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Archive for March, 2011

Limbaugh and I talk about his unrelenting racism

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The thing is, y’all don’t know the half of it. When you wait on hold to talk to Rush, during the commercial and news breaks, you’re subjected to a series interstitials that can only appeal to racists. Rush, I think, calls them, “entertaining”. He’s got some guy doing impressions of Jesse Jackson, Ron Artest, Al Sharpton and several other African Americans. Each of them are essentially audio minstrel shows that depict blacks as stupid and incompetent hustlers. I guess white racists need to laugh too, but Rush should take responsibility for doing what he does.

Of course, there’s a lot more to Rush’s racism than his rarely heard interstitials. (You hear them on his live webcasts from RushLimbaugh.com as well).

The truth is that race – and being on the wrong side of the issue – is a favorite topic on Rush’s radio show. He’ll talk about the Black Panther voting case for years, but I don’t think I ever heard him mention anything about Republican voter caging or the wholesale disenfranchisement of people with black-sounding names in 2000′s Florida election.

When the economy tanks, he makes up a reason out of whole cloth – it was all the fault of ACORN and the CRA, dontchya kno? Of course, ACORN and the CRA both had two things in common: they both helped vulnerable African American populations, and neither of them had anything at all to do with the criminal banking class that led the country into its current economic collapse.

Rush has long been a hobbyist when it comes to condemning black athletes that screw up. Hell, is some cases (Donovan McNabb), he loves to condemn black athletes simply because they are black. But I’ve never heard him say anything about Josh Hamilton, Mark Chimura, or Ben Roethlensberger (he says he’s made fun of the latter, but he sure hasn’t made any interstitials or done so in any kind of sustained effort).

Anyway, all this, and more, came up in today’s phone call:

Written by Mike Stark

March 3rd, 2011 at 4:20 pm

Posted in Uncategorized