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Kathy Griffin Strips for 2012, Video while it lasts!

This video is hard find. It gets taken down from Youtube hourly. So if you see it still here, lucky you!

Okay I admit it, my favorite living people are Bill Maher, Kathy Griffin and Seth MacFarlane. Humorous, often tasteless UNCENSORED TRUTH. And if you don't like it, it is because - as my favorite actor said so well - YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

And hey, Kathy has more clothes on than many of the TV ads running during family hour.  


Strict Constructionist 2nd Amendment Flintlock Remidies

When they penned the amendment "bear arms" the meant one shot per minute, not 20 to 80 in 10 seconds.

Okay, give me one, just one, reason for a 20 round clip for a hand gun. Or a 40 to 80 round clip for a rifle, or a 12 round clip for a shotgun for that matter. ONE REASON. Well other than shooting cops, our troops or lots of unarmed people in schools and restaurants.


Colton Barnes, Fun with legal guns in Mt Rainier National Park!

Those who really really want a gun who are the very ones who should really really not be allowed to have one.

In this WE ARE THE NRA self portrait, Colton Barnes, one of our finely supported troops as was Timothy McVeigh, is pictured here with just a small bit of his "arsenal" of legal weaponry which he legally took into one of our national parks to play with. 

The one handed weapon has one of those NRA approved "Arizona Loughner" 20 round clips and the BFG there seems to have an 80 round clip. That's about double the weaponry of world class al Qaeda terrorists. This arsenal is promoted and celebrated by the NRA. 

What the media fails to explain is that these kind of guys are everywhere  numbering in the millions. The NRA gives them voice and celebration while our media and politicians, including the President, pee their pants in fear of them.

My God, a twenty round clip for a handgun and there is no one who can yell THAT EMPEROR HAS NO CLOTHES, even children are sore afraid. As we just had the largest gun under the tree Christmas of all time, Christ and guns.  It is insane.

You know, in my 20 years on the road I often had reps from all over the world in my car for a few days at a time. No matter where they were from, there were three things they just could not get past: The guns, the silly religious crap and the visual borders between wealth and poverty downtown. Head shaking disbelief!  But... They always flipped for dinner because the fourth thing they could not get past is how cheap it is to eat out in America! All that carnage, violence, injustice and silly intolerance is made up for with a cheap chicken fried steak. 

Oh, and it seems first Mr. Barnes shot up a few people at a party during a "gun argument" before ran into a National Park where the NRA recently won the battle as a place where 20 round machine pistols and 80 round assault rifles are welcome, you know a place where there are lots of children. Mt Rainer Gunman

"Sgt. Cindi West, King County Sheriff's spokesperson, said late Sunday that Barnes was connected to an early-morning shooting at a New Year's house party in Skyway, Wash., south of Seattle that left four people injured, two critically. That incident happened about 3 a.m., and stemmed from an argument over a gun.


Three ladies say good friggin' buy to 2011, a bat video


Bye Bye to the ugly mud that was 2011! Whacko TV


Times Square Countdown with Lady Gaga and Mayor Bloomberg

In case you missed it, this is nice...

Even without guns and Jesus.


Happy New Year from Citizens United, Morin

When the biggest issue of our time is the growing disparity of wealth which is bringing a fail of Democracy in favor of a Plutocracy the majority Republican Supreme Court passes Citizen's United to make it all far worse. In fact it is the worst decision in the history of the Supreme Court [Dred Scott affected some 10% of the population, Citizen's United affects 99% of the population]

Those 5 Republican Justices knew damn well what they were doing, handing Democracy over to those with the most money, also knowing that it would take a Constitutional Amendment to undo. 

IMPEACH CLARENCE THOMAS TODAY! He is an incompetent hate filled sleazy unrepentant crook that takes money, gifts and vacations from Right-wing and Corporate lobbies ON CASES HE SEES, including the Koch Brothers and the Tea Party.  No past or present Supreme Court Justice does this, well except Antonin Scalia to a much lesser degree.

He has made no comment from the bench in 6 years. He is totally consumed with a seething overwhelming hatred of Anita Hill and all LIBERALS and PROGRESSIVES. He is not only an embarrassment to the highest court in the land, but to African Americans, the  United States and the human race.

Replacing Clarence Thomas with an appointment from a Democratic President would result in more real fair and positive change to America than which party controls either the House, the Senate or the White House. You Betcha!


Newt Gingrich, Historian, Paleontologist, egomaniacal megalomaniac

The self proclaimed smartest man in the UNIVERSE says all scientists - other than those paid by Energy companies and conservative think tanks - are wrong. In fact when you look out your door and see the reality of it, you too are wrong. And soon the Citizens United money will prove that all poor people are lazy criminals, all smart people are stupid, and all rich people are perfect!


Donald Trump festering pile of poo? The Onion

Believe it or not, once leader of the Presidential Republican pack! I recently got lost in the research trying to find out if he had more bankruptcies or divorces? No matter, it is a just another sign of the intellectual capacity of the Republican Base.

Sure we have Oily Titbits, (0rly Taitz) as the Queen of the Birthers, but few really know who she is. So that leaves The Donald as the undisputed King of the Birthers! And he is still at it!  And... He is threatening a 3rd Party run. The Festering Shit People Party.


42 minutes of non stop SCREAMING from Chef Ramsay!

Do you ever find yourself thinking some friend, relative, or maybe a boss is an asshole? 
If so, bookmark a link to this article or video and play it when such feelings arise. You will find they really are not so bad...


Funny New Year's Resolutions from Hollywood Dick

I am going to stop making fun of Evangelical Christians, Libertarians, the NRA and Fox News!


Ed Show: Rush Limbaugh Tops list of 5 Psycho Talkers of 2011

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

We bid the 2010 Grand Winner Glenn Beck adieu while he places the glittering crown on the shining head of his successor in Psycho Talk. While Beck was known for paranoia and tears (also fake) the new winner is known by a motto. 'Being me means never having to say I'm sorry.' There are four more runners-up who aren't likely to surprise you. Thanks to our 'winner' we now know why "men can't be men." Please remember this is not an opinion of the management, just a quote from the biggest psychotalker of the year!


newt Gingrich Reminders

Rick Perry for president 2012 has balls


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Mon, 02.01.2012 23:37
If you go to the youtube version of this story it [...]
Thu, 29.12.2011 05:14
I think Ron needs a new promo... How about... I [...]
Wed, 28.12.2011 23:50
well, we can rest safely knowing that they're bot [...]
Wed, 28.12.2011 19:59
Wed, 28.12.2011 18:59
"NEXT!" : )
Mon, 26.12.2011 18:32
Well there is life beyond Fox News!
Mon, 26.12.2011 16:40
hmmm, all i see are strings from the puppet maste [...]
Fri, 23.12.2011 17:19
Its like the Coast Guard, they are not going to l [...]
Fri, 23.12.2011 00:29
Because we can't live without impacting those aro [...]
Thu, 22.12.2011 04:38
You'd have to ask an expert in copyright law, but [...]


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