Bism Allah Alrahman Alrahem

The concept of freedom: the difference between Islam and the Western concepts

Many people are deluded by the Western life and its concept about the freedom. These people are only right if we consider that this life is representing nothing but a bestial life. However even in a bestial life there are certain values, many of which might not be without some kind of spiritual necessities. There are differences between rules and laws which are man-made and spiritual values which are God inspired to His own creatures either by nature or by revelations. Most animals got values by nature making them doing well organized and perfect jobs for their won species such as the ants and the bees. The animals acquired their values by their nature which is created by Allah. It is programmed in themselves such as group work, camouflaging, specialisation, reproduction and others. The mankind got their nature too created on the basis of certain values when they born and on the top of these values is the perfection of the use of the mind enabling them to reach into the most important answer in this life which is God if they use it correctly. Every person born with this nature created by Allah inside the self but the difference between the animals and the people is the brain. In people the brain created in a complicated way and was given freedom to choose while this choice is limited or none in other animals. The aim is to reach to the facts in its full and complete concept otherwise it will remain short or wrong. Reaching the correct and complete answer to the facts is the right mind and other than that is either ignorance when the answer is totally wrong or short minded when the fact was not fully answered. Let me give you an example; if a scientists was studying about the nature and complexity of the cell or the galaxies or the human body or any other complicated or beautiful or amazing issue in the world and his understanding didn’t led him or her to link this wonderful fact to its Creator then the outcome of his or her study or discovery was either fail short minded or if rejecting the wonderful work of God is the complete ignorance. This is a freedom given by God to mankind however and the most important thing is that everyone is responsible completely about this choice. This life is set to be a short one similar to the 3 or 5 years university courses to either pass or fail in the test. God created this life as a test for the next life in which passing means the reward and failure means the loss. Reward is Paradise and loss is Fire Hell.

Let us now go back to the concept of the freedom; what it means in its correct apprehension? It is certainly doesn’t mean that one should harm himself or herself or others or even nature around them. It is therefore wrong to say that you are free to drink or eat anything harmful for your body or your society or to do an action of similar harms. One important example here is alcohol. How many harms this intoxicating substance brings to the health systems, crimes, damages, economy, etc?! The countries spend huge amount of their revenues to tackle the effects of alcohol. In the man-made rules until now no one was able to protect the people and the society from its bad effects while in Islam and by Allah this was simply forbidden and alcohol only can be used after its detoxication as a medical antiseptic solution only. Other issues of similar natures forbidden by Islam such as gambling, adultery, harming others, impious to parents, poverty, inequality, arrogance, tyranny, and every other bad thing are forbidden by Islam. It is therefore Islam tries to create a unique and perfect society living in peace, equality, prosperity, and respect for all. This make the concept of freedom in Islam clearly to free the people from the chains of the bad things which are nowadays imposed on the Western and other society by many factors including ignorance, wrong social relationships, and many other factors that the devil wants to impose on the people to make them to go astray. The difference between the Islamic freedom and the Western freedom is clear. Islamic freedom wants for the people to have good values and spiritual needs without harms and enforcing that by reaching to the full comprehension of facts about God and creation. The Western freedom which is man-made is completely ignoring the spiritual needs and leaving the body in complete darkness of chaos, ill-health, anomalous, and bad use of the concept of the freedom.

If you want to know more read the Holly Quran in an open mind because the Holy Quran is the words of God that tells you about the past before the world were created, the present and the future until after the people of paradise go to paradise and the people of fire hell go to the fire hell.

Read the Holy Quran because it is the most positive book since the creation until the Day of Judgment. It will take you to the straight path (Islam) and if you wished so, Allah will guide you. Otherwise if you chose the astray way Allah will leave you in it because He created you free but He will hold you responsible on a day you will wish to come back to this life to choose the straight path. Alas there will be no return after the period of the test passed. The choice is yours.

Oh Allah witness that I convened your message.

The day of the Mother of All Mockeries

In 2003 America (George W Bush) and Britain (Tony Blair) with other Western countries invaded Iraq in a war that they initially lied to say it is about weapons of mass destruction but later they lied again to say it is about liberating Iraq from the dictator regime! Prior to that war America and its allies were responsible for killing millions of Iraqis most of them are children in the war of 1991 followed by the barbaric sanction. In the 1991 war which was led by the criminal of war George W Bush the father; America used depleted uranium which increased the cancer and the congenital diseases in Iraq. They then prevented the use of chemotherapy and radiotherapy from Iraq to treat these diseases which resulted in the death of at least one million Iraqi children after the war. America and Britain and their allies destroyed Iraq and its hands are stained with the blood of the Iraqi children. Then it came the war in 2003 in which they occupy Iraq and making it the worst country in regard to the security, the services, the health, the educations, and every other aspects of life. They made the new political system based on the ethnic grounds in a step to divide the country.

In addition to the wars and the consequences of the barbaric sanction the occupiers brought terrorism to Iraq which was not having such thing in the past. The scandals of the American and British soldiers about the tortures of the Iraqi POW in Aboghreeb and Basrah prisons are very well known and appeared from that is only the iceberg tip. The rest of these scandals were until now hidden but the future will reveal more of its pictures and details.

In today’s ceremony of marking the end of the American occupation and war in Iraq attended by Jo Biden the US vice president and the PM and president of Iraq (Almalki and Talabani) none of the lies which were mentioned before was mentioned apart from the liberation. The question is that if it was liberation why then JB consider the day as the beginning of Iraq to have its full sovereignty?! It is a ridiculous to have such a ceremony without apologizing to the Iraqis who lost their children and relatives from 1991 until now by the occupiers. The first thing America should do is to apologise to the Iraqis from its wars and sanctions where there are victims from the innocent Iraqis. They then should compensate all those who were affected by their wars and their sanction in the same way they forced Iraq to compensate Kuwait. Even after them doing so and apologising the punishment of God will still to come both in this life and in the hereafter which may be less if they apologise. The souls of the Iraqi children killed by the American and its allies will never ever rest until God take their rights and we will see this may happen so soon.

It was very wrong during that ceremony to give symbolic gifts (medals) to the occupiers and we the Iraqis would like those who joined the Americans in their war and killed our children to apologise about their barbaric and criminal acts rather than giving them gifts! On the other hand how can Jalal Talabani represent the sovereignty of Iraq as a president while he share putting his left hand on his heart during the recital of the American national anthem while neither Biden nor his ambassador in Baghdad done so when the Iraqi national anthem recited. JT must have noticed that yet he did what he done which was nothing but humiliation. It may be acceptable to do so if JB and or his ambassador were done the same before.

The whole ceremony was just farce while still 13,000 American soldiers on the soil of Iraq and not including apologise to the damages resulted from war but the reverse were done. It is a humiliation to bring the ambassadors of all those who joins the war to give them gifts while every single Iraqi citizen is still suffering from the bad consequences of their wars. These gifts and the ceremony represent none of the Iraqis but the puppets who humiliated themselves to their masters who allowed them to become corrupts and steal the wealth of our country.

It is correct if we call that day the Day of Mother of all Mockeries.

Imam Hussein Revolution is continuing against the tyrants everywhere

Like these days in the month of Muhaaram the year 61 Islamic calendar (October 680 AC) Imam Hussein (Peace be upon him) was killed by the army of Yazid Bin Maawoyiah who was appointed as the Caliph in Damascus by his father Maawoyiah. The numbers of the martyrdoms killed with Imam Hussein were just above one hundred; 33 of them were among Bani-Hashiem the family of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). They were all killed on the 10th of Muhaaram 61 Hijiri in an area called Karbala in Iraq before they reach Kuffa which was the capital for Imam Ali (PBUH) before.

Before the death of Maawoyiah Bin Abisofiyan in Demascus he appointed his son Yazid and took homage for him from every one by force and bribes. He advised his son to use force against anyone who reject his homage and mentioned few in Medina among them was Imam Hussein who was the grandson of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Yazid was arrogant, evil, corrupt, drunkard, irresponsible, obscene, and it was not possible for someone like Imam Hussein to accept him as a leader. Once appointed after the death of his father Yazid used oppressions and vanquish to subdue his opponents. He even sent an army which legitimized Medina city and its people for many days after putting it in siege. Imam Hussein knew what is going to happen after the appointment of such corrupt dictator on the Muslims and he left Medina to Makah and he knew that Yazid was after him to kill him even in Makah. In fact Yazid later sent an army which attacked Makah and Al-Kaaba by ballista and burnt it and killed many people inside the Kaaba when AbdAllah bin Alzobier revolted after the death of Imam Hussein later.

Imam Hussein received about 12,000 letters from the head of tribes and influential people in Kuffa in Iraq to go to them as they also rejected the leadership of Yazid. He sent his cousin Muslim Bi Akeel to take allegiance and make sure that these people are in fact willing to protect Imam Hussein and take him as a leader. Initially about 40,000 gave allegiance to Muslim Bin Akeel, but later all of them withdrawn after Yazid appointed on Kuffa; Ubiadella Bin Ziad. Bin Ziad used force and bribes to control them and he killed Muslim Bin Akeel and the one supporter remained with him (Hani Bin Aorwah) and throw them from the top of his palace. Imam Hussein stayed in Makah for 120 days then he left to Iraq on the 8th of Tho Alhijah 60 Hijiri (the last month in the Hijiri year). His caravan passed in about 38 cities and areas and reached Karbala on the 2nd of Muhaaram 61 Hijiri. It took Imam Hussein 23 days to reach Karbala for a distance of 1470 km. He heard about the killing of Muslim Bin Akeel and the news from Kuffa but he insisted not to give allegiance to Yazid as a leader and continued his way. After the news about Muslim Bin Akeel death and the withdrawal of all those who supported him and sent him letters; Imam Hussein gathered his companions and told them that they are free to leave if they wish. He told them that they are free to leave at night darkness if they wish. Most of his follower who were less than 150 stayed with him and all Bani-Hashim of course stayed.

In the 10th day of Muhaaram Imam Hussein faced with an army of tens of thousands fully equipped. Among of his family are his children and his sister Zaenab and other women and children. Bin Ziyad and Yazid army insisted to either kill Imam Hussein or he should give allegiance to Bin Ziad and then Yazid but he refused. He knew the consequences if he gives such an allegiance. It means rejecting all the moral values, principles and monotheism that Allah gave to his grandfather Prophet Mohammed. This means rejecting all the principles of Islam. If Imam Hussein done so then Islam would not have been reached in its moral values that Prophet Mohammed got but it would have been freely and rigorously modified by Yazid and every one followed him.

Yazid army brutally killed all the companions of Imam Hussein then they killed him and his 6 months old baby. They first prevented them from water in that desert area. They then took the family of Prophet Mohammad including women and children as captives to Yazid palace in Damascus. The soldiers were raising the heads of the fathers, brothers, husbands, and relatives on lances in front of the captives who were women and children only.

Imam Hussein death was a victory of the blood on the sword. It is a victory not only for the real Islamic values and principles but for all those who were oppressed against any tyranny. It is the only revolution which will never die until the Day of Judgment. It fuelled the end of Yazid and Bani Umiyah role after few years. The blood of Imam Hussein made victory not only against the tyrant swords but against all the arrogant, dictators, oppressors, and corrupts at any time. Imam Hussein will remain a symbol not only for Muslims but for all the oppressed people seeking freedom all over the Earth and in all times. All the Nobles who seek the real freedom and values will be inspired by the revolution of Imam Hussein.

Iraq after the end of the US occupation and wars

It is only few weeks before the last American solider leaves Iraq according to the signed agreement between the two governments. America will leave the largest Embassy of its kind in Iraq with thousands of personnel and security! America will also leave ruined and disintegrated country due to its wars and evil intentions including the previous barbarous sanctions and the use of the forbidden weapons of mass destruction such as the depleted uranium in both wars of 1991 and 2003.

The worst that America is going to leave in Iraq is the disrupted and corrupted political system which was built on the basis of ethnic and sectarian agenda. Worst even than that is that all those who are in power have nothing interesting them apart from their personal or ethnic interests. Most of them are not very well qualified to lead and are corrupts. Before the American invasion Iraq was under the leader of one dictator and now is under the control of thousands of dictators. Every one of them has his or her own guards and many of them own different kinds of militias.

America will leave a country with lack of security and no basic services such as electricity, water, sewage, health, etc. because all of these were damaged by the wars in 1991 and 2003 and the barbaric US/UN sanction after the criminal war of George W Bush in 1991. America is responsible for all the damages that it inflicted in its wars and its cruel sanction that it imposed via the UN. Not only that but the influence of Iran in Iraq increased plus the weakness of Iraq making it not able to defend itself against any outside invasion or war which needs no comment.

The region of the Middle East is unstable and open for all the possibilities without exclusion of any part. On the other hand Iran might emerge as a nuclear power by its ability to create nuclear weapons. They already got very long range missiles with capability of carrying nuclear heads. Of no doubt this will turn the equation of the regional powers and then the US have to accept not only defeat but also unethical and barbaric wars and sanction in Iraq. The American and Westerns hands are not going to be easily cleaned from the blood of the innocent Iraqi children. Not to mention that the souls of these children who were killed by the American acts in Iraq will not rest one moment until God take the revenge for them from their killers. God is exalted in power and He may delay but will never bypass.

The Iraqi politicians who are leading now need to get a new start without the occupiers control but with good relation with all countries except those who interfere in the internal affairs. They have to denounce all type of corruptions and personal interests and put the national interest on the top of everything in their agenda. There is a strong need for urgent conciliation without exclusion apart from criminals who killed the Iraqis. There should be no indiscriminate exclusion for the Baath party unless they are criminals and they should be part of the conciliation to live in peace and within the political freedom if Iraq wants to be a civil country respecting its citizens. One last but not least thing is the quota based on the ethnic and sectarian issues should end.

Time for changing the old rotten systems

People not anymore living in a wide spread continents. Everything changed in the world especially for the last 20 years. The only thing which remained same since the end of the WW-2 and the industrial revolution is the way the capitalism imposes its rotten way of life on the people. This of course includes the dictatorship that capitalism brought. Capitalism degraded the dignity of the human being by converting the people into machines working most of the time and then dies with no meaning for their life. Capitalism introduced competition systems which are not at all just. This makes people to grow and work in an environment of materialistic life that there is no place for their souls or the sprits so as they will vanish.

It is time for changes and one of the most important things to be changed is the way of the election in the Westerns countries and America. This is why most of the people in America are not happy about the way their governments and politicians leading them to. The people there discovered though very late that they were been misled by their government for many years. The elections that they do are nothing but rotation of powers between the two most dominant parties with their huge financially supported systems. Once someone takes on power their promises will vanish and they will collect people’s taxes to send it to kill the people in other regions such as in Iraq or Afghanistan or others. It also goes to other countries that they kill other people by the American tax money such as what is happening in Palestine and Lebanon.

The capitalism coffin is nailed and ready to be buried. It is shame that America is such a big country with huge resources while they got the largest number of poverty. The economy of the world is now crushed by the system of capitalism and the misleading promises with tax collection to go for wars.

Everybody should now ask the question about when the old election systems of rotation of power between only two or three parties will end? Is it not just to have a new system where there is more freedom and not just rotational change of power between two parties or three? The whole system needs to be scraped and a new way of election is needed. More than that the world needs moral values where will be justice, equality, responsibility, and higher aims for this life not just materialistic way. Islam is the alternative way that will take care of all of these issues and Allah promised that He will make it to role the earth at least when Imam Al-Mahdi will come and all the signs indicates that it will happen hopefully soon.

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