‘If they wanted “that garbage” they knew where to look’
Imagine that… there were leftists upset about the John 3:16 commercial aired during the Broncos/Patriots game over the weekend. Melinda Henneberger at the Washington Post: Though not exactly a Benetton commercial – I think I spied one black girl in the crowd at the end – was there anything wrong with a pitch that verbally, anyway, [...]
Huntsman reportedly out of GOP race; will endorse Romney
ABC News is reporting: Jon Huntsman will drop out of the Republican presidential race on Monday, a campaign spokesman told ABC News. A source close to the Huntsman campaign said the former ambassador to China and Utah governor was “proud of the race that he ran” but “did not want to stand in the way” [...]
Obama Saves The Grand Canyon
Okay, he didn’t really save it. But that’s how the left is spinning the news that Interior Secretary Ken Salazar has placed a 20 year ban on uranium and other mining on 1 million acres in the Grand Canyon National Park area. Salazar, who continues to believe that America’s energy future is Solar Energy, said [...]
Now there’s an all-star lineup
I remain uninspired by Mitt Romney who, if elected, may turn out to be a fine president but hasn’t done anything of note to convince me he’s got the strength of conviction needed to push through the kind of radical changes we need to keep USS America afloat. Time will tell if he sews up [...]
As rare as the whooping crane
There was a time when you saw them everywhere. Now they’re almost non-existent and as we head into this election year they’re conspicuous in their absence. It’s depressing. Frankly, America deserves better but doesn’t seem to have the stomach for the radical course correction needed. Credible budget hawks? Auto commercials that don’t include the syllable [...]
South Carolina: ‘Mitt The Ripper’ Ad Now Showing
In South Carolina, the Stephen Colbert Super PAC which is now under the control of John Stewart (what could go wrong?) is running an ad titled “Mitt the Ripper.” The ad, which is actually kind of humorous, is playing off of Romney’s comment that “corporations are people too.” The once titled Colbert Super PAC is [...]
Obama DOE urged Solyndra to postpone layoff announcement until after Nov 2010 election
My colleague TWB just linked to a CBS News story that exposed a dozen risky loans made by the Department of Energy to ‘green energy’ companies. Five of those companies including Solyndra, have now filed for bankruptcy protection. This week’s Friday White House document dump also yielded more interesting information about the crony relationship between [...]
Saturday Economics Lesson #2 – The Parable of the Leaf Blower
How do redistributionists like President Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and other prominent liberals understand the process of creating jobs? Zombie offers an interesting parable: [A]n intriguing paradox I observed first-hand just a few months ago when I visited a relative who lived in a suburban tract: Twice a week, my relative hired a “gardener” to clean [...]
Reader Survey
What do you the reader want in the contents of this blog? Right Wing News founder John Hawkins has stated that a blog needs original content in order to attract and to keep readers. With that bit of advice in mind, I want you the reader to tell us writers just what keeps you returning [...]
‘This is not a “Sit-It-Out-And-Pout” election’
Gerard Vanderleun is passing on some wisdom for those of us who aren’t exactly enamored with Barack Hussein Obama: Yes, nothing is damaging the “Conservative Brand” lately more than the rolling stupidity that is lumping itself around the failure of the Republicans to come up with a viable candidate that is more “Conservative” than Mitt [...]
Cruise ship in Med runs aground, flips on side, 3 dead, many missing (UPDATED)(AGAIN)
I expect the death toll to climb: Survivors from a luxury cruise ship that ran aground and tipped over, leaving at least three dead and 69 people still unaccounted for, described Saturday a chaotic evacuation, as plates and glasses crashed and they crawled along upended hallways trying to reach safety. Three bodies were recovered from [...]