The payroll tax cut bill that will soon become law takes a small step in the right direction on policy toward the Government-Sponsored Enterprises, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Congratulations to Congress for this small step; they still have a long way to go.
Free trade voting patterns in Congress
In the U.S. free trade agreements pass the Congress with a broad center-right legislative alliance that includes almost all Republicans and splits Democrats roughly one-third for free trade and two-thirds against it.
Three layers of the European debt crisis
This is why American policymakers should care deeply about Europe — because if the Europeans screw it up badly, it could do serious damage to the American economy, transmitted through still flawed and vulnerable banking systems.
Congressional Republicans’ strategic shift on taxes
The most significant element of the failed Super Committee negotiations is that Republicans offered to cross the no-net-tax-increase line in exchange for structural entitlement reform or structural tax reform and a permanent answer on tax rates.
The President’s missed opportunities for deficit reduction
Q: In a politically balanced Congress, is significant deficit reduction possible without Presidential leadership or even involvement?
The political risks of targeted mortgage subsidies
A program like this is not all political upside for the President. Don’t forget that the original February 2009 Rick Santelli explosion, which launched the Tea Party, was a reaction to an Obama Administration proposal to use taxpayer funds to subsidize targeted mortgage relief.
Democracy is SO inconvenient
I am not surprised that the President is using the legislative flexibility he has to maximum effect. I am a bit surprised that he sees a political benefit in framing himself as an Imperial leader who can and should ignore democratic processes.
Three silly stimulus arguments
Here are responses to three silly stimulus arguments I hear frequently.
The President’s third goal for tax reform: raise taxes
The President’s goal of raising taxes undermines his goal of increasing investment and growth.
A past Suskind error
Mr. Suskind’s earlier book about the Bush Administration was an inaccurate and unfair depiction of the President and the advisors for whom I worked, and of the White House in which I worked. I will assume the same about his latest book on the Obama economic team.
Understanding series
- Strategic analysis of the Budget Control Act
- Understanding the Budget Control Act
- Quick summary of the Budget Control Act
- Understanding vetoes, veto threats & SAPs
- Understanding the Gang of Six plan
- Understanding Cut, Cap, and Balance
- Understanding the McConnell debt limit proposal
- Understanding the S&P report
- Understanding the President’s new budget proposal
- What is the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR)?