Saturday, April 13, 2013
social security vs annuity
If your Social Security payments are scaled back, or worse, what would it cost you to buy something similar in the private sector?
We can do some math.
According to, a 66-year-old man would have to pay $128,000 for an annuity providing him with income of $10,000 for life. A 66-year-old woman would have to pay even more, about $138,000.
That's for an income of $10,000 a year. If you think you'll need $40,000 a year to live on, naturally you'd need to set aside four times as much, or about $550,000.
And this would only be for a straight annuity, with absolutely no inflation protection at all.
Few life insurers provide inflation-protected annuities. New York Life offers something close: an annuity that increases payments by a certain percentage each year. This won't protect you from runaway inflation. But at least an annual increase of, say, 3% will give you some cushion.
I asked the company how much a 66-year-old would have to pay for an annuity paying $10,000 a year, with a 3% annual increase.
The answer? About $180,000. It's about the same for men and women.
Right now, the average retiree is getting about $14,000 a year from Social Security. To buy a similar income stream on the open market, a 66-year-old would have to pay about $250,000. Someone getting the maximum benefit, $28,000 a year, would need to pay about $500,000.
It's something to bear in mind as we debate cutting Social Security. Most Americans are already grossly underprepared for retirement and have saved far too little.
According to the most recent survey by the Employee Benefits Research Institute, a think tank specializing in the topic, fewer than half of workers have even saved $25,000, and only a third have saved as much as $50,000. Forty-four percent have saved less than $10,000, and a quarter have basically saved nothing at all.
To put these numbers in context: Someone with $25,000 can buy an annuity (with the 3% annual bump) paying maybe $1,400 a year. Someone with $50,000 can raise that up to $2,800 a year. That works out to an income of $54 a week. Good luck with that.
If we want to cut Social Security, even prosperous middle-class Americans need to save much, much more. Starting about 20 years ago.
Corrections & Amplifications
The payroll-tax cut will expire after one year. An earlier version of this article incorrectly said the payroll-tax cut will end after two years.
Write to Brett Arends at
Social Security Basic Facts
Social Security Basic Facts
February 7, 2013 (Printer Friendly Version)
In 2013, almost 58 million Americans will receive $821 billion in Social Security benefits.
December 2012 Beneficiary Data
Retired workers
37 million $46.3 billion $1,262 average monthly benefit
dependents 2.9 million $ 1.8 billion
Disabled workers 8.8 million $ 10 billion $1,130 average monthly benefit
dependents 2.1 million $ .69 billion
Survivors 6.3 million $ 6.6 billion $1,215 average monthly benefit
Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly.
Nine out of ten individuals age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits.
Social Security benefits represent about 39% of the income of the elderly.
Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 53% of married couples and 74% of unmarried persons receive 50% or more of their income from Social Security.
Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 23% of married couples and about 46% of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.
Social Security provides more than just retirement benefits.
Retired workers and their dependents account for 70% of total benefits paid.
Disabled workers and their dependents account for 19% of total benefits paid.
About 91 percent of workers age 21-64 in covered employment in 2011 and their families have protection in the event of a long-term disability.
Just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67.
69% of the private sector workforce has no long-term disability insurance.
Survivors of deceased workers account for about 11% of total benefits paid.
About one in eight of today’s 20 year-olds will die before reaching age 67.
About 96% of persons aged 20-49 who worked in covered employment in 2011 have survivors insurance protection for their young children and the surviving spouse caring for the children.
An estimated 161 million workers, 94% of all workers, are covered under Social Security.
51% of the workforce has no private pension coverage.
34% of the workforce has no savings set aside specifically for retirement.
In 1940, the life expectancy of a 65-year-old was almost 14 years; today it is almost 20 years.
By 2033, there will be almost twice as many older Americans as today -- from 43.4 million today to 75.7 million.
There are currently 2.8 workers for each Social Security beneficiary. By 2033, there will be 2.1 workers for each beneficiary.
Last reviewed or modified 02/07/2013
February 7, 2013 (Printer Friendly Version)
In 2013, almost 58 million Americans will receive $821 billion in Social Security benefits.
December 2012 Beneficiary Data
Retired workers
37 million $46.3 billion $1,262 average monthly benefit
dependents 2.9 million $ 1.8 billion
Disabled workers 8.8 million $ 10 billion $1,130 average monthly benefit
dependents 2.1 million $ .69 billion
Survivors 6.3 million $ 6.6 billion $1,215 average monthly benefit
Social Security is the major source of income for most of the elderly.
Nine out of ten individuals age 65 and older receive Social Security benefits.
Social Security benefits represent about 39% of the income of the elderly.
Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 53% of married couples and 74% of unmarried persons receive 50% or more of their income from Social Security.
Among elderly Social Security beneficiaries, 23% of married couples and about 46% of unmarried persons rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.
Social Security provides more than just retirement benefits.
Retired workers and their dependents account for 70% of total benefits paid.
Disabled workers and their dependents account for 19% of total benefits paid.
About 91 percent of workers age 21-64 in covered employment in 2011 and their families have protection in the event of a long-term disability.
Just over 1 in 4 of today’s 20 year-olds will become disabled before reaching age 67.
69% of the private sector workforce has no long-term disability insurance.
Survivors of deceased workers account for about 11% of total benefits paid.
About one in eight of today’s 20 year-olds will die before reaching age 67.
About 96% of persons aged 20-49 who worked in covered employment in 2011 have survivors insurance protection for their young children and the surviving spouse caring for the children.
An estimated 161 million workers, 94% of all workers, are covered under Social Security.
51% of the workforce has no private pension coverage.
34% of the workforce has no savings set aside specifically for retirement.
In 1940, the life expectancy of a 65-year-old was almost 14 years; today it is almost 20 years.
By 2033, there will be almost twice as many older Americans as today -- from 43.4 million today to 75.7 million.
There are currently 2.8 workers for each Social Security beneficiary. By 2033, there will be 2.1 workers for each beneficiary.
Last reviewed or modified 02/07/2013
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Bishop Spong tells it like it IS, what did Jesus really want us to do?
"do not seek for the truth, merely cease to cherish opinions" Hsin Hsin Ming - Sosan, a long long time ago in a land far far away
i.e. if you would seek the truth, the best route is to examine all your most cherished opinions. what else is this but the story of science, the demolishing of our precious delusions?
The Denial Driven Life of American MegaChurchianity
Is the modern American megachurch the Antichrist? Even worse than the Vatican? Too many preachers with no experience of metanoia and extasis from fasting and praying 40 days and 40 nights in the desert. We have forgotten that being 'born again' implies having experienced ego-death first. Hypocrisy, neurosis, depression and suicide are occupational hazards of modern American churchianity.
how about let's all read "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism" by bishop John Selby Spong
Customer Reviews
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Purpose Driven Life, The)
1,593 Reviews
5 star: (965)
4 star: (193)
3 star: (107)
2 star: (92)
1 star: (236)
Showing 1-star reviews › See all reviews
78 of 99 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars popular christianity, August 1, 2005
Joe Smith - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Purpose Driven Life (Hardcover)
Rick Warren really isn't a christian. He views christianity as a turnaround CEO would a business that isn't profitable enough. He sees the problem as being one of a bad message and a poor entertainment experience.
As far as the message, he dumps the old message in favor of a new one: The church is a business and the members are employees. The church leader is the CEO. A chain of lay "managers" is created within the church and each manager is given an employee handbook (the purpose driven life) to train his group of direct reports in how to be effective church members.
It works very well because the methods are adopted directly from the day-to-day life in corporate america. In some churches, its hard to tell the difference between the work-week and church because its all the same thing now.
To motivate the employees, the church focus is on making them feel good and useful. They are kept away from concepts that might make them question their values or hurt their self esteem. The goal of the church is to grow and their purpose in life is to grow the church. Nothing else is required of them.
Worship degenerates into a professional stage show and business leadership seminar. This is very effective because it reduces the church to something passive and harmless in people's lives. Its also something they can put out of their mind during the rest of the week.
The other new trend among Rick Warren and his sort of Church is that they have figured out that its much easier to recruit people from existing churches than it is to bring people to god. Its not easy to grow a church to 10,000 from non-believers. It takes alot of work. But it takes far less work to go recruiting in existing churches. The lure is that Rick Warren has such easy answers. The extent of the law for Rick Warren is "do whatever you want as long as you show up at church". There are no obsolete commandments to get in the way of modern life, there are only "purposes".
What would Rick Warren have done in the time of Christ. Well, first he would have told Christ to "stay on message" and to stop saying such confusing things. Then he would have gone down to Jerusalem to negotiate a deal with the romans. The romans were businesmen and certainly a deal could have been worked out. He would have also had a sit down with Christ and explained to him that he needed to act more like a CEO. He needed to settle down in Jerusalem and trust his disciples to do the footwork. He needs to concentrate on the CEO-type issues like politics, raising money for building projects and growing the business.
Rick could have then gone down to the temple and made a deal with the Pharisees. He could have pointed out the possibilities for marketing the temple more effectively. Businessmen should be invited in because as far as retail space goes, the temple was top-tier. The temple was also virtually unused most of the time and could have been opened up for plays, concerts and perhaps even sporting events.
Think of it! If Christ had understood Rick Warren's message, christianity could probably have taken over the whole world without Christ having to die and all those regrettable deaths in the first two centuries.
But thats the point. Jesus Christ didn't come selling easy answers or business solutions. He died because his following wasn't a mass movement. In the end, the crowds and even his own followers deserted him. The message was successful after not because it was easy and not because it was hip, it was successful because it offered truth, hope and meaning in a pagan world.
Rick Warren and many others can fill Churches up with bodies but in the end not bring one person to god. The ministry of Christ is not just signing up as many people as possible to go to church for a few months and donate money to an endless series of new building projects. Rick Warren is so obsessed with money, growth and power that when I listen to him, there is nothing of the message of Christ left in him or his words.
131 of 160 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars The Purpose-Driven Bandwagon, August 25, 2004
C. Gracey
I recently led a small-group study of The Purpose-Driven® Life. I started with no preconceived notions, but long before I reached the middle of the book, I was ready to throw it out the window. Only my commitment to the group kept me going to the end.
This book plays to those who are looking for easy answers, to those who believe the keys to living a faithful life can be reduced to a Purpose Driven® bumper sticker or bookmark . The book does contain much useful content, but it suffers from major problems, both substantive and stylistic. These include the following:
1. The author uses an alliterative bumper-sticker style of writing-"planned for God's pleasure", "formed for God's family"-that quickly becomes very annoying.
2. Content is repeated multiple times in an attempt to artificially fill a symbolic 40-day structure without 40 days' worth of material.
3. The book is highly commercial, with a trademark in its title and a bunch of offshoot products that the author does not hesitate to endorse throughout the book.
4. The author quotes Scripture out of context and massages Biblical content to suit his purposes. For example, to show how God can bring good out of evil, he says, "Ruth [a non-Jew]...broke the law by marrying a Jewish man" (p. 196), yet nowhere in the Book of Ruth is she accused of any wrongdoing, let alone "evil." (At the very least, it would be her Jewish husband who broke Jewish law, not Ruth.) This manipulation of the Bible means that conscientious readers cannot just trust the quotations and examples as presented. However, the tedious page-flipping required to read the endnotes means that many will quit checking the sources.
5. The use of different translations of the Bible is effective in bringing freshness to familiar passages and making Biblical language more accessible. However, the author relies too heavily on The Message, which is a paraphrase written from a particular viewpoint, rather than a true translation.
6. Christians who were baptized as infants and have grown in their faith without a specific conversion experience should take exception to the author's view that "the only way to get into God's family is by being born again into it (p. 118). Warren makes other sweeping theological statements that many faithful Christians will not agree with. It is ironic that many churches whose teachings Warren would seemingly reject are jumping on the Purpose Driven® bandwagon.
On the positive side, let me say that the book provoked great discussions in my college-age Sunday School class. In rejecting Warren's approach, these students have been forced to examine their own beliefs and the teachings of our denomination.
68 of 84 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars What on earth is Rick Warren teaching?, June 3, 2006
Theophilus - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Purpose Driven Life (Hardcover)
The Purpose Driven Life is a sad reflection of the current state of American Christianity. It has little in common with traditional Protestantism of either the mainline or evangelical variety.
This is light reading. Basically it is a self-help book that uses Christian vocabulary to communicate a 40-day program of personal self-improvement. At best it is harmless. At worst people may mistake it for true Christianity.
If you must read this book, then at least balance it with a thoughtful critique, such as "More Than a Purpose" by Marshall Davis or "Reinventing Christianity" by Bob DeWaay.
how about let's all read "Rescuing the Bible from Fundamentalism" by bishop John Selby Spong
Customer Reviews
The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here For? (Purpose Driven Life, The)
1,593 Reviews
5 star: (965)
4 star: (193)
3 star: (107)
2 star: (92)
1 star: (236)
Showing 1-star reviews › See all reviews
78 of 99 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars popular christianity, August 1, 2005
Joe Smith - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Purpose Driven Life (Hardcover)
Rick Warren really isn't a christian. He views christianity as a turnaround CEO would a business that isn't profitable enough. He sees the problem as being one of a bad message and a poor entertainment experience.
As far as the message, he dumps the old message in favor of a new one: The church is a business and the members are employees. The church leader is the CEO. A chain of lay "managers" is created within the church and each manager is given an employee handbook (the purpose driven life) to train his group of direct reports in how to be effective church members.
It works very well because the methods are adopted directly from the day-to-day life in corporate america. In some churches, its hard to tell the difference between the work-week and church because its all the same thing now.
To motivate the employees, the church focus is on making them feel good and useful. They are kept away from concepts that might make them question their values or hurt their self esteem. The goal of the church is to grow and their purpose in life is to grow the church. Nothing else is required of them.
Worship degenerates into a professional stage show and business leadership seminar. This is very effective because it reduces the church to something passive and harmless in people's lives. Its also something they can put out of their mind during the rest of the week.
The other new trend among Rick Warren and his sort of Church is that they have figured out that its much easier to recruit people from existing churches than it is to bring people to god. Its not easy to grow a church to 10,000 from non-believers. It takes alot of work. But it takes far less work to go recruiting in existing churches. The lure is that Rick Warren has such easy answers. The extent of the law for Rick Warren is "do whatever you want as long as you show up at church". There are no obsolete commandments to get in the way of modern life, there are only "purposes".
What would Rick Warren have done in the time of Christ. Well, first he would have told Christ to "stay on message" and to stop saying such confusing things. Then he would have gone down to Jerusalem to negotiate a deal with the romans. The romans were businesmen and certainly a deal could have been worked out. He would have also had a sit down with Christ and explained to him that he needed to act more like a CEO. He needed to settle down in Jerusalem and trust his disciples to do the footwork. He needs to concentrate on the CEO-type issues like politics, raising money for building projects and growing the business.
Rick could have then gone down to the temple and made a deal with the Pharisees. He could have pointed out the possibilities for marketing the temple more effectively. Businessmen should be invited in because as far as retail space goes, the temple was top-tier. The temple was also virtually unused most of the time and could have been opened up for plays, concerts and perhaps even sporting events.
Think of it! If Christ had understood Rick Warren's message, christianity could probably have taken over the whole world without Christ having to die and all those regrettable deaths in the first two centuries.
But thats the point. Jesus Christ didn't come selling easy answers or business solutions. He died because his following wasn't a mass movement. In the end, the crowds and even his own followers deserted him. The message was successful after not because it was easy and not because it was hip, it was successful because it offered truth, hope and meaning in a pagan world.
Rick Warren and many others can fill Churches up with bodies but in the end not bring one person to god. The ministry of Christ is not just signing up as many people as possible to go to church for a few months and donate money to an endless series of new building projects. Rick Warren is so obsessed with money, growth and power that when I listen to him, there is nothing of the message of Christ left in him or his words.
131 of 160 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars The Purpose-Driven Bandwagon, August 25, 2004
C. Gracey
I recently led a small-group study of The Purpose-Driven® Life. I started with no preconceived notions, but long before I reached the middle of the book, I was ready to throw it out the window. Only my commitment to the group kept me going to the end.
This book plays to those who are looking for easy answers, to those who believe the keys to living a faithful life can be reduced to a Purpose Driven® bumper sticker or bookmark . The book does contain much useful content, but it suffers from major problems, both substantive and stylistic. These include the following:
1. The author uses an alliterative bumper-sticker style of writing-"planned for God's pleasure", "formed for God's family"-that quickly becomes very annoying.
2. Content is repeated multiple times in an attempt to artificially fill a symbolic 40-day structure without 40 days' worth of material.
3. The book is highly commercial, with a trademark in its title and a bunch of offshoot products that the author does not hesitate to endorse throughout the book.
4. The author quotes Scripture out of context and massages Biblical content to suit his purposes. For example, to show how God can bring good out of evil, he says, "Ruth [a non-Jew]...broke the law by marrying a Jewish man" (p. 196), yet nowhere in the Book of Ruth is she accused of any wrongdoing, let alone "evil." (At the very least, it would be her Jewish husband who broke Jewish law, not Ruth.) This manipulation of the Bible means that conscientious readers cannot just trust the quotations and examples as presented. However, the tedious page-flipping required to read the endnotes means that many will quit checking the sources.
5. The use of different translations of the Bible is effective in bringing freshness to familiar passages and making Biblical language more accessible. However, the author relies too heavily on The Message, which is a paraphrase written from a particular viewpoint, rather than a true translation.
6. Christians who were baptized as infants and have grown in their faith without a specific conversion experience should take exception to the author's view that "the only way to get into God's family is by being born again into it (p. 118). Warren makes other sweeping theological statements that many faithful Christians will not agree with. It is ironic that many churches whose teachings Warren would seemingly reject are jumping on the Purpose Driven® bandwagon.
On the positive side, let me say that the book provoked great discussions in my college-age Sunday School class. In rejecting Warren's approach, these students have been forced to examine their own beliefs and the teachings of our denomination.
68 of 84 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars What on earth is Rick Warren teaching?, June 3, 2006
Theophilus - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Purpose Driven Life (Hardcover)
The Purpose Driven Life is a sad reflection of the current state of American Christianity. It has little in common with traditional Protestantism of either the mainline or evangelical variety.
This is light reading. Basically it is a self-help book that uses Christian vocabulary to communicate a 40-day program of personal self-improvement. At best it is harmless. At worst people may mistake it for true Christianity.
If you must read this book, then at least balance it with a thoughtful critique, such as "More Than a Purpose" by Marshall Davis or "Reinventing Christianity" by Bob DeWaay.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Instapaper + Android / Kindle = Nirvana
phew, finally a way to actually READ those horribly formatted webpages, without all the in-your-face ad graphics and bizarre color schemes, its the next best thing to reading plain white text on a blue background, which we haven't been allowed to do by the dictators of screen styles for 20 years or so
phew, finally a way to actually READ those horribly formatted webpages, without all the in-your-face ad graphics and bizarre color schemes, its the next best thing to reading plain white text on a blue background, which we haven't been allowed to do by the dictators of screen styles for 20 years or so
Sunday, March 17, 2013
MGMT NeoPsychedelia - What does it all mean?
Electric Feel, Pretend, Metanoia, Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Neon Moon Juice, these guys are channeling Shakti and Kundalini and Pneuma simultaneously
but ... what does it all mean?? Let's ask the halfwits on youtube:
MGMT - Time To Pretend
by MGMTVEVO • 29,777,966 views
All Comments (21,878)
Eamon Reilly 16 minutes ago
drugs are shit. don't even got there and you'll never regret not taking them.?
Sulferize 2 hours ago
this song makes me wanna shoot heroin? Or anything else i can get my hands? on.. Fuck..
Daniel Weiner 10 hours ago
This is the anthem of people who don't actually need to work all day and? can use their endless money from their parents on drugs. For the rest of us, we gotta pretend.
indigo237 3 days ago
Drugs r bad? mkay.
Gabriel V 3 days ago
Hey? That scene at 1:35 is from The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jordowsky... Cool!
Saphire Leon 4 days ago
The reality? is everyone pretends... and the best freedom of life is when you stop pretending and be yourself
CocoMac877 4 days ago
unless? you're a pedo
VikenxRocker 6 days ago
I like when the people don't get the meaning of the song? and start talk about drugs :)
ironskyfalling 6 days ago
i like when people? pretend that it has nothing to do with drugs. :)
Sophia Fernsler 6 days ago
i luv hipiessss
i just want to have fun and do crazy shit!!! i hate being stuck at my boarding school qith my boring parents and grandma.. i just want to get away from the city and go to? hawaii!!!! UGHHHHHHHH
Grim Reefer 1 week ago
Can't tell if anyone is being serious, but this song is about them making fun of the "sex drugs and rock and roll" mindset many musicians have these? days. And drugs.
1980Triumph 1 week ago
alessandro Cino 1 week ago
Why Blow shit up into smaller pieces when you can bloe shit up into? 400,000 Dolphins?
TheSpearChuckah 1 week ago
Lyrically this is one of? the greatest songs ever created in my opinion. It took drugs for me to realize this.
MrThunderPanda 2 weeks ago
"We'll choke? on our vomit and that will be the end..." ?
whohasdonut4me 2 weeks ago
Who needs drugs when? you've got internet? :D
m3talh3llth 2 weeks ago
this post makes me want to? not do drugs but then i remember drugs are fun.
Juan Morell 1 week ago
then you should stop eating chocolate, cause drugs are bad and chocolate contains theobromine, right?. Fact: Not? all drugs are bad, not even all illegal drugs are bad. You just have to be informed about the possible negative effect of drugs and use the right drugs properly and nothing bad should happen to you. We are here to experiment, and taking some substances doesn't make you a bad person...
Pudgy138M 1 week ago
I wish all 173 of you could fuck me at the same time while floating above an oil? rig while it sprays us with flaming oil. ^o^
ALLinALLgood 3 weeks ago
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be? the end.
We were fated to pretend.
Yeah yeah yeah
HighwayObjective 3 weeks ago
I wish i could? ride a giant cat around psychedelic space
Pon Raul 4 weeks ago
In boarding school, a fellow boarder decided it would be funny to choke-lock me, he tightened his grip on my neck so hard I could not only breathe but talk. I ended up passing out, at which point he let? me fall to the ground backwards and hit my head on the floor. While I was knocked out (1-2 minutes) I was seeing my life flash by me while this song played - I actually thought I was dead. I woke up convulsing uncontrollably. This song now reminds me of how valuable life really is.
Returnofthesteve 3 weeks ago
And? to everyone that actually believes what that guy said - you dont see or hear anything when you are knocked out. You are just. knocked out. You make it sound like you were dead.
Pon Raul 3 weeks ago
Are you kidding me? When you are knocked out you can dream, just like in near-death experiences, your brain releases DMT which is the chemical that makes us dream to make us feel good before we die, the doctors said I was lucky as a brain without oxygen can become damaged very quickly - that's why you fall when you get knocked out, so your body is laying flat on the ground and the blood and? oxygen can reach your organs, most importantly your brain. I only remembered this dream as it was a NDE.
Pon Raul 3 weeks ago
Well, that's what Catholic male private schools are like in Australia. I decided not to get him expelled, we both claimed that I just fell afterwards. That guy was picked on everyday, like me, I didn't feel he was an asshole just that he had to prove his masculinity to? his oppressors. But surely if I wanted to I could have him expelled instantly with no ifs or buts simply by telling the truth.
venom477 1 month ago
I gotta stop doing drugs,? I dont even know how I ended up here.
Electric Feel, Pretend, Metanoia, Carl Jung, Terence McKenna, Neon Moon Juice, these guys are channeling Shakti and Kundalini and Pneuma simultaneously
but ... what does it all mean?? Let's ask the halfwits on youtube:
MGMT - Time To Pretend
by MGMTVEVO • 29,777,966 views
All Comments (21,878)
Eamon Reilly 16 minutes ago
drugs are shit. don't even got there and you'll never regret not taking them.?
Sulferize 2 hours ago
this song makes me wanna shoot heroin? Or anything else i can get my hands? on.. Fuck..
Daniel Weiner 10 hours ago
This is the anthem of people who don't actually need to work all day and? can use their endless money from their parents on drugs. For the rest of us, we gotta pretend.
indigo237 3 days ago
Drugs r bad? mkay.
Gabriel V 3 days ago
Hey? That scene at 1:35 is from The Holy Mountain by Alejandro Jordowsky... Cool!
Saphire Leon 4 days ago
The reality? is everyone pretends... and the best freedom of life is when you stop pretending and be yourself
CocoMac877 4 days ago
unless? you're a pedo
VikenxRocker 6 days ago
I like when the people don't get the meaning of the song? and start talk about drugs :)
ironskyfalling 6 days ago
i like when people? pretend that it has nothing to do with drugs. :)
Sophia Fernsler 6 days ago
i luv hipiessss
i just want to have fun and do crazy shit!!! i hate being stuck at my boarding school qith my boring parents and grandma.. i just want to get away from the city and go to? hawaii!!!! UGHHHHHHHH
Grim Reefer 1 week ago
Can't tell if anyone is being serious, but this song is about them making fun of the "sex drugs and rock and roll" mindset many musicians have these? days. And drugs.
1980Triumph 1 week ago
alessandro Cino 1 week ago
Why Blow shit up into smaller pieces when you can bloe shit up into? 400,000 Dolphins?
TheSpearChuckah 1 week ago
Lyrically this is one of? the greatest songs ever created in my opinion. It took drugs for me to realize this.
MrThunderPanda 2 weeks ago
"We'll choke? on our vomit and that will be the end..." ?
whohasdonut4me 2 weeks ago
Who needs drugs when? you've got internet? :D
m3talh3llth 2 weeks ago
this post makes me want to? not do drugs but then i remember drugs are fun.
Juan Morell 1 week ago
then you should stop eating chocolate, cause drugs are bad and chocolate contains theobromine, right?. Fact: Not? all drugs are bad, not even all illegal drugs are bad. You just have to be informed about the possible negative effect of drugs and use the right drugs properly and nothing bad should happen to you. We are here to experiment, and taking some substances doesn't make you a bad person...
Pudgy138M 1 week ago
I wish all 173 of you could fuck me at the same time while floating above an oil? rig while it sprays us with flaming oil. ^o^
ALLinALLgood 3 weeks ago
We'll choke on our vomit and that will be? the end.
We were fated to pretend.
Yeah yeah yeah
HighwayObjective 3 weeks ago
I wish i could? ride a giant cat around psychedelic space
Pon Raul 4 weeks ago
In boarding school, a fellow boarder decided it would be funny to choke-lock me, he tightened his grip on my neck so hard I could not only breathe but talk. I ended up passing out, at which point he let? me fall to the ground backwards and hit my head on the floor. While I was knocked out (1-2 minutes) I was seeing my life flash by me while this song played - I actually thought I was dead. I woke up convulsing uncontrollably. This song now reminds me of how valuable life really is.
Returnofthesteve 3 weeks ago
And? to everyone that actually believes what that guy said - you dont see or hear anything when you are knocked out. You are just. knocked out. You make it sound like you were dead.
Pon Raul 3 weeks ago
Are you kidding me? When you are knocked out you can dream, just like in near-death experiences, your brain releases DMT which is the chemical that makes us dream to make us feel good before we die, the doctors said I was lucky as a brain without oxygen can become damaged very quickly - that's why you fall when you get knocked out, so your body is laying flat on the ground and the blood and? oxygen can reach your organs, most importantly your brain. I only remembered this dream as it was a NDE.
Pon Raul 3 weeks ago
Well, that's what Catholic male private schools are like in Australia. I decided not to get him expelled, we both claimed that I just fell afterwards. That guy was picked on everyday, like me, I didn't feel he was an asshole just that he had to prove his masculinity to? his oppressors. But surely if I wanted to I could have him expelled instantly with no ifs or buts simply by telling the truth.
venom477 1 month ago
I gotta stop doing drugs,? I dont even know how I ended up here.
Monday, March 4, 2013
I Predicted Ray Dalio's Bridgewater Associates is a 140 Billion $ Ponzi Scheme and all I got was this Tshirt
watching a documentary on the con game of Maharsihi's Transcendental Meditation, almost a carbon copy of the pay-to-pray con game of Scientology, it just screams out at me that the TM devotee Ray Dalio's cult of Bridgewater is a massive con, a 140 billion ponzi scheme.
and, of course, everyone will say once it collapses, 'who could possibly have foreseen it'?
watching a documentary on the con game of Maharsihi's Transcendental Meditation, almost a carbon copy of the pay-to-pray con game of Scientology, it just screams out at me that the TM devotee Ray Dalio's cult of Bridgewater is a massive con, a 140 billion ponzi scheme.
and, of course, everyone will say once it collapses, 'who could possibly have foreseen it'?
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