Illegal immigration
is the act where the immigrants are living in the country without getting permission from the government. The main cause for illegal immigration is producing illegal documents to the government. The attorneys are taking the effort to enforce the paper requirements to be legal for immigrants. Generally through this illegal immigration, the children will be suffered a lot. The issues of those childrenâs are social, political, and moral and economic. But the education is the largest issue for the llegal immigration community.
Arizona immigration law SB1070 is producing the shelters with food and beds and it is used to send the human rights to observe the border crossings of the states. It allows the law enforcement agencies to deport the individual from the U.S The issues of Arizona state S.B. 1070 involves, state rights, civil rights, constitutional law state immigration policy etc.
According to the Arizona immigration law SB1070 , a person who is traveling in this state is considered as an illegal immigrant under the following circumstances. The individual enters the state or country without getting an approval or permission from the immigration officers. If he refused to attend exam, which is conducted by the authorities or if he produces false documents to the immigration offices.
Under such circumstances, Illegal immigration is considered as an illegal activity. Many of the illegal immigrants produce false documents and enter into a various country and while inspection they all been caught to the respected authorities. The illegal immigrants cannot undergo any medical examination if also he experiences any illness. There are some implications of Arizona immigration law sb1070.Racial profiling is the major problem which arises among Hispanics, and another one is national immigration policies.
This is a misconception of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that contributions United States citizenship on those born on American soil, comprising children of illegal aliens. The equal protection clause in the constitution gives protection for the illegal immigrants and it stops any law that denies civil rights to any human being.
Illegal immigrants know that the odds are squat that United States immigration authorities will extradite them, if they have a child who is an American citizen. Arizona immigration is not seemed to break any new ground of civil liberties groups. The sb1070 Arizona Immigration Law was signed by Arizona Governor, on April 23rd 2010;and 90 days later it became legally enforceable.
Federal immigration policy will support the Arizona law for the dealing of illegal immigration law. The specialty of this law is, it will show the culprit and try to suspect the illegal immigrant of the nation. The police can contact federal agencies to prove a person’s identity if he is an illegal immigrant.