Sunday, January 22, 2012

Romney's taxes: What if he lies?

A quick question about Romney's taxes. What's stopping him from giving us false forms?

Years ago, back in the 80s, a guy who worked at a bank told me that if someone applying for a home loan hands in a tax form with false info, the bank had no way to double-check. Is there any way to verify Romney's data?
No way to check unless one has a "friend" at the IRS.
On the other hand, preparing a fake one, as complicated as Romney's finances must be, would not be so easy. It would certainly be as scrutinized as the Shroud of Turin."
In this day of tabloid media he's be nuts as there is always somebody with an ax to grind and a penchant for easy money.
You're right of course.

But what I worry about more is the fact he's only releasing one year. I'm betting he's structured his monies such that they don't look nearly as rapacious in the past 4 or 6 years as they do earlier.

He might've been ropadoping this whole time to make everyone slaver over his form(s) and when he releases the single cleansed year the media will go back to the black Muslim Socialist in the WH.
In any case, the important years are not those since he has been running for president. The interesting ones are from his days at Bain where he could easily have millions which he has never paid any taxes on, such as those in the Caymans.

I'm betting those are never released.
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Saturday, January 21, 2012

Sounds like an Apocalypse!

This is a political blog, not a Weird Shit blog. But the political realm -- and life in general -- has left me feeling awfully bleak and blue in recent weeks. So let's welcome some good news: The Apocalypse is nigh!

At least, such is the purport of a mysterious set of videos popping up all over YouTube. These clips document a worldwide phenomenon -- strange, loud, unearthly sounds that have been heard in various locations around the world. A flurry of "unidentified auditory phenomenon" reports came pouring in from all over the world on January 12, 2012, and again on January 17. Near as I can tell, the first wave of videos documenting these sounds showed up in March of 2011, with another outburst in August of 2011.

I know what you're thinking: How do we know that these videos do not constitute a massive con job? Faking up a presentation of this sort would be child's play. Perhaps we are witnessing a viral, global leg-pull.

My response: Dude, you're harshing my buzz. I prefer to think that the Apocalypse is nigh.

On occasion, teevee news has reported on the incidents -- for example, ITN. So has the Huffington Post. Also see here and here. And here. As you'll see, at least one sports broadcast has been interrupted by these audio events.

At this point, I can offer no explanation. Can't even provide you with one of my characteristically outre theories. (Some folks are talking HAARP. Boring! There are people who blame HAARP if a cat coughs up a fur ball.) All you can do is check out the vids and come to your own conclusions.

This one comes from the Czech Republic:

Here's Conklin, Alberta, Canada. This is, perhaps, the most popular of the videos, even though it is almost certainly fake:

Costa Rica coming up. This one is more musical, more David Lynchian...

More on the Costa Rica sitch. Translation, anyone?

Helsinki, Finland, January 17, 2012 (sounding a bit too Hollywood, alas):

Same date, Boulder, CO:

Same date, same sound, Nottingham, England:

Same date, Thunder Bay:

Same date, NYC. Subtle, but cute:

Same date, Philly. Alas, this one sounds quite dubious, like a music track slowed down:

Badajoz, Spain, January 18, 2012:

Belgium, January 19, 2012:

Apparently, something similar occurred worldwide in September of 2011. For some reason, this interesting compilation segues into a commercial for a truly hideous product:

Same damned thing occurred in the south of France (always an epicenter for weirdness) in March of 2011. Here, as elsewhere, the sound resembles the noise emitted by the tripods in the Spielberg version of War of the Worlds:

At the same time France got hit, this occurred in New Jersey:

Poland, August, 2011. This one sounds cool, but methinks I hear indications of Adobe Audition at work...

Take me out to the ball game...

Kiev, in the Ukraine. August, 2011. A news report, in a language I do not understand...

Same time period, St. Petersburg, Florida (this one is subtle)...

Moscow, also in August...

Sweden, again in August...

Unspecified date and locale. But the audio is, like, totally cool.

There are many more such videos on YouTube. Let me say it again: Yes, I know that such presentations are easy to fake. I could do a damned good job of it myself in little more than an hour. But right now, I prefer to ignore your bah-humbuggery, so pooh your poohs elsewhere. In my present mood, just about the only thing that could cheer me up is a really top notch Armageddon.

And popcorn. And beer.

(Wait a minute...! If the world does end in 2012, we'll never find out how Sherlock did what he did at the end of season 2!)
Why does a strage sound automatically equate to death and the end of the world? Remember sonic booms from supersonic aircraft?
Friend of mine "witnessed" one of these mysterious sounds one county over from me. It was also reported by dozens of people and was on the local news. Strange booming sounds have been heard consistently off the coast of NC for centuries.

For now: solar induced magnetic activity. I'll start worrying about The End when I see Mothman.

Thanks for the compilation!
When our house cat neared the end of her journey across this mortal coil she kept trying to sneak out of the house to die alone and in peace. She knew her demise was imminent.

Could that feeling be universal and explain the malaise gripping people across the globe?

We feel the end is near and the noises are a sign?


It's probably the thought of four more years of Obama-iocrity.
Probably like something that happened in southern Utah in the early 1980s.

I had gotten into wilderness deep enough that I thought I was outside the backpackers reach.

Some women backpackers,the next day, came down the creek complaining of weird noises all night long.

Wasn't weird. I was listening to The Clash, Siouxsie and the Banshees and Motorhead, etc. cranked up to ten on my boom box.

The canyons just produced strange echos. They were leaving so it didn't bother me and I didn't explain.
I read this before sleeping and had some really great dreams - thanks!

As far as being easily faked, hmmm. I looked at the link in which a music producer recreates the sound. It didn't sound like the original to me at all. So, faked, probably. Easily faked, probably not. Especially the vids with the same sound.

If one simply takes the sound from other vids, as the producer suggests, one will also take the incidental sounds. And separating incidental sounds from bg noise takes great expertise and expensive equipment.

Maybe the Kokomo hum has gone global.

Doubtless Gabriel playing a warmup set.
Wait a minute...this is the 21st! the world was supposed to end on 1/21/12!
I think your subconscious has successfully cracked another mystery. One might suspect Moriarty but only a mastermind named Benedict Cumberbatch could be responsible for these strange sounds, rehearsing for Smaug of course. Wonderful series can’t wait for the 3rd set, although it is scheduled for release post-appocalypse.
Twice I heard a strange sound in the environment this past week or so. One or both occasions were around the 17th, but not postive on the day.

One sound episode was late at night. Heard something from inside. I opened the door and went outside to take a look. Sound was mysterious. It was windy and the sound faded shortly after I opened the door. I didn't think about this event again until just now, reading your post.

I also heard a sound I couldn't explain during the afternoon. This event I wondered about more because it came from the sky. Your post immediately brought this event to mind. I vaguely wondered what that sound might have been for a couple days.

The stranger sound was the one I had heard at night -- the night sound was more mysterious, more screeching. Sleepy, I convinced myself there was a small hurricane passing.

Maybe there was a funny weather system that night. Maybe that afternoon there was a plane or storm above the clouds I couldn't see. I didn't know about the videos, nor had I heard of such reports. However, I can't recalling having been perplexed by such sounds previous to this past week.
Jotman @ 11:44 reminded me of my parent's house that had metal weather stripping around the entrance doors. On a windy day it would vibrate like a reed in a wind insturment producing all srots of moans.
I swear it was an old czech noise band Einleitungzeit.

I believe, so I hope it's the Apocalypse! However, the sounds remind me of alien invasions. I'm scared!

Thanks for dragging my mind away from politics and toward a more heavenly perspective. I still think the current clowns won't make it to the red ticket. Jeb is waiting in the wings.
Reminds me of the ending of Red State.

Brilliant movie BTW, Take up of the horror genre, but examines our cultures sexual repression and loss of civil liberties since the Patriot Act.

And Michael Parks and Melissa Leo are fookin brilliant.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

SOPA: How to make your voice heard.

Needless to say, I support the effort to protest SOPA legislation. GO HERE NOW.
I heard on the local radio's news program that the (don't drop the) SOPA bill is headed back to committee.
Question is will Congress do the right thing or sneak it back out as is after the hubbub dies down. I'm betting on the back door option knowing Obama.
Mr. Mike

It depends on how honest a politician O is. Remember, an honest politician is one who stays bought.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Sorry about the light posting...

Personal issues. Not sure when I'll return.
Nothing serious, I trust...

Ben Franklin

BTW; British arrogance is alive and well. Craig Murray;
you're not the man we thought you were.
For those concerned about how the banks are stealing homes, you can get involved by signing protest petitions at Change dot org.

Banks regularly practice parallel foreclosure. While accepting homeowners into government sponsored mortgage programs, they simultaneously foreclose on a person's home, then resell it, even if the homeowner was complying with terms of the government program!

If you decide to sign the protest petitions, don't feel obligated to list your real address, zip code or local city, list a fake one. However, you should probably use a real name and real email address.

Check this out, kind of unbelievable if you ask me. HSI Trust still collecting signatures for Rachel Kendalls Foreclosure
Re: Alessandro Machi @ 12:09 AM.

If Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are not against this they are for it, on orders from their Wall Street masters.

Rather that the thinly disguised health insurance company bail out the House should have been holding hearings on why the financial meltdown happed, who was responsible, and seeing to it they were prosecuted. Instead we got Pelosi turning a blind eye just as she did with her refusal to look into how Bush was able to invade Iraq.
Good luck in dealing with whatever issues.

I hope everything in real life goes OK and you are back soon.
Mr. Mike, I assume that Change dot org might have some connection to Obama or Move on dot org.

What I find ironic is that Change dot org kind of proves that Obama probably could have done more good spearheading this group than being president.

Either way, parallel foreclosure is wrong and helping homeowners fight back against the bank is a good thing.
so it's when and not if or when...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Well, to be frank, if I come back, I'll be "shopping" for a new audience. Most of the readers I have now seem to want me to become a Ron Paulie. Paulism is the "thing" now, just as Obamaism was the "thing" back in 2008.

Naturally, then as now, my job is to be Mr. Contrary.

So if this site is to continue, it may be rebranded purely in terms of strict anti-libertarianism. Take it or leave it!
nothing wrong with that is there?
I'll take it, and gladly.
Sounds like a plan to me Joseph. Personally, I come here precisely because of your contrary nature. There are things Ron Paul supports that I do to, and that Liberals are supposed to support as well, but I can't vote for any Libertarian for any reason, just so we're clear (I support Democracy, not anarchy, after all). I just wish some of those things were supported more by so-called Liberal politicians (and, heck, even citizens) than just Kucinich and a couple other marginal Dems. I suppose though, that is the USA we find ourselves in......leaning so far to the right that Liberals have to become righties to seem like they are centrists. Anyway, hope you come back soon and that your real world problems get resolved.
Keep doing your thing Joseph. I enjoy your critical thinking on the many topics you broach, especially objections to libertarianism and President Obama. I may not comment much but know that you have a big fan over here. And to leave on as farcical a note as Ron Paul, Bobbabooie 20012.

I hope your personal issues recede rapidly, Joseph.

Come back any way at all - except anti-left. ;-)
There is a similar swoon for Paul In the UK. Amazing, the misunderstandings about our politics and even the character of the American People. Craig Murray just as ignorant.

Ben Franklin
So if this site is to continue, it may be rebranded purely in terms of strict anti-libertarianism. Take it or leave it!

I'll take it!

Honestly, I can not understand how people can pick the one or two issues that they agree with regarding Ron Paul while ignoring the cumulative insanity of the bulk of his positions.
Going strictly anti-libertarianism wouldn't hurt my feelings one bit. Personally, I'm sick to death of hearing about Ron Paul and his 'few good things.' Picked up a vid today where Paul claimed the Transportation Dept, could be reduced 1 guy and a computer.


Hope you're back on the air soon in whatever configuration.

Peggy Sue
Anti-libertarian forces need some unifying themes -- one part neo-New Deal, one part anti-corporado and maybe one part Catholic Worker. A little Michael Harrington, mixed with Russ Feingold and Abbie Hoffman.
That's what I'm looking for, Rich -- some suggestions as to the direction.

Also, being a graphics guy, I'm thinking of a site revamp. Maybe a new name. For the past couple of years, I've been toying with the idea of a blog that looks the way a blog might have looked if there were blogs in the 19th century. But now...perhaps a change.
Propaganda posters are ripe for satire. An idea for your metamorphosed return:
Hurry home. I miss you.
I find it amusing how many comments there are here, when compared to how many there have been on your recent run-of-the-mill posts.

As a long-time reader, I understand your desire for a change of direction and/or readership. An old drug dealer of mine used to briefly shut down every 6-9 months just to rid himself of the riff-raff, then resume & retain only the good, discreet clients. Maybe the same principle would work for you (I bet M. Yglesias took an immediate readership hit when he moved from ThinkProgress to Slate).

I have no problem with an anti-Libertarian focus - not that you'd give a shit even if I did, and that's part of why I keep visiting. My only advice would be to focus more on libertarian policy initiatives and their intellectual bankruptcy rather than libertarian label itself.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope you keep posting, and post things that make YOU happy - and to hell with the readership. Please yourself first; the rest will follow (or won't, but clearly, that's not a concern). As long as the posts keep coming, I'll keep reading - for reasons I can't easily articulate (habit?), I still read Xymphora, and s/he has barely written a sentence worth reading in years... so you'll have to try pretty hard to alienate me to the point of indifference.


On a completely separate note, I've found myself wondering recently if we're in the midst of a seismic shift in the dominant political philosophy. The way I understand it, Republicans were dominant in the first 30 years of so of the 20th century; Then the Depression, FDR & the New Deal ushered in a roughly 30-40 year span of Democratic dominance. In the late 70's/early 80's, the Republican worldview became the dominant force in American politics again. I wonder if we're seeing the twilight of that dominance, and an ascendency of a new era of progressive/liberal/democratic political dominance.

Just an random thought, but the winds seem to be shifting. While I'd broadly agree on the readiness of the right/libertarian movement to grasp opportunities presented by an immediate crisis, I wonder if that's more on the downswing instead of the up. Even if my sense is correct, there's years to go yet before it could become entrenched and resilient enough to resist those impulses.
I would LOVE it if you focused on anti-liberatarianism. It seems like this is a big-important issue. And anti Paul-ism. I'm all for it. Kansas (where I live) has always teetered toward it. And I could use all the resources to fight it that I can get my hands on. Or eyes. Whatever.
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Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to start a war

Of course the car-bombings of Iranian nuke scientists are the work of Israel. Even the New York Times and Fox News point in that direction, which means that the artist wants a signature on his canvas. What's interesting is the methodology: There are quieter, subtler ways to kill people.

The Obama administration has strongly denied any involvement. However, the Jerusalem Post, citing a respected blogger named Richard Silverstein (who in turn cites an Israeli intelligence source), claims that Mossad trained terrorists from the People's Mujahedin of Iran (MEK), and that the US was necessarily involved. Silverstein's blog post is here; come to your own assessment.

In a more recent post, Silverstein writes:
What’s disingenuous about this approach is that the U.S. and Israel are joined at the hip in this black ops war against Iran. They developed Stuxnet with Israel. The very same MEK terrorists sticking magnetic bombs to the car doors of Iranian scientists are the ones our government is considering giving a clean bill of health by removing them from the terror list.
Silverstein goes on to ask the right question:
If Iran were assassinating Israeli scientists or the Soviet Union assassinated Edward Teller or J. Robert Oppenheimer does anyone in their right mind believe it wouldn’t arouse a fierce backlash against the perpetrators?
Conclusion: The Israelis hope to provoke a reaction. The car bombings cannot seriously slow the Iranian nuke program, but they can prod Iran to retaliate. In doing so, Iran would give the U.S. the casus belli which the neocons seek.

Israel wants war.

Why would Obama go along with this dangerous game? Well, I haven't seen much "Obama hates Israel" propaganda this election season. And Obama has raised money at an impressive clip.

As Gary Sick writes...
A war with Iran would not be surgical, brief, or one-sided. As memorably noted by Gen. Anthony Zinni, if you like Iraq and Afghanistan, you will love Iran. It is a huge country, well-defended, with a fierce sense of nationalism. No air campaign, even if prolonged, will end the problem. Regardless of how a conflict begins, it is most likely to end with lots of boots on the ground. A squad of special forces will not do the job.

Paradoxically, the quickest way to insure that the Iranians decide to go for a bomb may be to bomb them. The most predictable result of a military strike would be Iran's withdrawal from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty and the ejection of International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors and cameras that watch every step of the Iranian enrichment process.
On the domestic political front: Mitt Romney has given clear signals that he supports the war conspiracy.

Obama? Despite the words written above, he seems to be more of a mixed bag. Although he may be as oily as Romney -- well, almost as oily -- the two men represent differing constituencies. The Democratic party leadership does not want war with Iran. The Demcoratic rank-and-filers, who have put up with an infinitude of crap from this president, will not tolerate that level of military adventurism.

Corrupt Obama may be, but I've never called him a neocon, and I don't think he wants to repeat Dubya's disaster on a larger scale.

On the other hand, it is likely that his administration allowed Israel and MEK to carry out these bombings. My guess is that he intends to play along with the war conspirators until re-election is secured. Until that point, he hopes to keep the pot bubbling without boiling over.
I think you are right. Its all about the Causus Belli.

Col. Pat Lang's blog notes Panetta's comment about Iran working towards nuclear capabilities but not towards a nuclear weapon. He also notes that the odds of significant resistance to a US Navy intervention in the Gulf are small. US Navy has some pretty awesome capabilities, and its tough to play gorrilla war on the high seas.

Im not 100% convinced but its about tail risks. Did you ever read about the 2002 Millenium Challenge war games? And Admiral Van Riper? It seems to me sometimes entrenched special interests down play risks and play up rewards to get their way.

Like when the King of Lydia went to see the Delphic Oracle about the risks associated with war with Persia.

On another note have you come across the "I was just sh*tting you people" piece from this blog. I just thought it might amuse...

Car bombings do send a message to potential nuclear recruits: "We will kill you." Might just affect people who were thinking of getting into the atomic business.
You know, if I was an Ayatollah, I would authorise a program of tit for tat attacks on American and Israeli scientists.

But not right now. Better to just go into the planning stage. After all, doing it carefully avoids many problems.

I might look at other retaliatory measures. After all, what would we do?

I guess I see this one differently or look at it from a different angle. Kind of like what Bob said. I thought it was foolish for Iran to release the information. This unequivocally demonstrates that Iran cannot protect its scientists especially since this is the 4th scientist killed.

The car bomb is a deterrent made to look like a terrorist attack. However, one can also believe that there are people within Iran that do not want to become nuclear because, frankly, it will end badly for them.

Now I do believe Israel is most likely responsible but I have a hard time believing that Iran can do anything about it. If Iran declared war on Israel they'd destabilize the whole region and possibly alienate their own allies in the process. They'd have zero chance in a war and much of their infrastructure would get wiped out.

What is likelier to happen is that Iran arranges some sort of retaliatory terrorist bombing targeting Israeli's. This kind of one upping terrorism could go on indefinitely. The wild card in the whole deal is the USA and the neocon insanity. In my opinion, if war happens it will be because of their influence.

As you've reported they are constantly beating the drum of war with Iran. Now whether it is because Israel wants them to or because they have an undying dream to usher in Armageddon I have no idea. Unfortunately, they are well funded and have considerable influence.
Sir, if a gentleman were to pose an artistic project to various persons, say perhaps at, and yet he defaults on his promise, what would you expect him to do to fulfill his promise?
Anon, I would expect him to stay alive. And I would not expect very much out of him if he were without a job, without a single dollar -- no exaggeration -- and scrambling very hard not to be evicted into the cold eastern winter without shelter.

I cannot work on a comic book under these circumstances. I want that more than anything in the world, but I can't. I can't even afford the damned paper. I can't afford ink.

I will as soon as I can, if I survive. But you have NO idea how I am living right now.

If you have any further questions, my address is above.
Recommend discussion about this assassination and who might be responsible at Moon of Alabama!

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200 pardons

Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour was once considered a possible candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, despite his strong resemblance to a spoiled squash. At the end of his term of office, Barbour pardoned or gave clemency to more than 200 criminals, including people convicted of murder and other very serious crimes. His predecessor had issued just one pardon.

The Mississippi Attorney General (who happens to be a Democrat) has issued a temporary injunction blocking further prisoner releases, because the state's constitution requires that prisoner requests for pardons be published 30 days beforehand.

The pardon/clemency list includes the brother of New York Jets quarterback Brett Favre. (The brother accidentally killed a friend while driving drunk.) Also pardoned were David Gatlin (recently denied parole), who shot his wife while she held their small son; Anthony McCray, who also shot his wife; socialite Karen Irby, convicted of manslaughter; and Joseph Ozment, who, while committing a robbery, shot a wounded man point blank in the head.

NRA fundamentalists should rejoice: Pardoned individuals are allowed to carry firearms under federal law.

Barbour has issued a statement defending his pardons. You can read it -- festooned with suitably captious commentary -- on a Mississippi-based blog called Cottonmouth.

Barbour's strange activities made me flash on another famous Republican -- Fred Thompson. Although you may know him best as an actor, he was a lawyer before going Hollywood. He played himself in Marie, a fine 1985 film starring Sissy Spacek. The movie tells the story of Marie Ragghianti, who courageously exposed a scandal centering on certain key cronies of Tennessee Governor Ray Blanton, who ran the state from 1975 to 1979. From Wikipedia:
His administration seemed rife with "cronyism", and this became more apparent when Roger Humphreys, a convicted double murderer, was pardoned for his crimes and it became public knowledge that his father was a county chairman for Blanton. It was later discovered that members of Blanton's staff were involved in the apparent sale of pardons.
In January 1979, with his term expiring, the State's Pardon Board began to make a series of pardons that seemed to be either the product of sheer politics or open bribery.
Blanton had fired Marie Ragghianti for exposing the pay-for-pardons scandal. This site has more:
Blanton was never charged in the clemency scandal, but made the ill-advised decision on January 15, 1979 to pardon three prisoners and reduce the sentences of 49 others, including 24 convicted murderers. Receiving the most attention was Roger Humphreys, who had murdered his ex-wife and her lover in 1973 and was not up for parole until 1984. Blanton commuted his sentence to time served. Humphreys, the son of a Blanton campaign manager, had already been subject to cushy treatment, including working as a photographer for the state.
Let's get back to Barbour.

One of the best reviews of the Barbour pardon scandal comes from this site, run by R.S. Ruckman, who specializes in the politics of pardons.
15 of Barbour's recipients had multiple convictions, in multiple years. Almost 30 were found guilty of murder, manslaughter, accessory to murder or the like. One third of them were originally sentenced to life in prison. It appears three literally walked right out of prison (Harper, Kambule and Irby).

Yes, it was a classic example of just about every thing the pardon power should not be. The only thing that seems to be missing, for now, is some hint of "politics" (donors, supporters, friends, relatives, inside influence and the like). But, give it time. Barbour clearly could have spread these decisions over a period of months, if not years, making each one a little more well-considered, a little less suspicious looking and - for those who really were deserving - something barely worth public celebration. But, no, a Republican governor, in the South, and potential presidential nominee has to keep up appearances.
Haley Barbour and his chief of staff will now join the law firm of Butler, Snow, O'Mara, Stevens and Canada.
The firm will rely on Barbour and Hurst’s expertise in economic development, strategic planning and government relations. Barbour also will be working for the BGR Group, a Washington lobbying firm he helped establish before he became governor
You can learn more about BGR in this Talking Points Memo story. These lobbyists are tied in with union-busting, a Milwaulkee energy utility called WE Energies, and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. TPM neglects to mention that Walker sold WE Energies to the Koch brothers for "pennies on the dollar."

The Blanton scandal revisited: If the reader will forgive a small side-jaunt into assassination lore, the Ray Blanton scandal of the late 1970s had a strange connection to the murder of Martin Luther King. This site gives part of the story:
Undercover agents, testing how far the administration would go, met with a bodyguard and asked how much it would take to secure the release of James Earl Ray, who had murdered civil rights icon Martin Luther King, Jr. The bodyguard responded that Ray was too high-profile a prisoner for clemency, but it was possible that he could be allowed to escape for the right price (incidentally, Ray did escape in 1977 along with a handful of other inmates; it was unlikely to be a Blanton administration plot, however, since Blanton promptly called in the troops and Ray and his fellow fugitives were recaptured within days).
I have heard -- but cannot now confirm -- that one of the recipients of an otherwise-inexplicable Blanton pardon was a prisoner who helped James Earl Ray to escape. The fact that Blanton called in the troops is neither surprising nor reassuring: Claiming that a prisoner was "shot while trying to escape" is one of the oldest tricks in the book. (There had been several attempts on Ray's life.)

The escape occurred during the House Select Committee on Assassinations hearings. During a little-noticed 1999 civil case brought by Coretta Scott King, it was established that, immediately after Ray's escape, an FBI SWAT team swarmed the woods surrounding Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary. Lewis Stokes, Chairman of the HSCA, called Blanton and pressured him to make sure that the FBI did not kill Ray.

I don't know what Stokes said, but he must have found the right words.
Some of Abe Lincoln's underlings were selling pardons for prisoners at Camp Douglas. Pardon scandals have been around a while but it does make you wonder where Barbour's overblown head was at.
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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Hillary vote

Everyone paid so much attention to the New Hampshire Republican primary that the Democratic contest -- if we may call it that -- has been ignored. Turns out Hillary won ten percent, which is pretty good when you consider that all of those votes were write-ins, and she has explicitly said that she does not want the nomination.

Don't jump to conclusions about Obama's vulnerability. Since the winner of the "contest" was a foregone conclusion, only 60,000 people showed up to vote for Obama. Thus, a write-in campaign engineered by die-hard Clinton fans scared up 6000 ballots. That sounds reasonable.

Too bad she didn't get, say, 30% of the vote. Things would really start to get fun.
Remarkable after the hatchet job the Matthews and Olbermanns did on her back in 2008. I'm sure more than a few Kossholes have their panties up their cracks about it.
The Kossholes who scolded Hillary supporters for being racist are through with Obama. Now they want Ron Paul who *is* a racist.
If most people are resigned to Obama "winning" every Democratic Primary, a write Hillary in movement might actually cause a few upsets (mind the pun) in some states.
Russert got the ball rolling.
I was told yesterday that she is likely to resign her post, and take 6 months off, before coming back and running with Obama as his VP.

I dont know what to think.

I've been looking for confirmation of the New Hampshire primary results on the Democratic side, but there are no news outlets reporting on write-ins for Hillary Clinton. However, I've easily found numerous articles crowing about how Ron Paul came in second place as a write-in on the Democratic ballot. There's something rotten going down (again).
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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

"Patriots," Paul, plutocracy and pseudo-progressives

Consider this post a follow-up to the one below.

The message reproduced to the right comes from Zero Hedge. One can, of course, find many similarly inane comments scattered throughout blogland.

This particular example of inanity stands out because the outrageous contradiction on display here illustrates a much larger problem. This fellow considers himself a "Born Patriot" yet identifies himself with an image of the Confederate flag.

Ron Paul has, at times, spoken in favor of secession. If ever he were to provide "aid and comfort" to any serious attempt to bring about secession, he should be tried and executed under Article Three, section 3 of the United States Constitution. Yet his supporters label themselves patriots.

At this writing, Paul will probably win second place in the New Hampshire primary. I don't expect much from the Republicans -- but is it really too much to ask the party of Lincoln to favor the concept of maintaining the union under any and all circumstances? Apparently so. (As we shall see, some alleged "liberals" also have no problem rationalizing Paul's treasonous instincts.)

What have we come to? What would Honest Abe think about Paul's popularity?

Modern conservatives are a contradictory bunch: They continually threaten to upend the very ideals they claim to cherish.

A few days ago, we looked at the ultra-conservative wing of the Catholic church. We noted that the people who bray loudest about their loyalty to the papacy are also the ones who, if they don't get their way, are the likeliest to join a schismatic movement. Similarly, the tea partiers proclaim their loyalty to the founding fathers even as they continually threaten to take up arms against an elected government, should that government do things unapproved by the libertarians. Sometimes the baggers make that threat in a sly and subtle fashion; sometimes (as in the case of Sharron Angle), they can be overt. But the threat remains, always there, lingering in the air.

Let's give this threat its proper name: Fascism.

The Confederacy -- revered by the Paulites -- was the first attempt at a fascist government: A one-party plutocracy founded on slavery and fueled by appeals to the most irrational aspects of the human psyche. The libertarians who molded Ron Paul's thinking admired fascists like Mussolini and Pinochet. These ideologues also tend to admire Joe McCarthy, who came to prominence by defending the Nazi perpetrators of the Malmedy massacre, and whose political mentors had pre-war records as fascist sympathizers.

Yet libertarian propagandists try to convince naive youngsters that FDR was pro-fascist...!

On the left side of the aisle, the situation is almost as bad. I loathe and decry the recent attempts by Glenn Greenwald, Matt Stoller and others to make Ron Paul palatable to liberals. Stoller is a particularly vile revisionist historian:
As the New Deal era model sheds the last trappings of anything resembling social justice or equity for what used to be called the middle class (a process which Tom Ferguson has been relentlessly documenting since the early 1980s), the breakdown will become impossible to ignore.
My god. What an absurdity. What indefensible and ludicrous propaganda.

FDR, following in the footsteps of the preceding generation's progressive movement, created the middle class. You can't hold the New Deal responsible for the attacks on the middle class that began only after Reaganites did everything they could to dismantle the New Deal. That's like blaming Sharon Tate for the Manson family murders.

Stoller claims that the New Deal was based on "warmongering." Back in FDR's day, that idea would have made sense only to someone like Robert McCormack. Or to William Randolph Hearst. Or to the Bund. Or to the fascist sympathizers who later went on to found the John Birch Society. Yes, Naked Capitalism is flirting with Birchism, and there's no point in pretending otherwise. Even as he extols the virtues of Paul, the young and ambitious Stoller (who was, of course, a fervent Obot just three short years ago) trashes the memories of Lincoln, FDR and Woodrow Wilson in terms that would make sense only to a Glenn Beck aficionado.

Stoller blames World War II on Roosevelt and the Civil War on Lincoln. Not so long ago, one would have encountered these sentiments only in pro-fascist fringe periodicals. How much distance separates Stoller from, say, William Dudley Pelley? Or George Lincoln Rockwell? Or Eustace Mullins (who also wanted to end the Fed)? Or the folks who gave us The Thunderbolt and Angriff Press? Stoller may not be a racist, but his penchant for fascist-friendly historical revisionism places him in evil company.

Hell, even The Spotlight played it more coy. Perhaps I should revise my "flirting with Birchism" remark: Comparisons to the JBS are too soft to describe what Stoller is up to. I've read some back issues of American Opinion. Absurd as they were, they weren't this absurd.

Yet this guy gets published in The Nation...!

It is true that one wing of the fractured libertarian movement denounced Bush's atrocious war in Iraq. That factor explains why so many lefties have come to sympathize with Paul. But even in 2004 and 2005, I warned anti-war liberals against making common cause with the libertarians. What the followers of Ludwig von Mises want to do to the U.S. (and to the rest of the world) would make Dubya's attack on Baghdad seem comparatively gentle and kind.

Too many alleged leftists claim to be "too liberal for Obama" while simultaneously attacking the New Deal or offering rationalizations for libertarianism (which is just another word for plutocracy). Just like our friend "Born Patriot," these people have twisted themselves into living contradictions.
I frankly cannot understand how in the world someone could construe Greenwald's position as being an attempt to make Ron Paul palatable to liberals. That's just not the case. What he tried to do was simple to point out the fact that Paul's *candidacy* was having the positive effect of bringing issues like anti-militarism and pro civil liberties back into the electoral debate - something that liberals are willing to sweep under the rug because the current White House resident happens to be a "liberal" himself. Greenwald has not said that Paul is a nice fellow, has not endorsed his candidacy and has not said that Paul is the lesser of the two evils.
I read it differently, moshe.
It is only because of this blog and the warnings against libertarianism that I remain skeptical of Paul's motives. Have you seen his anti-war ad? If there was a democrat out there that had the cojones to put out an ad like that I'd be happy to back them. Unfortunately we are stuck with corporate sleazoids, by and large, with the nasty habit of capitulating to Republicans even when they have both houses of Congress and the presidency. It's quite strange. Ten years ago I thought all Republicans were scum and Democrats were well meaning idealists who couldn't get elected because they wouldn't sink to the depths of cynicism that Repubs would to get elected. Now I'm not so sure, but I can't help but see fascism more in the way perception of Paul has been manipulated by the media than in Paul's beliefs. He seems like a good man; or at least he seems like a better man than most members of Congress anyhow.
I don't know about Greenwald but I agree about Stoller's posts. Seem seriously deluded to me.

Paul's version of libertarianism, and maybe all of them, looks like the fastest way to actual tyranny. See Somalia for a libertarian paradise.
I would agree with moshe...and Greenwald is not the only one. Rachel Maddow was raising serious hackles with her portrayal of Ron Paul recently, even tho she later denounced him. She was close to lauding or legitimizing him, but it was in service to a point. On a similar tangent, did you see where MTV falsely portrayed a poetry slam event in NH as a tribute to RP? The slam community has been irate over that.
I think the idea of the Confederacy as the world's first fascist government is interesting and should be pursued in a larger post. (See the Genoveses, The Mind of The Master Class for some really noxious stuff....) I'm not sure about it, though. For example, the Confederate central government was so weak it couldn't collect taxes effectively. For example, I don't see Jeff Davis as a charismatic leader figure. On the other hand, perhaps the Confederacy was an alpha version. However with the response to reconstuction, with the KKK and all, the (temporarily) defeated slaveholding elite invented (did they?) many of the mass forms of terror that would go on to assume such prominence in the 20th C.

As for Paul: If somebody on the D side were advocating for an end to the wars wars, both imperial and drug, they might pick up some votes. (Obama insulted marijuana users right out of the box in 2009.) Possibly the youth might not take kindly to being sent off to die in useless military adventures because the alternative is Wal-Mart or nothing? It's not Paul's fault that the Ds are derelict or worse, and Paul isn't responsible -- at least not solely -- for the rotten state of our discourse. And if whichever messenger points this out gets shot... Well, that's the fate of messengers.
Seems to me this is a very fine line to walk because the libertarian philosophy at its core has nothing to do with American values. Can we applaud the few elements that align themselves with the traditional liberal/progressive tradition?

Only if we remember that we're pulling off a few good apples on what is a poison tree.

I see this discussion going on between disillusioned Obamacrats. They supported an illusion and now they're howling with disappointment.

Here's my question--why didn't these same progs take on Obama directly, demand that he be primaried? The answer is not heralding Ron Paul for the few good positions he holds in an otherwise twisted philosophy. The solution is first admitting that liberals supported a man who turned out to be a poor leader, basically a marketed brand, and then work to correct the mistake made in 2008.

Peggy Sue
I'm with you Joseph re: Greenwald. He's done some useful analysis of the anthrax affair but his libertarian mojo keeps getting in the way of his political assessments. One part of Stoller's grievance is an outright libertarian assault on FDR ( never addressing the fruits of the New Deal like the SEC, Glass-Steagal, the broad White House alliance with liberal Congressmen, the TVA and PWA/CWA public works). Another strain seems to stem from the old New Left off the shelf of revisionists like William A. Williams, who so hated American foreign policy from TR on that all government interventions became suspect.

Rand is right on Iraq, for largely the wrong reasons. But any sympathy progressives show him, even short of support, is due to either a misreading of history or ignorance of it.
Ron Paul will never be president. However, if he succeeds in starting a debate/conversation about the erosion of our civil liberties, the dangers of the MIC complex, and the endless wars that this country seems to want to fight, that will be a good thing. I believe this is why his philosophy on these issues resonate with so many people. They understand that we have given up so many of our liberties in order to be "safe" - which we are not. We will never be completely safe. What we now have in this country is a police state, constant surveillance, TSA searches (a farce), phones that can track our every move, surveillance of our e-mails, and now, thanks to Obama, indefinite detention for American citizens who "might" be suspected of being a terrorist. Shades of a certain Chilean dictator come to mind.

This is not the country I grew up in, nor is it the country I want to live in if we keep going down this very dangerous path. I would love to see a debate between Obama, Paul and Romney. It would certainly be a hell of a lot more important than whether or not we approve of gay marriage or who wants to take away our birth control. (Of course, the media would never allow this to happen).
Your problem is, you're obtuse.
Frankly. Sorry. If you weren't, you would recognize you could find that 95% of the "born patriot" commments would be and are...on a myriad of blogs,elsewhere etc. followed with support of some Islamophobic Israel-First war hawk--like Santorum, or even Gingrich. Not Ron Paul who is attacked for his (supposed) IslamoPHILIA!

Secession? Let's play your game: Ask the victims of Obama's drone bombing and the bulk of Iraqis if they would have preferred a vibrant secessionist movement afoot in the US for the past ten years, preventing the genocides against their innocents.

The America First committee of FDR's time, considering him a warmonger, was inhabited by many leftists and socialists, eg Norman Thomas.

The Libertarian Party --the core of the movement- OPPOSED the Iraq War, which Hillary Clinton supported and hoped would subjugate the Iraqis pronto.

Not that I'm a libertarian-as a protectionist however, I can, unlike you, put in comparative abeyance economic goals to attempt to bring down the second Evil Empire's warring-and preserve the Nation, providing an arena wherein your more selfish interests can be debated with others' admittedly also selfish interests....bringing in the interim the end to America's wreaking havoc in Pakistan, Afghan and now if Obama election strategy pays off.(see Cockburn today) ...Iran.
What was it some of us used to say about the damned Obots? After making the mistake of a lifetime in 2008, they should STFU and crawl back under a rock never to be heard from again.

That still holds true for me.
I think Greewald's commentary was excellent, as always (and what is with people thinking he's a libertarian or has libertarian leanings? that way he rails against Wall Street all the time?). Frankly, it's entirely true that Ron Paul is the ONLY candidate, from either party raising these issues at all. Nearly the only politician from either party doing this as well. Greenwald merely points out that some of these issues are what Liberals should be talking about and fighting for. This doesn't mean he or any of us should be supporting Paul. Greenwald does not endorse him and strongly implies that he would not vote for him. But, come on, who else is campaigning against our genocidal killing of Arabs and Muslims? Nobody, that's who. Or our almost equally genocidal drug war. And police state. I could go on, but I won't. I'm not going to vote for Paul, that much is certain. But damned if I wouldn't like to find one single Democrat (other than Kucinich) speaking up loudly about such issues. At this point, Santorum would be about the only person I'd be willing to vote for Obama against Well, Bachmann and Perry too, but they have no chance at all. Ron Paul will never be president, precisely because of these very issues that he talks about. If it was only his economic platform, the Republicans would make sure he was their guy.

Having said all that, I totally understand your position Joseph, I just can't agree with it completely. I do not think Paul would be a good president, and I also don't think there is any chance at all he ever will be.
Ron Paul is a f**king misogynist, an ob/gyn who opposes "partial birth abortion" when in fact there is no such thing, no such procedure, and of course he knows damn well there isn't.

Perhaps I should explain that I worked for a university department of ob/gyn for five years, and came to the conclusion that men simply shouldn't be allowed to specialize in that field.

For that matter, how many female MDs specialize in urology?--and how many men would willingly see a woman doctor for penis problems anyway? (or for anything else?)

That five years convinced me that if ya don't got one, you got no business treating anyone who does.
Good essay, Joseph...but I also suggest this essay by Time Wise. He pretty much hits the nail on the head in regards to Greenwald and co. on their Ron Paul mad-on:
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These days, saddled as we are with a lousy president who calls himself a Democrat, I find it hard to come up with reasons to call myself a Democrat.

Perhaps my motivation for continuing to use that label comes down to this: Most Democrats still feel comfortable in the real world. If you talk to a Democrat about an Obama policy you find detestable -- the refusal to renegotiate NAFTA, the continuation of a hopeless war in Afghanistan -- your verbal sparring partner will probably accept your premise, even if he or she does not agree with you. The two of you will share a foundational reality.

Moreover, your verbal sparring partner probably will not attempt to distract you with myths, anti-issues and hallucinated pseudo-problems. A blinkered Obama supporter (yes, there are a few left) may make you grit your teeth and clench your fist, but at least he won't start talking about a war on Christmas.

By contrast, consider these words from Skydancing:
Yes, it’s that time of year when Republicans try to convince us that everything old, disproved, and thrown out is shiny, patriotic and new again. Angry sky gods, debunked scientific hypotheses, and myth trump rule of law, science, and reason.
The Economist must feel that we are so confused about the role of religion in the founding of our country, that they must to show us and the rest of the world that our founding fathers weren’t fundamentalist crusaders. They have a special Religion in America section up about how the founders were trying to avoid having Rick Santorum moments.
Modern fundamentalists are rewriting history in the same way they like rewriting science. They place dinosaurs and modern people in their garden of Eden panoramas. Some now argue that the founders didn’t like “Darwinism” which wasn’t even around at that time Of course, that doesn’t stop Texas putting that kind’ve nonsense in textbooks. This also explains Michelle Bachmann’s odd notion that the founding fathers fought against slavery.
Well put. (Except for that "kind've.")
Another example of reheated nonsense popping up in the current Republican primaries is Ron Paul’s obsession This is a completely debunked set of economic philosophies and musings roughly associated with Fredich Hayek who had a few good ideas about the pricing mechanisms of the market that were completely contorted by some fascists. If you ever hear any one say anything about Mises, cover your ears. It’s basically akin to learning astrophysics from a flat earther who denies the theory of gravity. No amount of historical data deters these people. all my years of education, I would never believe that so much debunked tripe would form the central arguments of so many people running for president.
Since we're on tripe alert, take a look at the video I embedded at the top of this post. What we have here is a 2007 Romney commercial with a laugh track added. The guffaws help us to understand that the Mittster was lying out of his ass when he warned us about the great plot to install a "caliphate" that would rule the entire globe. The claim flies in the face of all evidence, and he knew it.

Although Bin Laden was an evil bastard, you can't point to a single authentic text, audio or video in which Bin Laden says: "Here's what we're fighting for: The establishment of a caliphate in the United States." Bin Laden's goals were always pretty clear. He didn't like Israel, he didn't like the American bases in Saudi Arabia, he considered the Saudis and other Arab potentates to be corrupt lackeys of the west, and he wanted to turn existing Islamic nations into salafist nightmares (just as Christian dominionists want to establish a fundamentalist nightmare in the U.S.). But to the best of my knowledge, Bin Laden never talked about establishing a caliphate in the U.S. or in any other non-Islamic country. If Bin Laden had said such a thing, the quote would have been repeated endlessly.

Alas, the "caliphate" myth has established a hammerlock on the right-wing imagination. Millions of people believe it to this day.

That 2007 campaign commercial isn't the point of this post, because even Republicans know by now that Mitt is an insincere opportunist who will say pretty much anything to get elected. (He's the Mormon Obama.) The ad is, however, symptomatic of a larger problem. Democracy can't work if half the country insists on battling ghosts and leprechauns. Democracy can't work if the facts of history, science and economics must do continual battle with fairy tales and fakelore.
If you prefer voting for a party which ignores you, compared to one you don't agree with, then you vote based on fascination alone. Not on choice. And that means the democratic system is broken.
I think you're being hyperbolic, Matteo. It just means we have a bad Democratic president. This has happened before. LBJ. Carter. Well, I like Carter better than I ever liked LBJ, but I still think he was not successful.
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Monday, January 09, 2012

PROMPTERGATE 2! (Added note)

The "Bush bulge" controversy/mystery/national running gag of 2004 began on this very blog. Although I never took the matter very seriously, this site spent an enormous amount of time talking about the whatzit on Bush's back. How could I resist? The whole thing was just too much fun.

Times have changed, and the world situation keeps finding new ways to become dire. In 2012, focusing attention on such an issue seems downright silly and irresponsible.

But...what the hell. In times like these, we need some fun.

I've embedded a TPM-produced video of the Republican debate in 100 seconds. It offers a couple of telling Mitt Romney moments. In particular:

"I understand that President Obama and people of his political persuasion would like to take more money. From the American people."

Mitt delivers the line in exactly that fashion: He inserts a period into the sentence prematurely, then opens it up again for the remaining bit. (Dubya used to do that sort of thing all the. Time.) A similar oddity crops up when Romney recounts his father's advice.

(Added note: Is it permissible to address the substance of Romney's hilariously fractured statement? Obama's much-misunderstood stimulus package cut taxes for 95 percent. Of the American people. Since tax cuts were the largest item in that package, those who say that the stimulus didn't work are also saying that tax cuts don't work. I'd like Romney to name the occasion when Obama has taken money. From the American people.)

Back in 2008, various writers accused Romney of using an earpiece. I didn't pay much attention to the brouhaha because the Mittster clearly wasn't going anywhere and my attention was on Obama. Nevertheless, the stories floating around at that time were intriguing.

Everything hinges on how you interpret this video clip. Somehow, a debate mic picked up the whispered words "He raised taxes" just before Mitt said something similar. NBC later explained that their microphone actually caught someone in the audience. That excuse is ridiculous: You never hear such whispers when game shows and sitcoms are taped in front of a live audience.

Armchair investigators posited a number of alternative theories, summarized here.

(The person who uploaded the above-linked YouTube video says that Mitt was protected by a communist conspiracy. If people consider Mitt Romney a bolshie, then this nation really has gone loony.)

Directly after that 2008, this appeared:
A blogger at Red State says that on another occasion Romney's staff said to him that Romney wears an earpiece that his staff uses to talk to him...
During Gov. Romney’s speech, one of his handlers mentioned to one of our staff people that any time Gov. Romney needed to wrap things up, he would be happy to let Gov. Romney know through the ear-piece that he wore.
The quote links to a bygone Redstate post which has disappeared from the net. Fortunately, what I presume to be the bulk of that post is preserved here. The person making the claim was Jerry Zandstra, chair of Americans for Prosperity of Michigan. Zandstra goes on to say:
Being unfamiliar with whether or not presidential candidates wear Jack Bauer-like ear pieces, I simply assumed this was common practice.
Zandstra seems sincere enough. I don't know if he had any affiliation with a competing campaign.

We can't have a post on such a topic without a good, old-fashioned "back bulge" shot for everyone to examine and squabble over. Oddly, it is not easy to find dorsal images of Mitt Romney via Google images. However, we do have this, from which I have extracted the accompanying enlargement. I have not adjusted or sharpened the picture. Is that a rectangular something on his back? You be the judge. It's very subtle -- but to my eyes, something seems amiss.

The possibility of a Romney earpiece places this story from a few days ago in a new perspective:
Mitt Romney aides made a sudden decision to remove teleprompters from the hall at his Des Moines victory party because the candidate wanted to "speak from his heart," said Eric Fehrnstrom, a senior Romney official.
We even know the brand of teleprompter Romney prefers. When he doesn't use one, he tends to look like a slightly mis-programmed version of a Disneyland robot pirate.

It's pretty clear that Obama uses an earpiece as well. The following clip puts that claim in cement:

As this writer puts it:
Actually, both candidates' hesitancy and quick changes of topic, often within the same sentence, are consistent with their being whispered to. I challenge you to sound coherent when someone's talking to you and you have to not repeat what they say but reformulate it into something that sounds good, while they're still talking.
You don't even need a back bulge. I wear bluetooth hearing aids and the streamer on my neck loop is small, only 1" x " 3" by less than 1/2" thick. Easily worn under a shirtfront and hidden by a tie. With my cell phone in my pocket, I could easily get someone to feed me lnes.
I implore you not to call things foo-gate. Watergate was *not* about water. I'll support your goal of legitimizing decredibilize if you'll work to remove -gate from illegal kerfuffles

Very true, only subject to potential bluetooth interference. I would feel safer with a less fragile technology. Like radio.

It also makes me feel rather tender towards Rich Perry. Guilty of the crime of hubris clearly, as all the other candidates are wearing a wire. If he had worn the wire then he wouldnt have looked like such a dummy
Syborg, the "-gate" tradition is by now well-established.
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Iran and the plot to wreck the world's economy

The neocons are resurgent, and they're going after Iran. Right now, the weapons are economic. Alas, that weapon could just as easily destroy us. This brilliant article explains how a needless confrontation with Iran could destroy our delicate recovery.
A key amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act signed by United States President Barack Obama on the last day of 2011 - when no one was paying attention - imposes sanctions on any countries or companies that buy Iranian oil and pay for it through Iran's central bank. Starting this summer, anybody who does it is prevented from doing business with the US.
Once again displaying a matchless capacity to shoot themselves in their Ferragamo-clad feet, governments in the European Union (EU) are debating whether or not to buy oil from Iran anymore. The existential doubt is should we start now or wait for a few months. Inevitably, like death and taxes, the result has been - what else - oil prices soaring. Brent crude is now hovering around $114, and the only way is up.
Add to it Tehran's threat to block the Strait of Hormuz, thus preventing one-sixth of the world's oil and 70% of OPEC's exports from reaching the market; no wonder oil traders are falling over themselves to lock up as much crude as they can.

Forget about oil at an accessible $50 or even $75 a barrel. The price of oil may be destined to soon reach $120 a barrel and even $150 a barrel by summer, just as in crisis-hit 2008. OPEC, by the way, is pumping more oil than at any time since late 2008.
Even if you manage to get a job, will you be able to afford transportation to the workplace?

Welcome to the new economy. Cars are now for living in, not for driving.
Does the US government suggest another bank that could be used to transfer oil payments to? It's not as if the Iranian government hasn't got bank accounts offshore.
This is getting really hairy. I read yesterday that the UK is sending warships to the Gulf. They're gearing up for something. Maybe an Israeli attack?

The world's being led by mad men.

Peggy Sue
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Saturday, January 07, 2012

Obama's parents and the CIA

As many of you know, this blog ran a series a few years back on Obama's possible family connections to the CIA. Wayne Madsen -- a writer untrusted by many -- took up my research leads (without crediting me) and came up with new material. Some of his finds are genuinely intriguing, while other parts...well, I don't know what to make of it all. That's Madsen for you.

Yesterday, a friend to this blog directed my attention to this review of two new books: Sally Jacobs' biography of our president's father, titled The Other Barack, and A Singular Woman, Janny Scott's biography of Stanley Ann Dunham. As it happens, I have both books. (Well, sort of: Library card + scanner = free pdfs. Is a poor person allowed to do this?)

Neither book addresses the CIA allegations directly, but both are worth reading. So is the afore-linked piece from the London Review of Books, which offers a good summary of both volumes.

Sally Jacobs' work left me with a genuine admiration for Barack Obama Sr. -- in fact, I probably like him better than Jacobs does. True, Obama had serious problems with alcohol, and he mistreated the women in his life. Many readers will, on those grounds, consider the man beyond redemption.

I disagree.

The elder Obama simultaneously justified and ruined his life when he took a principled stand. To be specific: He wrote an influential article which called for African economic independence. In that piece, Obama clearly hoped to set the economic course for all of post-colonial Africa, not just for Kenya.

Alas, his recipe was NOT what the Americans wanted to hear. His insistence on Africa-for-the-Africans helped to insure that the CIA would eventually choose the autocratic and corrupt Jomo Kenyatta over Tom Mboya, Obama's patron. Up until 1968 (or thereabouts), the Agency preferred Mboya, who was more stable and more popular; Kenyatta was considered erratic.

After that fateful article came out, BO Sr. was -- not to put too fine a point on it -- fucked. He lost his huge-paying job, his big car and his impressive home. In short: He made a headlong plunge into schlub-hood. He always remained an arrogant schlub, to be sure, but he became a schlub nonetheless. Although he had started drinking heavily in college, the problem became much worse as his prospects dimmed.

The above-linked reviewer does not see fit to mention that Barack Obama Sr. witnessed the assassination of Mboya. Had Obama identified the killer, he probably would have been killed himself. The man was brave but not stupid.

There are still those in Kenya who insist that the elder Obama was murdered. True, he had previously established a record of drunk driving incidents, a couple of which which had put him in the hospital. Not long before that final, fatal one-car accident -- a collision with a tree -- he gave his wife a rather morbid harangue on how best to raise the children in the event of his death. Make of that what you will.

We can interpret the elder Obama's life as a lesson in what happens when you play along versus what happens when you rock the boat. I think that our president learned this lesson pretty well.

Did the CIA ever directly approach Barack Obama Sr.? Probably not -- at least, not in any noticeable way. I don't think there was ever an occasion when someone in a crisp dark suit sidled up to the barstool next to Obama and said: "Hi, I represent Certain Interested Americans. We want to pay you X amount of money to perform the following services..."

Nevertheless, there are plenty of indications that, early on, the Company kept tabs on him. They would have been idiots not to. Obama was, arguably, the most brilliant economist in post-colonial Africa, and he came very close to charting a course for the entire continent. Though not a communist, he had a degree of guarded sympathy for the USSR; he even studied Russian. Of course the CIA would have opened a file on a guy like that; that's what the taxpayers paid the Agency to do.

Although Obama gave himself the title "Doctor" on his return to Africa, the State Department had (unfairly) kicked him out just before he could complete his PhD. Harvard never allowed him to acquire that degree. There's an argument to be made that The Powers That Be gave him the bum's rush when they realized that this impulsive, brash and domineering young man had an independent streak beyond their ability to tame.

Janny Scott's book about Stanley Ann Dunham is more difficult to assess. To be candid, a small part of me suspects that it was written in bad faith, or at least with one eye blind. The allegations that the CIA recruited our president's mother have, by this point, received sufficient publicity to justify at least some sort of response, if only a sneering one. Yet Scott never mentions those allegations.

A later post will offer a fuller reaction to A Singular Woman. For now, let me simply state that nothing in this volume has quelled my suspicions that Stanley Ann Dunham was spookier than Caspar.

Both of the men she married turned out to be people whom the CIA would have wanted watched and, if at all possible, brought on board. Happenstance? Well...maybe. But how often does such a thing happen in your family?

Dunham took lessons in Russian at a time and in a school where intelligence recruits often studied that language. She worked for AID and the Ford Foundation, both notorious for offering CIA cover. She became an anthropologist and a world traveler, always visiting political hot spots. No one can deny that the CIA made a special effort to enlist the aid of anthropologists. (Google the words CIA and anthropology. All sorts of interesting stuff will turn up.)

Some researchers (Madsen in particular) have even linked Ann Dunham's parents to the intelligence services. Of particular interest is the photo above, which shows Barack Obama Sr. receiving the traditional lei upon his entry into Hawaii. Also in the photo: Stanley Ann's father, Stanley Armour Dunham -- very recognizable from other images. He allegedly served in an intelligence capacity during his military service, which, I admit, does not mean a whole lot. At the time this photo was taken, he was supposed to be on the mainland, selling furniture. Yet here he is in Hawaii, standing next to his future son-in-law, well before Stanley Ann met the young African up-and-comer.

Yeah, that is intriguing. Don't pretend otherwise.

Madsen and others have alleged that our president's grandmother -- the woman who actually raised our president -- had some connection to the Rewald scandal. If you don't know about Rewald -- well, it's a very long story which I once knew in detail but now can recall only hazily. Short version: It was a CIA money thing. Alas, the allegations tying Madelyn Dunham to Rewald are iffy and vague. If Madsen has evidence, he has been very coy about making it public.

Unfortunately, most of the websites discussing CIA ties to the Dunham clan are wacky right-wing "birther" joints. Not for the first or last time, conspiracy-crazed sickos have worked hard to decredibilize legitimate research into the intelligence community.

These reactionary pseudoresearchers seem convinced that the elder Obama was brought into the United States by a cabal of Marxist fifth columnists masterminded by -- get this! -- the Unitarian Church. And how do they know that the Unitarians were in league with Moscow? Because the Unitarian Church decried racism in the 1950s and '60s. (That's why the Birchers never liked the Unitarians.) Yes, folks, we're dealing with the dreaded Unitarian conspiracy!

I'm not kidding: That's their argument.

They also think that Barack Obama's mother is still alive.

And there you have it. Whenever someone tries to look into what the intelligence agencies may or may not be up to, the audience soon divides into two camps:

1. The nothing-to-see-here camp. These are the insufferably arrogant and dull conformists who insist that you must never bring up such topics, lest they regale you with ever-so-clever references to tin foil chapeaus.

2. The raving loony camp. These are the frothing-at-the-mouth paranoids who never shut up about birth certificates, controlled demolitions, flying saucers at Roswell, the third secret of Fatima, the Illuminati, and god-knows-what-else.

I think that -- on occasion -- the truth lies in a no-man's land situated between those two camps. Only a few dare to explore that territory.

Wanna come with...?
No. It was the Unitarian Universalists. They are FAR MORE sneaky and dangerous. They played an instrumental role in starting the anti-nuke movement and openly hug trees and stuff.

Does any more need to be said????
All that cloak-and-dagger stuff is intellectual candy, aka; empty calories.
That traditional Hawaiian greeting of flowers is a "lei" not "lay".

Instead of "decredibilize" why not say "discredit"?

Spelling counts in life because it makes the difference between someone whose writing is taken seriously and someone who appears to be a kook. In an article on conspiracy theories, I think you will appear less kooky if you spell things right. Attention to one kind of detail is correlated with attention to another kind (e.g., facts).
Unitarians? Hmmm...
Ya knows, after a bit of contemplation, I realized you can take out "CIA" and put in "UFO" and you are left with the same conundrum. Huh.
A Freerepublic repost of an American Thinker article has the photo likely being taken in 1962 as Obama Sr. was leaving for Harvard. Is there any documentary evidence that dates it accurately?
The only thing that misspelling lei proves is that Joseph doesn't fill out the New York Times crossword puzzle.
Anon: If you'll compare this blog to others -- including those written for major organizations capable of hiring proofreaders -- you'll find that I make fewer errors of spelling, grammar and usage than do most other writers. (Take, for example, the use of the word "do" in the previous sentence. Most other bloggers would have left it out. And I suspect that most bloggers would have said "less" instead of "fewer.")

That said, your quibbles about my writing would have more force if you displayed an ability to read. Did you see the Rules for Comments at the top of the page, Mr. Anonymous?

I note that you sneer at my post without countering anything I have to say. If argumentum ad hominem is the best you can do, I'll presume that my logic is sound.

That said, I did hit the "publish" button without giving the piece a second read-through. "Lei" was a foolish typo; thank you for that.

A long time ago, a friend pointed out to me that "decredibilize" is a neologism without a berth in the dictionary. I told him that I like the word because no other word conveys the same intended meaning -- "Render foolish and unbelievable." "Discredit," in my opinion, does not connote unfair ridicule. So I'll keep using "decredibilize" and will encourage others to do so.

That's how useful words get into the dictionary.
By the way...

"Spelling counts in life because it makes the difference..."

Life makes the difference?

An indefinite reference always refers to the closest antecedent. At least, that's what Mr. Matheson said in English class. Don't schools teach this stuff any more?
And yes, I'm aware that I slyly bent the rule while stating it. That's called humor.
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Blogger Joseph said...

Eric: I was previously under the impression that the lei thing happened only on arrival. I've been looking around -- seems that there is also a departure lei ceremony, although it is usually run by a hotel.

I still can't understand what Father Dunham would be doing there. Note that Ann is not there. Barack and Ann had pretty much broken up before the child had come to term.

By the way -- the theory outlined on that American Thinker page is silly. If another man had fathered our current president, then Barack Obama senior would not have told close associates in Africa that he had a son back in the states. There's also the matter of the trip BO Sr. made to Hawaii when the younger Obama was a youngster. All of our information about that visit clearly indicates that the elder Obama, humbled and resentful, made himself disliked by over-insisting on his parental authority. Obviously, he was still trying to act like the "big man" he once had been.
"Wanna come with...?"

Yes, that is why I come here every day.
Anon 8:15 -- the cloak and dagger stuff may not be empty calories. One could argue that the Jill Dalton piece at the other end of the link buttresses my point.
Joe, I would come with. I have plenty to add since I have averaged 6 hrs. per day since 8/08 researching. I spend that much time because I do understand that you cannot believe everything you read. Can we even believe a published newspaper report? or a magazine article, or an NPR radio clip.

I will tell you with certainty, Baracks mother Stanly has gone by so many names, with so many different spellings that one HAS to ask "why". And we are talking about legal documents.

I will tell you that many things have been scrubbed from the internet. I was smart enough to print out a few of them.

I will tell you that even Barack, Srs. immigration papers (available on pdf) show that he lied as well. Guess he didn't know what year he was born, whether he was married, had any kids, etc.

There is a letter in Barack, Srs. immigration file from the Unitarian Universalists.

Joe, I like reading your blog. You are quite capable of doing this research. The more you dig, the more lies will be discovered.

Good luck, and carry on.
Ahem--ad hominem should be in italics, as all foreign language phrases should be.
Well, as far as Unitarian and Universalists go--the marriage between the two occurred right about 1962 so prior to Obama's birth it would have been Unitarians only, after that Universalists get tacked on. Primitive way to monitor forgeries and such like.

As for Ann Dunham, I covered her name and showed a brief discussion of her work history to my husband, a foreign national, and asked him what this person did and he said, "CIA, of course. Who is it?' He laughed when I told him it was Obama's mama.

Oh and poor spellers of the world, UNTIE!
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Santorum and the abortion controversy

Although he probably won't be able to overtake Romney, Rick Santorum is making headlines again by pushing the gay marriage button. He did this in front of ninth graders. I don't have kids, but if I did, I'm not sure I would want a political candidate to come to my child's school and encourage a discussion of gay sex. Guess that makes me a fuddy-duddy.

Speaking at a college, Santorum conjured up the image of a marriage involving five people. I'm trying to imagine what the bedroom must look like: Do they push together two king-sized beds? Who sleeps in the middle? Thank you, Rick Santorum, for giving us that visual.

Quite a few denizens of blogland have been debating the question: Did Rick Santorum's wife Karen abort a doomed child to save the life of the mother? I am persuaded by this view, offered by Blue Lyon, a sometime friend to this blog, and no admirer of Santorum's politics. She argues that one cannot apply the term "abortion" to what happened on that occasion.

Bostonboomer, at Skydancing, offers a somewhat different take. I guess the controversy all comes down to the Pitocin injection. Does the administration of this drug to speed labor constitute "abortion" in any meaningful sense of the term? I don't believe so.
I think part of the squeamishness that I feel -- and I’m probably not alone -- is that the Santorums chose to share their experience with the public.
The squeamishness is understandable. Call me old school, but I prefer to keep certain very personal matters outside the realm of public discussion. The only decision made by Karen Santorum which I would -- very tentatively -- call into question was her decision to write a book about her sad experience.
The age of the fetus isn't the point. If you imagine the life of the baby after it will be born, planning for it and including it in your thoughts, naming it and buying things for it, the loss will be greater. Some cultures with high infant mortality don't name a child until its first or second birthday, a way of maintaining psychological distance to lessen grief if the child dies. To the extent that you have become attached to an unborn child, you will need to engage in activities to help grieving after the loss. These people did a lot to help themselves grieve which, to me, suggests they may have done a great deal to anticipate the birth before the loss. These are people who invest a lot emotionally in both ways. I don't see the point in blaming them or calling them weird for doing this. I think the phrase is "whatever gets you through the night" and it refers to coping with pain. That some people magnify their pain is irrelevant. People have the right to do this, whether it is an individual choice or a cultural one. This focus by the left on Santorum's loss is ugly, in my opinion, and has nothing to do with any real election issue, including his views on abortion. If you don't know any woman who has lost a child, you are very fortunate, but the real pain experienced, even at the loss via miscarriage early in a pregnancy, is the loss of hope, not tissue, and trivializing that hope by calling it a fetus instead of a baby changes nothing at all.
Anon, if I understand your words correctly, I think you are talking about the Santorum's decision to bring home the body of their miscarried child. Please understand that my post did not address that decision one way or the other.

All I have to say about it is this: That decision qualifies as private. We outsiders should not be debating it. We should not even know about it. I would criticize the Santorums only insofar as they made an extremely personal decision a matter of public discussion.
If she did receive a pitocin drip, it WAS abortion, as labor would not have commenced otherwise.
And, I'm sorry, taking the dead fetus home, WAS weird. This is not a third-world culture.
I wouldn't elect these people dog-catcher.
The manner of dealing with the death of their child is private, I agree.

However, the stance Santorum has taken on how other women deal with their pregnancy is a major election issue. He would not allow a woman to choose abortion for any reason, and has even gone so far as to suggest that contraception should be illegal.

This utterly disqualifies him to serve in any elective office, IMHO.
I am glad that Ms. Santorum had the opportunity to choose treatment for her infection, even though that treatment resulted in the loss of her baby. My issue is that candidate Rick Santorum's stance on abortion could possibly remove that option for other families facing the same situation.

I have never lost a child, so I can't even imagine that kind of grief. Again, the issue is one of choice--the Santorums chose the method they believed was correct for their family and I will not second-guess that decision.

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