro. Feb.
18, 2012.
Individual mandate: Independence Institute
amicus brief in HHS v. Florida Supreme Court case.
Argues that the individual mandate cannot be justified by the
Necessary and Proper clause.
Medicaid mandate:
Independence Institute
amicusbrief in Florida v. HHS, before the
US Supreme Court. Argues that the Obamacare Medicaid mandate
(states must drastically expand Medicaid eligibility, or lose
all federal matching funds for Medicaid) violates the
Amicus brief
in People v. Aguilar, currently before the Supreme
Court of Illinois. Professors Michael O'Shea, Nicholas Johnson,
and Kopel argue that Illinois's complete prohibition of
defensive carry in public places violates the Second Amendment.
Amicus brief for the Independence Institute in Kerr v.
Hickenlooper (D. Colo.). Rebuts plaintiffs' claim that
direct democracy, such as referenda and initiatives, is contrary
to the Republican Form of Government clause of the U.S.
by II Senior Fellow Rob Natelson on the brief.
Amicus brief for the International Law Enforcement Educators
and Trainers Association, and the Independence Institute, in
Peruta v. San Diego (9th Circuit). Details why the carrying
of an unloaded handgun--which can only be loaded under
"imminent" threat--is insufficient to effectuate the
constitutional right of armed self-defense. Also details police
interests in encouraging concealed carry rather than open carry.
Includes numerous short videos to illustrate the brief's
descriptions of how guns are loaded, and how they are deployed
in an emergency.
amicus brief
for the County Sheriffs of Colorado in Students for
Concealed Carry on Campus v. Regents of the University of of
Colorado (Colo. Sup. Ct.).
Latest short articles
Holder Must Go. Attorney General Eric Holder's lies and
half-truths in the "Fast and Furious" aftermath are nothign new.
A look at the past shows a long history of dishonesty and
disdain for the truth and the law.
America's 1st Freedom.
Mar. 2012.
Hiding Behind State's Rights. Anti-gunners are hiding
behind the false claim that right-to-carry reciprocity violates
states' rights.
America's 1st Freedom.
Against All
Odds. The defeat of the handgun confiscation initiative in
Massachusetts in 1976.
America's 1st Freedom.
Feb. 2012.
Scary Tales
About Kids and Guns. Fatal firearms accidents among children are at an
all-time low, even as the per-capita gun supply rises.
America's 1st Freedom.
Feb. 2012.
Will gun owners get caught sleeping? Polling data from
the past half-century show tremendous progress in public support
for Second Amendment rights. But those gains could be reversed
if Second Amendment supporters become apathetic.
America's 1st Freedom.
Dec. 2011.
Is Heller Hollow?
Explains the court battle over 2d Amendment standard of review.
America's 1st Freedom. Nov. 2011.
Latest Monographs & Journal articles
Obamacare in
Wonderland. (Boston University) American Journal of Law
& Medicine (forthcoming 2012). With Gary Lawson.
Colombia's National Law of Firearms and Explosives.
Full translation of the Colombian statutes, along with
historical and narrative explanation. Independence Institute
Issue Paper no. 3-2011. By Jonathan Edward Shaw.
Bad News for Professor Koppelman: The Incidental
Unconstitutionality of the Individual Mandate. 121 Yale Law
Journal Online 267 (2011). With Gary Lawson.
Laws of Every Description”: John Marshall’s Ruling on a Federal Health Care
Law. 12 Engage (no. 1, June
2011): 49-54. With
Robert G. Natelson.
How Many Global Deaths from
Arms? Reasons to Question the 740,000 Factoid being used to Promote
the Arms Trade Treaty.5 NYU Journal of Law & Liberty
(2010). With Paul Gallant & Joanne D. Eisen.
Commerce in the Commerce Clause: A Response to Jack Balkin.
109 Michigan Law Review First Impressions 55 (2010). With Robert G.
Latest Television, Radio, Podcasts,
Print Media
Colorado Inside Out. Jan. 13,
2012. Governor Hickenlooper's State of the State speech, the Colorado
Legislature, and the New Hampshire Primary.
Postgame: Fostering
entrepreneurship in Colorado.
Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 30,
2011. Predictions for the next year.
More predictions.
Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 23,
2011. The year in review.
Favorite new stories of 2011.
Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 16,
2011. Lobato vs. State of Colorado, Legislative
maps, and the State Board of Ed.'s privacy rule rescinded.
More on the Lobato school funding case.
Colorado Inside Out. Dec. 9,
2011. Congressional map controversy, Joe Miklosi and
the 6th CD, Denver Police Dept. text messages, and a potential
space port.
Postgame: More on congressional maps.
Colorado Inside Out.
1951 time
machine episode. First aired in early July 2011.
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Nothing written here is to be construed as
necessarily representing the views of the Independence Institute or as an
attempt to influence any election or legislative action. Please send
comments to Independence Institute, 13952 Denver West Pkwy., suite 400,
Golden, CO 80401 Phone 303-279-6536. (email webmngr @