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Is Coca-Cola Propping Up Swaziland's Dictator? When A Philandering Politician (Like Newt) Plays The God Card The Pathology of Inequality in the US: Our National Dementia About Work and Wealth Ten Steps to a Radical Revolution of Values in the USA Newt Gingrich Is a Master Magician of the Dark Arts: His Blathering Can Explode a Sane Person's BrainHeadlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Is Coca-Cola Propping Up Swaziland's Dictator? -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- The Pathology of Inequality in the US: Our National Dementia About Work and Wealth -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Ten Steps to a Radical Revolution of Values in the USA -- Bill Quigley for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Newt Gingrich Is a Master Magician of the Dark Arts: His Blathering Can Explode a Sane Person's Brain -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Congress Doesn't Want to Give Up Its Insider Trading Privileges
- Poor Mitt, or 'The problem with being the Swiss bank account guy'
- New Taxes on the Rich Not Likely Before the Election: "The prospects of a so-called Buffett tax on high-earning households remain uncertain, if not remote, for the immediate future."
- Gingrich Pledges Moon Colony during Presidency. Little Green Men Say LOL ROFL LOL.
- Tester, Baucus Support Constitutional Amendment against Citizens United
- Ahmadinejad Says Iran Ready for Talks
- Teens, Advocates Say Washington Must Address Youth Unemployment
- Fed Signals that a Full Recovery is Years Away
- Florida: Occupy demonstrators arrested; protests continue against investor conference
- Romney Profited From Mortgage Lenders Foreclosing On Thousands Of Floridians
- Mideast Cyberwar Continues to Claim More Victims
- Arizona Gov. Brewer Gets Book Critique from Obama
- Mitt Romney's Maids' Salary Raises Questions
- Breast Cancer Behind Bars: How a Prison Sentence Can Become a Death Sentence
- You Can Thank The Supreme Court For Newt Gingrich’s Extended Campaign
- When A Philandering Politician (Like Newt) Plays The God Card -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Christie, Democrats Clash on Gay Marriage
- States Weaken Tenure Rights for Teachers
- Obama’s 99 Percent Speech
- The GOP’s Unemployment Trap: Romney and Gingrich aren't talking about unemployment for a reason: Because they don't have any solutions.
- Dems Want Koch Reps to Testify on Keystone XL Pipeline
- Will the Young Rise Up and Fight Their Indentured Servitude to the Student Loan Industry?
- How The 2012 Conventions Will Leave A Permanent Surveillance And Security Footprint In Host Cities
- Occupy DC Faces No-Camping Clampdown "Very Soon"
- Nomi Prins: President Obama's State of the Union - Ten Skirted Issues
- John Nichols: Obama Bully-Pulpits Romney
- Focus Group Suggests State of the Union Speech Was Well-Received
- 2012 State of the Union: Five Things Obama Didn't Say
- How Private Equity Firms Like Bain Capital Earn Profits
- In Police Training, a Dark Film on US Muslims
- Google Announces Privacy Changes Across Products; Users Can’t Opt Out
- Europe Weighs Tough Law on Online Privacy
- David Corn: Obama's SOTU - Winning the Next 9 Months
- The Best Excerpt From Barney Frank's Interview With The NY Times
- Tax lawyers Question Gingrich's 2010 return
- Monsanto Says It Won't Sell GMO Maize in France in 2012
- Thousands Gather In Tahrir Square To Mark First Anniversary Of Uprising
- Rates to Stay Near Zero Through Late 2014, Fed Says
- Obama makes strong call for clean energy — oh, and drilling and fracking too
- Obama Uses His State Of The Union To Obliterate Everything The GOP Stands For
- Story of the Week (Exclusive): Lobbyists target Occupy Wall Street
- The New York Times: The State of the Union in 2012
- Report: New Poll Suggests Gingrich Surging in Florida
- Best-Selling Author Thomas Frank Reads From His New Book, "Pity the Billionaire"
- In Haditha Case: Marine Gets No Jail Time in Killing of 24 Iraqi Civilians
- Limerick Ode To Newt’s Latest Temper Tantrum
- Scott Walker’s Plutonomy: An Economy for the One Percent
- Execs At Bailed Out Banks Convinced Government They Couldn't Survive On $500K
- Yahoo! Audience Reacts: 63% Say Obama Made the Case for a Second Term
- Partnership-Driven Growth: A Bipartisan Way Forward
- In His Victory Speech, Newt Doubles Down on Racism, Hints at Anti-Semitism
- How Newt Stopped Marianne From Revealing Secrets the First Time
- Apple's Chinese Factories to be Audited After Violation of Working Conditions
- In State of the Union, Obama Calls for Minimum 30 Percent Tax on Millionaires
- Did Schneiderman Sell Out on Industry Friendly Mortgage Fraud Settlement? Time Will Tell.
- Transcript of Obama's State of the Union: Per the Past Few Weeks, Obama Continues to Reclaim the Counter-Narrative. Now the question, yet again, is can Obama deliver? One of His Best Speeches: Defining, Specific, and Progressive. Leaves Republicans to Continue Creating a Mythical, Hateful Counter-Narrative.
- Obama Announces Mortgage Crisis Unit Chaired By New York Attorney General Schneiderman Schnedierman's Great, But Will It Actually Lead to Wall Street Prosecutions?
- Blowing the Whistle on Big Pharma
- Economic Fairness Key Theme in Obama State of the Union
- Chris Dodd, Now Working for the "Old" Hollywood Studios, Threatens Congress to Pass SOPA and PIPA: No Vote, No Checks -- Paul Mutter for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Breast Cancer Behind Bars: How a Prison Sentence Can Become a Death Sentence
- Some Facts You Should Know As Background to the State of the Union Such as: "The top 1 percent of Americans own 40 percent of our country’s wealth while the bottom 80 percent owns only 7 percent."
- Report: Gay marriage in Washington: Legislature has the votes
- Obama To Announce Mortgage Crisis Unit Chaired By New York Attorney General Schneiderman Obama Housing Crisis
- Leader of Gingrich ethics investigation rejects call to release more documents, but its not her decision anymore
- Draft Jeb Bush? Ugh!
- Was the Occupy Movement the Influence That Turned Gingrich Into a Raving Right Wing Populist -- In Part, At Least
- Apple's $46 billion sales set new tech record
- The Death of an Ordinary Housecat
- Romney tax returns shine light on Mormon tithing
- Thirty Years Before SOPA, MPAA Feared the VCR: MPAA Then Head Jack Valenti Said: "I say to you that the VCR is to the American film producer and the American public as the Boston strangler is to the woman home alone…"
- We're Number One in the World in Putting People in Prison: Shameful -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Graphic Anti-Abortion Ad During the Super Bowl? Nix It. -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- NJ Gov Christie Says He’ll Veto Gay-Marriage Bill, Wants To Let Voters Decide
- Who Is the GOP Nominee for President Going to Be - the Adulterer, the Flip Flopper, the Radical, or the Homophobe? -- Pat Weller for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Occupy DC Protest Draws Right-Wing Congressional Scrutiny
- Gingrich: ‘Most Of The Asians,’ Some Latinos, But Not Many African Americans Understand Entrepreneurship
- The Obama Memos
- Gay marriage in Washington: Legislature has the votes
- Human Rights Watch: Iraq Getting Worse
- Winners and Losers in America's Wars
- Romney Craters with Independents
- The $10 Millon Adelson Gift, Courtesy of Citizens United, to Gingrich. Mr. Adelson is One of the Richest Men in the World.
- Once They Were Blind, Now They See. Patients Cured by Stem Cell 'Miracle'
- Six Facts About Mitt Romney’s Tax Returns
- Romney Offers $1M for Newt Docs
- The Ever-Revolving Revolving Door
- Georgia Judge Thinks Obama Needs To Testify In Birther Case
- Only 17% of Americans Think Corporations Should Be Allowed to Spend Unlimited Money on Elections
- Patients May Die When Doctors Moonlight as Big Pharma's "Key Opinion Leaders"
- Gathering of Eagles: Extremists Look to Montana
- French Troops to Stay in Afghanistan
- Obama Is on the Brink of a Settlement With the Big Banks — and Progressives Are Furious
- A Tale of Three Speeches About Separation of Church and State
- Facts: The State of the Union
- Human Carcinogen Found in Drinking Water Near Gas Drilling Ops
- Rick Santorum Gets Glitter Bombed, Again: Protesters Shower GOP Candidate With Glitter Over Gay Rights
- Glenn Greenwald: Western Justice and Transparency
- The Dark Art of the Political Smear
- Europe Weighs a Tough Law on Online Piracy and User Data
- John Kiriakou and the Real Story Behind Obama's Latest Leak Crackdown
- Obama’s Prime-Time Chance to Honor Rep. Giffords
- Mitt Romney Paid A 13.9% Effective Tax Rate In 2010...and His Total Wealth Amounts to $60,000 a Day.
- Most Americans Agree with "Buffett Rule" Concept, Poll Shows
- The Abu Ghraib of Los Angeles?
- Alabama Appelate Court Deals Death Blow to Thousands of Foreclosures
- Consumer Group Accuses Hollywood of 'Threatening Politicians' over SOPA and PIPA
- Will the Mitt/Newt Slugfest Boost the Occupy Movement?
- Charlotte City Council OKs Expanding Police Power during DNC
- Stephen Colbert Ends His Presidential Bid as Jon Stewart Swipes Super PAC
- What Timing: On day of Obama’s big inequality speech, Romney reveals massive income, low tax rates
- Marine Accused in Haditha Massacre Makes Plea Deal
- Romney Revelations Leave Key Tax Questions Unanswered
- The Real Story of America’s Unemployed
- Patrick McElligott's Anti-Fracking Hunger Strike is Officially Over. He Got What He Was After At Last.
- Santorum Touts Birther Endorsement
- Dallas Meat Packing Plant Investigated after Privately-Owned Drone Takes Images of Meat Blood in the Creek. Yes, a Good-News Drone Story for a Change.
- Why the United States Will Never, Ever Build the iPhone
- The Fiscally Reckless Mitch Daniels
- Obama to Frame Re-Election Themes Tuesday in State of the Union Address
- JFK Library to Release Last of His Secret Tapes
- A coalition of environmental groups plans to stage a rally against "Big Oil's corruption" on Capitol Hill on Tuesday, hours before President Barack Obama delivers his State of the Union address to Congress.
- Egypt's Uprising Continues to be a Work in Progress
- Former President Of ORU Richard Roberts Arrested For DUI, Speeding
- George Soros on the Coming US Class War
- Republican Debate Winner in Florida? Nobody Who Watched
- US Aircraft Carrier Enters Gulf Without Incident
- United Nations: US Operation of Guantanamo Prison is 'Clear Breach of International Law'
- Deadly Explosions Rattle Baghdad
- Romney Tax Returns Show 2-Year Income of $45 Million
- In Police Training, a Dark Film on US Muslims
- "Newt Gingrich’s recently released tax returns show how much can be made peddling influence and access to the leadership in Washington."
- Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown Agree to Third-Party Ad Ban
- Scalia: Blame Congress For My Decision To Turn Campaign Finance Into The Wild West
- A New Generation of Political Islamists Steps Forward
- Julian Assange Says He's Launching TV Chat Show
- Fact Check Says Gingrich is Not Telling the Full Truth in Florida Debate: "Newt Gingrich repeats claim that he balanced the federal budget four times as speaker"
- "Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, his one-time lead among GOP voters in Florida and nationwide evaporating, hammered Newt Gingrich as an influence peddler and disgraced politician in a debate marked by some of the most heated exchanges of the campaign to date."
- European Union Ups the Ante With Iran: "The European Union is dialing up the pressure on Iran, saying Monday it will cut off oil imports and freeze assets in an effort to starve the country's nuclear program of funding."
- Paul Krugman: Is Our Economy Healing?
- Rubio Staffer Quits after Domestic Battery Charge
- Climate Change a ‘Fabrication’? Ask a Wintering-Over Hummingbird, or Check out Your Daffodils
- Republicans Fan the Flames of the Racist Myth of the Welfare Queen
- Clyburn Says Newt Gingrich Is Using Coded Racial Language
- America’s unionized workers, buffeted by layoffs and stagnating wages, face another phenomenon that is increasingly throwing them on the defensive: lockouts.
- Andrew Sullivan: In Defense of Obama
- A Win For Labor - FAA Bill Drops Anti-Union Language
- GOP US Senator Mark Kirk, Who Won Obama's Former Senate Seat in Illinois, Has Had a Serious Stroke
- "The Supreme Court has turned aside a motion from a political advocacy group that sought to argue that Justice Elena Kagan should not participate in the upcoming blockbuster appeals over the constitutionality of health care reform." The deal here is that then Thomas, who should be recused, won't be, and there will be another 5-4 decision for the right wing.
- Protesters Demand Tougher Robo-Signing Settlement for Banks Making Record Executive Payouts
- Ten Reasons Not To Vote For Ron Paul
- Should Virginia act or wait on health insurance exchanges?
- A Continuing Crackdown on Egypt’s Revolution - More than 12,000 Civilians Caught in Army Netherworld
- How and Why Anonymous Took Down the FBI's Website
- Occupy the Super Bowl? Indiana's Workers Eye Dramatic Next Steps in Fight Against Anti-Union Bill
- Glenn Greenwald: America Can Kill You - and Never Explain Why
- Rate of Americans Killed in Afghanistan Soars
- Sick of the Suburbs: How badly designed communities trash our health.
- A Win for Civil-Rights: Supreme Court Rules that Warrants Are Needed in GPS Tracking
- At Florida Town Hall, Rick Santorum Cowardly Panders To Woman Who Alleges Obama Is ‘An Avowed Muslim’
- Sheldon Adelson's $5 Million Investment in Newt Gingrich's Pro-Netanyahu Policies -- Paul Mutter for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Report: White House Pressured Scientists to Underestimate BP Spill Size
- Dozens Hurt as Deadly Storm Hits Near Birmingham, Alabama
- Wendell Potter: Park City Vantage Point Puts Tragedy of American Health Care in Vivid Relief
- More Charges Expected Against Ex-Walker Staffers
- Reagan’s Hand in Guatemala’s Genocide
- The State of Obama's 2008 Promises
- Syria Rejects Arab League Plan
- First Post-Mubarak Parliament Convenes - Muslim Brotherhood Candidate Elected Speaker
- Survey Paints Portrait of Black Women in America
- Campus Cops Brutalize Peaceful Students Protesting Tuition Hikes at UC Riverside
- Feds Charge Former CIA Agent John Kiriakou For Illegal Leaks
- The Torture of Mumia Abu-Jamal Continues off Death Row
- Bill Keller: How About We Don't Bomb Iran?
- The Lonely Battle of Wael Ghonim
- On Roe v. Wade Anniversary, Obama Vows To Protect Women's Choice
- Why The GOP’s Pipeline Ploy May Wind Up Killing Keystone
- Sundance 2012: "Finding North" Looks at Hunger in America
- Paul Krugman: Is Our Economy Healing?
- The Obama Memos: The Making of a Post-Post-Partisan Presidency
- The Surefire Way to End Online Piracy: End Copyright
- The European Union Now Has an Immediate Iranian Oil Embargo
- If You Thought SOPA Was Bad, Just Wait Until You Meet ACTA
- "A combative Mitt Romney on Monday broadened his call for Newt Gingrich to release records from his work as a consultant, speculating that those documents and records from the ethics investigation that led Gingrich to resign from the House of Representatives could show “potentially wrongful activity of some kind.”"
- The Caging of America: Why Do We Lock Up So Many People?
- House Republicans look to each other for rebirth
- "American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS, the two groups he helped found, plan to raise $300 million this year to defeat President Obama, elect Republicans to Congress, and block the Democrats' agenda."
- Chris Hedges: The Corporate State Will Be Broken
- Gone Too Far? Reproductive Politics in the Time of Obama
- Controversial Killer Flu Research Paused
- Georgia Judge Orders Obama to Appear in Court for Hearing on Attempt to Keep Him off Ballot
- Time to Bring Back Bill Clinton?
- Andrea Mitchell Claims Mitt Romney’s Family Entered The Country Illegally
- Apple Releases a Report Showing Human Rights Abuses at Its Manufacturing Suppliers Is the Norm
- How The Republicans On The FEC Are Making Citizens United Even Worse
- Mitt Romney Says He Won’t Release More Than Two Years Of Tax Returns Because of ‘The Internet’
- Meet ACTA; It’s SOPA and PIPA on Steroids, the Global Edition
- Corporate Media Long Ago Abandoned Reporting the Truth: Stenography is Their Game -- Robert Pappas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Pot-Based Prescription Drug Looks for FDA OK
- One-Hundred and Thirty Cities Across the US Protest on Anniversary of Citizens United
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Letter From George W. Bush To Rick Perry
- The Gingrich Open Marriage Initiative (GO-MI) Explained
- Rejection of Keystone Pipeline - A Job Killer, Say Critics, For Thousands of Lobbyists Who Will Lose Their Jobs
- The Rude Pundit: A Brief List of Conservative Men Who Need to Be Punched in the Balls