Patterico's Pontifications


What They’re Saying

Filed under: — Patterico @ 7:53 am

“[K]eep up the great work. Love the blog.” — Tony Snow

“. . . the Poster Child for the very hypocrisy and intellectual dishonesty which I was highlighting.” — Glenn Greenwald

“. . . the great blogger Patterico . . .” — Ann Coulter

“Wanker of the Day” — Atrios

“I have great respect for his abilities as a blogger . . .” — Instapundit

“Congratulations, Patterico, for a new high-water mark in dopey criticism.” — Michael “Mikekoshi” Hiltzik

“. . . obsessed with the liberal bias of the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Cathy Seipp

“You’re the guy who’s always ragging on me, right?” — Chuck Philips

“One the most conservative voices in the blogosphere . . .” — Andrew Sullivan

“. . . hard-core conservative blogger[] . . .” — CNN

“Glenn Greenwald stalker . . .” — TBogg

“The ever vigilant and always thorough Patterico . . .” — Michelle Malkin

” . . . generic warblogger[] . . .” — Ted Rall

“Someone should explain why the editors at the Los Angeles Times are so inept that one man – Patterico – can make fools out of them again and again.” — Roger L. Simon

“. . . mixes a conservative take on local media (particularly The Times, which has recently begun beefing up its blog presence) and politics at all levels.” — The Los Angeles Times

“. . . SpongeBob-Dobson-smackdown enthusiast[]” — Josh Marshall

“Kudos to Patterico; this is one of the more impressive critiques of modern journalism that you will ever read.” — John Hinderaker of Power Line

“Feel free to stop reading TalkLeft any time now.” — Jeralyn Merritt

“Patterico’s Pontifications has a great point . . .” — Eugene Volokh

” . . . a blogging robot who is under the command of various gnomes and/or leprechauns who are constantly fighting to be in control of pulling his levers and dictating what he gets to say.” — Brad Reed of “Sadly No”

“God, I hope I never do anything that results in his prosecuting me…” — Marc “Armed Liberal” Danziger

“Nitpicker.” — Bill from INDC Journal

“Patterico nails it.” — Tammy Bruce

“. . . excellent work exposing the bias of the Los Angeles Times.” — Charles Johnson

“There’s nothing honorable about what you’re doing.” — The Commissar

“. . . a useful thorn in the side of the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Dan Gillmor

“. . . keeps a close watch on the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Dan Weintraub

“. . . petulant and shrieking . . .” — Glenn Greenwald

“. . . one of the best in the blogosphere.” — Mary Katharine Ham

“[F]uck off.” — Jeff Goldstein

“Read the whole thing, and someone get [David] Geffen an emergency lunch with Patterico.” — Captain Ed

“. . . well worth reading.” — Instapundit

“. . . just another run-of-the-mill right-wing blogger . . .” — Frank Ferrone of El Cajon

“”stupid . . . idiotic . . . [d]umb, dumb, dumb . . . mentally incontinent whining . . . mindless crap . . . incomprehensible gibbering . . . dolt . . . numbnuts . . . Pattynumbnuts . . . idiot wingnut . . . unbridled prevaricator . . . damned liar” — Our friend Alex

“While Patterico sometimes makes gratuitous sneers, at least he has substantive accomplishments in correcting press errors . . .” — Bradley J. Fikes

“Patterico has the story” — Instapundit

“Faster than a speeding fiat! More powerful than a moribund newspaper… It’s Patterico, who once more makes mince meat of my hometown snooze The Los Angeles Times . . .” — Roger L. Simon

“. . . excellent blog . . .” — Pundit Review

“. . . vigilant MSM watchdog Patterico . . .” — Michelle Malkin

“. . . the obviously girlfriend-less Patterico . . .” — TBogg

“. . . if you haven’t already done so, add Patterico to your blogroll.” — Captain Ed

“. . . has been doing a yeoman’s job of criticizing the Los Angeles Times on his blog Patterico’s Pontifications” — Roger L. Simon

“. . . my friend Patterico . . .” — Beldar

“Patterico’s whining is just another example of Conservatives playing the Victim Card.” — David Ehrenstein

“Patterico always has something interesting to say . . .” — Captain Ed

“. . . a thorough and impressive piece of work.” — Scott Johnson of Power Line

“. . . has done remarkable work over a long period of time documenting the bias and carelessness that has become routine for the Los Angeles Times.” — Captain Ed

“. . . noted blogosphere critic of the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Captain Ed

“It’s difficult to think of any blogger who has done more to benefit the public, through his thorough and diligent review of the [L.A.] Times, than Patterico.” — Antimedia

“Patterico has jumped the shark, if he ever was on the near side of it.” — Blackavar

“. . . a worthy adversary and someone whose views, especially where it concerns the law, should be taken seriously.” — Ed Brayton

“. . . LA Times critic extraordinaire . . .” — Commonwealth Conservative

“The sharp-eyed Patterico . . .” — Rathergate

“. . . intrepid and dogged work on exposing bias at the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Captain Ed

“The great Patterico . . .” — Michelle Malkin

“. . . if I were a less-than-ethical journalist, Patterico is the one person I wouldn’t want on my trail.” — Rathergate

“The Los Angeles Times has, to its credit, once again published its greatest Blogospheric critic . . .” — Double Toothpicks

“. . . brilliant at holding the LA Times accountable for its egregious bias . . .” — Captain Ed

“As usual, superb work by Patterico.” — Commonwealth Conservative

“. . . the mighty Patterico . . .” — Michelle Malkin

“. . .the worst nightmare of The Los Angeles Times . . .” — Rathergate

“. . . a very grumpy Patterico . . .” — Matthew Stinson

“. . . the well-respected Patterico . . .” — B. Austin Higgins

“. . . Patterico’s Pontifications absolutely owns the Los Angeles Times . . .” — Dafydd ab Hugh

” . . . has been at the forefront of the effort to hold the Los Angeles Times accountable for its dreadful editorial bias . . .” — Captain Ed

“Your blog is a good read.” — Michelle Malkin

“I tend to find Patterico’s rants too politically motivated to get anything from them, but maybe I should check him out more often.” — Kevin Roderick

” . . . excellent blog . . .” — Captain Ed

“Parrotico.” — The Commissar

“It’s fascinating stuff; read it all.” — John Hinderaker of Power Line

“My old pal Patterico . . .” — Radley Balko (speaking ironically)

“He has done an excellent job of cataloguing the various gaffes and outrages of the Los Angeles Times, so much so that his annual reviews of the paper become a must-read.” — Captain Ed

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