Archive for March, 2010
The Delivery Presents – My First Audio Listener Mailbag!
What’s this? An episode of The Delivery not released on a Wednesday and so much shorter than the others? What sort of deviltry can this be? While working on my first promo for the show, I asked one of my friends, who I knew from Twitter, to join SMP Mike and I on Skype to [...]
Well, At Least We Weren’t Devoured By the Nuclear Chaos
Good news, everyone! The Large Hadron Collider has succesfully caused its very first high-energy particle collision. The experiment went off pretty much as planned, which means it did not create a planet-swallowing black hole nor did it rend the very fabric of space and time and create a gateway through which horrors beyond man’s reckoning would heave [...]
Conservative Bloggers Answer George Thorogood’s Question, “Who Do You Love?”
Every one in a while John Hawkins polls a bunch of conservative bloggers about an issue of the day. I find his polls interesting because the folks he picks are a mix of established, popular bloggers along with folks on various points of the blogospheric “long tail”. As one of the folks out on the [...]
What Are Conservatives Conserving?
Once in a while, we conservatives will get asked, “Okay, Mr. Smarty Conservative…what, exactly, is it that you’re trying to conserve?” It’s a fair question. Conservatives too often fall back on the hackneyed slogans (Low taxes! Individual liberty! Free Markets!) without explaining why those things are important. In truth, low taxes and the rest are [...]
The Heart of Darkness Came to Nevada, And So Did the Croc Hunters
Sarah Palin came to Nevada and Stacy McCain was there to document the angry mobs full of angry spitting racists whom she led in various anti-gay chants against Manly-Man Barney Frank. To read some of the commentary, you’d think the authors were sailing down a gloomy river in search of an ivory trader named Kurtz [...]
Have You Ever Noticed that “Social Justice” Means Everyone Gets Poorer?
When we last saw Max Baucus, Democratic Senator from Montana and Chair of the Finance Committee, he was busy trying to get his girlfriend a job as a United States’ Attorney. I think perhaps his colleagues would prefer he stick to the petty corruption instead of playing Spokesman of the Progressive Movement. He really let [...]
Aw, What Struggling Economy Needs $250 Million Anyhow…
Yuh oh. Caterpillar Inc., the world’s largest maker of bulldozers and excavators, expects to record a charge of about $100 million resulting from the health-care law signed this week by President Barack Obama. The charge, to be recorded in the first quarter of 2010, reflects new tax liabilities on retiree drug benefits that are part [...]
That’s What You Said