Archive for April, 2010
Oompa Loompa Doopity Dendent; Charlie’s Gonna Run as a Maverick Independent
Birds gotta fly, cats gotta sing, Charlie Crist’s gotta be a puffed-up, egomaniacal jerk. Sabato expects Crist to hit the trail as an independent with a new message: “Me against the machines.” That message, he says, could resonate. “He’ll use that idea to portray the Obama machine on one side and the national GOP machine [...]
American Individualism isn’t a Bug, Man.
Before this morning, I had no idea who Dr. Donald Berwick is nor why I should care. After reading Pat Austin’s post on the fine doctor, whom President Obama wants to head up the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, I’m sorry I know his name. See, Dr. Berwick is a bureaucrat, one of a [...]
What’s a Few Dead Miners When Measured Against Utopia?
How many more people will die to satisfy this administration’s religious fervor for an environmental utopia? The irony of President Barack Obama visiting Beckley, West Virginia, Sunday to read a eulogy at the memorial service for those who died in the Upper Big Branch Mine accident, has not been lost on some White House aides. [...]
Let’s Play CEO!
Do you like imagination games? I do. Let’s play one right now. Imagine you run a huge corporation that’s run upon hard times but has plenty of strength and potential. You have devised a plan to give all your employees a plethora of new benefits. Better, your plan will also, despite the incredible cost, completely turn [...]
Oh Noes! It’s the Arizona Gestapo!
There is a lot of misinformation flying around the internet and the television airwaves about Arizona’s new immigration-enforcement law. Here are some of the things I’ve heard, or have been told, in the past two days. AZ police officers can approach anyone they want and demand “papers” from them. AZ police officers now have a [...]
It’s My Birthday Week! Please Don’t Make Me Beg.
I like April. The NHL playoffs get cranked up, baseball season starts, Spring flexes its lovely muscles and you can almost forget the last couple brutal winter months, and I get to celebrate two birthdays in the same week. Today is the sixth birthday of The Sundries Shack. That puts my humble little blog among [...]
I’ll Just Call Them The Southern Poverty Laughability Center
Every once in a while, you might come across the Southern Poverty Law Center, usually in some MSM report on a so-called hate group. Of late, the SPLC has been the go-to group for the government’s attempt to demonize and then marginalize normal, law-abiding Americans who have some grievance against Washington. Stacy McCain, who is [...]
That’s What You Said