Archive for September, 2005
Post Screws Up Bennett and Misses Jackson-Lee Altogether
Well, this is interesting. William Bennett, former Secretary of Education and current radio talk-show host, made a few comments on his show yesterday morning. They are reported in the Washington Post via the AP today. Here’s howthey reported what he said. WASHINGTON — The White House on Friday criticized former Education Secretary William Bennett for [...]
That Damnable George Bush
George Bush hates rich white people. That’s the only conclusion any sane person must be able to draw today as wildfires rage across California, prompting the evacuation of hundreds and the possible evacuation of many more. Property worth millions of dollars are at imminent risk of destruction as the fires move inexorably towards the more [...]
Dream for Bipartisanship!
The Anchoress, great thinker that she is, seems to have hit upon a new way to bring comity between the parties: sexy dreams! This particular friend had once before called me up very upset because she had a sex dream about Bill Clinton, whom she also didnât like. It troubled her because for a brief [...]
Questions? She Don’t Need No Steenking Questions!
This is insane. No, it’s beyond insane. It’s the close kin to malfeasance. Governor Kathleen Blanco comes before the Senate Finance Committee to “respond to charges by former FEMA Director Michael D. Brown, who the day before called Louisiana officials ‘dysfunctional’ in handling the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina”, and she was asked no questions about [...]
The New Republican Campaign Strategy: Don’t Vote and Die!
Y’know, it must be a law that if you’re black, a Democrat, and in Congress, you have to make a statement once a month or so that’s both mind-numbingly stupid and racially-charged. Today, Sheila Jackson-Lee did her monthly duty by saying that the Feds allegedly “slow” reaction to Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans was due [...]
Chief Justice Roberts and 22 Ignorant Senators
John Roberts has been sworn in as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The confirmation vote was 78 for and 22 against. That means that 22 of your Senators are either playing politics with the Constitution or have on earthly idea what it is a judge is supposed to do. In [...]
I’m Still Here! Just…well…Read On.
I’ll bet you’ve noticed that, again, I haven’t been lighting the blogging world on fire in the past week. In fact, I haven’t done any blogging at all. The reason for that is twofold. First, I’ve been terribly busy with things away from the blogosphere: work, school, and things in my personal life to which [...]
Weasely Goodness
I have to give you guys some Weasely goodness, because every strong, growing blogreader needs Weasely goodness! Our first big helping features a very handy timeline about Hurricane Katrina that tells you who did what and when, and what the media reported about events. It’s useful to dispel the bazillions of foolish myths about that [...]
That’s What You Said