Demos: Ideas and Action to Promote the Common Good


The restrictive laws disenfranchise voters and divert important state resources

Bill Moyers and Demos' Michael Winship on "The Party People of Wall Street"

The new Demos report on GDP by Lew Daly and Stephen Posner

At the two-year anniversary of the ruling, Demos looks at how Citizens United made a bad situation much worse

PolicyShop: The Demos Blog

FeedRSS Blog
So much for the First Amendment and for Speaker Boehner’s pledge to ensure transparency and accountability. Yesterday, documentary film maker, Josh Fox, was arrested while trying to film a...
February 2, 2012 | Mijin Cha
Today, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission issued a major decision that hints at an end to one of its' most irresponsible and dangerous practices, the issuance of secret 'exemptions" to its own fire...
February 2, 2012 | Richard Brodsky
How much would I like to see New York raise its minimum wage? Let's put it this way: in 2001 as New Yorkers fought to increase the minimum from its then-abysmal level of $5.15, I dressed up in a too-...
February 2, 2012 | Amy Traub


Virginia legislators are considering several bills that would make it more difficult for eligible persons to cast a ballot that will be counted, and would impose large costs for implementation. One...
Policy Brief
For decades, GDP has enjoyed supreme status as the predominant benchmark of our economic and social progress. In reality, GDP obscures or ignores essential aspects of Americans’ economic and social...
Stephen Posner

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Senior Democracy Fellow