Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

Today the CA Sec. of State, Debra Bowen, announced that she will be decertifying the voting system that lost votes in Humboldt Co. This action is being taken after a state investigation that found that the Diebold/Premier voting system violates the standards because of problems with its audit logs as well as the inaccuracy of one version used in the state.

Humboldt Co has already decided to switch to another vendor and the other two counties are already upgrading their systems so Bowen’s action does nothing at all. The fact that she is ignoring the audit log problems means that she is giving her tacit stamp of approval on the Diebold/Premier systems that have the audit log problem.

I am going to begin posting links to new information that I find on the United States Election Assistance Commission website. I hope this will help keep the reader aware of part of what is going on in Washington DC with regards to our elections.

After this Wednesday evening’s “Daily Voting News” we will be taking a well-deserved hiatus to attend a conference. DVN will resume on Sunday evening.

National: US EAC Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2009 through 2014

National: Implementation Plan for 2005 VVSG Revision/Next Iteration

National: Holt's Election Reform Bill Edges Away From Disastrousness Prior to Introduction

CA: Secretary of state withdraws approval of Premier Elections system

MN: Court to count up to 400 ballots in Senate recount trial
Total is far fewer than Coleman sought in effort to close gap with Franken

MN: Court cripples Norm Coleman comeback in Minn. Senate battle

MN: Coleman all but concedes, but will appeal court ruling
Total is far fewer than Coleman sought in effort to close gap with Franken

NY: Today's election could inspire high turnout

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