Archive for July, 2009
Clunker Cash Coffer Catastrophe Causes Congressional Consternation, Conservative Contumely
My latest at AIP involves the Cash for Clunkers program whereby Washington has decided that the car you drive is a blight to Mother Gaia and you should drive a car they like. They’ve offered to pay you for the privilege — up to $4,500 for your old ride — except that the program ran [...]
Who Would You Pick for a Sit Down and a Beer?
Matt Margolis found a fun little question that could make for an interesting discussion, if you’re game. YOU DECIDE: If you could have a beer with any politician, living or dead, who would it be? Share your thoughts. Click on “Leave a Comment” below. He expanded this one question to three. Pick one living and [...]
Rather: We Must Take Over the Free Press in Order to Save It
When Dan Rather presses the panic button, he really doesn’t mess around, does he? Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather called on President Barack Obama to form a White House commission to help save the press in an emotional speech at the Aspen Institute. At stake, he argued, is the very survival of American democracy. [...]
…For Varying Definitions of the Word “Beautiful”
I dispute The Hill’s definition of the word “beautiful” so long as Maxine Waters is anywhere in the neighborhood of a “50 Most Beautiful” List. If you wanted to find a person more eaten up with anger and grievance, you’d have to get on a terrorist relief ship. I also find it interesting that there’s [...]
Why Being a Democratic Senator is the Most Amazing Job in the World
Let this be a lesson to you. If you take a sweetheart deal or two from a corrupt mortgage lender whose company is at the very top of the list of reasons we’re in a recession right now and then lie about whether you knew the deal was a sweetheart deal, and then get caught [...]
Yeah, I Know It’s Rob Thomas. It Still Rocks.
Jimi Hendrix would have approved. Approved? Hell, he would have grabbed up an axe and they would have gone on another ten minutes. And yes, I know that’s Rob Thomas, who I have thought physically incapable of rocking. I was wrong. He brings the voodoo better than anyone since Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughan. The [...]
That’s What You Said