Archive for September, 2010

Annals of Rock Criticism

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

“White Americans seem to feel that happy songs are happy and sad songs are sad, and that, God help us, is exactly the way most white Americans sing them—sounding, in both cases, so helplessly, defenselessly fatuous that one dare not speculate on the temperature of the deep freeze from which issue their brave and sexless Read more...

City Hall rally scheduled to coincide with vote on sheriff contract

Tuesday, September 28th, 2010

Kevin Gray, a local author and community activist, has scheduled a rally at Columbia, South Carolina, City Hall next week to coincide with the City Council’s scheduled vote on whether to ask Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott to lead the Columbia Police Department. You can probably tell how Gray feels about this just by looking Read more...

Happy Labor Day

Saturday, September 4th, 2010

Of course, in most of the rest of the world (more than 80 countries–September is used by about six), Labor Day isn’t in September. It’s on May 1. Marginalized in Wikipedia as “International Workers Day,” the real labor day’s date was chosen of the 1886 Haymarket Massacre, which happened in Chicago. The “massacre” was of Read more...