Archive for November, 2009
The Right Needs to Step Back from the Navy SEALs Trial
I’ve been chewing on this story of the three Navy SEALs over the weekend and, for the life of me, I don’t understand the furor (and, believe me, there’s furor). I’ve yet to have anyone explain why I should be outraged beyond “those guys shouldn’t be tried for giving a dirtbag killer a fat lip”. [...]
The Motley CRU’s Twenty-Year Fraud
The climate change fraud story may be reaching a denouement, with a story that drives an ash stake right through the heart of the notion that the climate change apostles were doing anything remotely resembling real science. First, though, let me recommend this Mark Steyn column and this post from Stacy McCain as needed correctives [...]
Chalk Another One Up to Exporting America!
American culture scores another convert! What was more, though, ESPNAmerica also spends a whole lot of time to American Football. I had seen Football games in the past, and liked them, but never had the opportunity to watch it regularly. Now I did. It only took me three weeks or so to become positively addicted. [...]
Distorting Honduran History at the New York Times
I’m having a hard time deciding whether this article in the New York Times is dishonest or just biased toward the Obama Administration’s point of view. The author purports to be critical of the administrations vacillations toward the situation in Honduras, but clearly she’s in the tank on the administration’s approved explanation about what happened [...]
Discovery Channel Wins My Heart with a Commercial, Again.
I still love the whole world. Boom dee yah dah! By the by, Discovery Channel is running a contest. Make your own video, why not? (By the way, when the key changes and the shuttle lifts off? Goosebumps. Yeah, I’m a music and science geek. What of it?)
“That look is from the ‘Guy you alert the flight attendant about’ collection.”
At the risk of enraging Take That! Radio’s Twilight Corps, I am posting this clip of highlights from the RiffTrax treatment of Twilight. RiffTrax, for those of you who’ve not heard of it, is what became of the three core members of the Mystery Science Theater 3000 crew (Mike Nelson, Bill Corbitt, and Kevin Murphy). [...]
Who Likes Our Health Care System? Almost Everyone!
Guess what’s making a huge comeback despite Democratic attempts to run it into the ground? No, not George Bush. I’m talking about the US healthcare system. I guess I shouldn’t say “despite” when “because” seems a lot more appropriate. The 20-point comeback seems to coincide rather well with the progressive full-court press to denigrate our [...]
That’s a Big Tsunami
You think we have tsunami problems? Imagine a wave of superheated plasma and magnetic energy over 7 1/2 times taller than Earth* rushing toward you at 560,000 miles per hour. That’s what the twin STEREO satellites spotted when it got the first very good image of something called a a magnetohydrodynamical wave (also called a [...]
That’s What You Said