While Blackwell Ducks, Gregoire Wins & Republicans Seek a Mulligan.

Arguing that the initial Ohio recount was flawed due to a lack of uniform standards throughout Ohio (Florida 2000, Bush v Gore, anybody?) attorneys for the Green and Libertarian Parties filed in Federal Court this afternoon to have Ohio counted again. This time, according to the law...

From the AP article...

The two candidates, who received less than 0.3 percent of the Ohio vote, paid $113,600 for a statewide recount after the vote was certified earlier this month by the secretary of state. They have said they don't expect to change the election results, but want to make sure that every vote is proply [sic] counted.

We congratulate the Greens and Libertarians again for aggressively standing up for democracy, and expect that all good Americans (even Republicans) will support their call for standards to be followed and the rule of law to be strictly applied.

In not-unrelated news...

  • Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell (who also served as the Co-Chair for Ohio's Bush/Cheney Re-Elect Committee) still thinks he shouldn't have to give a deposition in the Ohio Election Fraud lawsuit despite being the supposedly non-partisan head of elections in the state.
  • The Republican Supreme Court Justice refused to recuse himself from the case despite having been on the ballot in question.
  • The Democrat is officially announced Governor-elect in Washington state...
  • ...While the Republican wants a do-over and the GOP goes fishing for Vote Fraud. (Dissidents!)