Archive for October, 2007
Any Given Sunday…
I don’t normally make football predictions, because my success records is not generally very good. I am to football predictions what Markos Zuniga or Bob Shrum are to political campaigns. Nevertheless, I’m getting a feeling about today’s Patriots/Redskins game. I realize that the line is prohibitively in favor of the Pats, that Tom Brady is [...]
Hearts and Minds
This is a fantastic story. Members of the Iraqi Army who are serving alongside our own troops at the Besmaya Range Complex heard about the terrible wildfires in California. Knowing that some of the American soldiers at Besmaya lived in that area, they passed the hat and collected $1,000. That doesn’t seem like very much, [...]
It Ain’t “Wealth” If It’s Just On Paper
I’m a little confused by the first two paragraphs of this article. More than $23.6 billion in California housing wealth will evaporate if real estate prices continue to decline and foreclosures on subprime home loans soar, according to a new congressional report that indicates the fallout from the national mortgage crisis is worsening. In addition, [...]
Another Natural Disaster, Another FEMA Beclowning
Is there any chance – any chance at all – that we can just close up shop on FEMA? I can’t, for the life of me, imagine what they do that’s not being done better and more quickly than local and state emergency management agencies, the American Red Cross, and a host of other private [...]
Rice Attacked. Security Blew It. MSM Yawns.
I am very much trying to figure out exactly how this woman could get so close to the Secretary of State of the United States. There is no way in the world that she should have gotten within thirty feet of Secretary Rice and the very second she got within ten feet, she should have [...]
TNR Has Much For Which To Answer…
Phony soldier. The DRUDGE REPORT has optained internal documents from the investigation of THE NEW REPUBLIC’S “Baghdad Diarist”, Scott Thomas Beauchamp, an Army private turned war correspondent who reported tales of military malfeasance from the Iraq War front. The documents appear to expose that once the veracity of Beauchamp’s diaries were called into question, and [...]
When Pork Trumps “The Children” (or, How Many Health Insurance Plans Could You Have Bought With the Money they’re Spending?)
Man, that Tom Coburn is one smart cookie and the Senate Democrats are a bunch of feckless weasels. Why do I say that? Well, do you remember the past two weeks when you couldn’t swing a dead cat in Washington and not hit a Democrat nearly in tears about how George Bush and the Republicans [...]
Myths About The Jena 6
I haven’t really followed all the fuss down in Jena, LA, mostly because when I see Jesse Jackson marching at the head of a crowd, it’s usually a put-up job that ultimately ends up filling Jackson’s pockets with cash. What I know basically of the story is that Jackson and others are alleging that Jena [...]
That’s What You Said