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America Wants to Work
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Joe Glazer, known by many as labor's troubadour, had for more than 50 years used his voice and guitar to rally supporters to the union cause, including for this timely tune, "Downsized."

Before his death in 2006, he had performed in a hundred union halls, on dozens of picket lines and at scores of political and protest rallies and union conventions. He appeared in nearly every state in the union and in 60 countries around the world and recorded more than 25 LP albums, cassettes and CDs of labor and political music.

Click here to listen to "Downsized."
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A new TV spot, "Work Connects Us All: America's Unions," is reaching out to the public around the values associated with work.


The 99 percent won over the 1 percent Republican leaders in the House when lawmakers finally decided to extend unemployment insurance for a brief period for America's jobless workers. But with more than 4 jobless workers for every one available job, America's jobs crisis continues.


Two years ago, the Supreme Court undermined our democracy when it struck down restrictions on independent campaign spending by corporations and their supporters. Says AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka: “The Citizens United ruling further tilted the playing field in favor of the 1% and against the 99%.

Robert Reich explains Citizens United.
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  • Paul Clark
    In Support of the NLRB's Proposed Election Rule Changes
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