I am not a part of a Republican redneck anti-American agenda: I do not dehumanize my fellow Americans who are Muslims, gays, lesbians, hispanics, blacks, women, or the unemployed. The Republicans are really showing their hate colors and it's going to get worse as the elections draw near.

Showing newest posts with label israel. Show older posts
Showing newest posts with label israel. Show older posts

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Big Dan's Big News Sept 21, 2010 - foreign country Israel paid with Americans' taxpayer money to spy on them

Former Republican Pennsylvania governor is now a spokesman for the Pa. fracking gas drillers. He was in the department of homeland security under Bush. The Pa. Department of Homeland Security hired an Israeli company ITRR to spy on Pennsylvanians with their own tax money. What is Ridge's connection to this whole thing? Where is the "news" reporting on this? Foreign Israelis squashing American protesters (Tea Party, environmentalists, anti-Pa. fracking) in our own country? With OUR tax money? Against US? Whose side is the U.S. media and government on, anyway??? People like ME have to post things like this to spread the information, because the controlled media won't do it (see the Jesse Richard video below in this post). They have you talking about THE MOSQUE, instead of this: Muslims aren't spying on YOU...but Israelis are:

WHO exactly did this? Hired a foreign country (Israel) to spy on US with OUR taxpayer money? Heads better ROLL, but they won't. Just like no one in the Bush administration got fired for the biggest "security lapse" in history: 9/11. Foreign Israeli company spies on Pennsylvanians with U.S. taxpayer money. In the limited mainstream media reporting on this, they are purposely not telling us that the company ITRR is in Israel and also leaving out the fact that former Pa. Governor Tom Ridge, who was also the head of Homeland Security under Bush, is now a spokesman for the Fracking gas drilling companies in Pa. and ITRR is spying on Pa. gas drilling protesters (as well as the Tea Party and environmentalists). Why is the mainstream media keeping you from this information? See the Jesse Richards video lower in this post on ISOLATING IMPORTANT NEWS: you're seeing an example in REAL TIME - make sure the Israeli connection to spying on Pennsylvanians GOES NOWHERE IN THE NEWS...if spying on Pennsylvanians is reported, DO NOT mention the Israelis or ISOLATE any stories mentioning the Israelis to a few places:

Israeli Company Hired by State Government to Spy on Pennsylvanians and Other Americans

The foreign country of Israel's company that's spying on YOU with YOUR tax money: ITRR

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

The "National Security" Apparatus Has Been Hijacked to Serve the Needs of Big Business


Ex-Pennsylvania Republican governor becomes spokesman for the Reckless Drillers for $75,000 per month (that's $840,000/year)

"After leaving his position at Homeland Security, Tom Ridge acknowledged that the post 9/11 terror alerts were often based on "flimsy evidence" and that he had been pressured by the CIA to raise the threat level"

Tom Ridge and the FAKE terror alerts.

This appears to confirm that ITRR is gathering information on Americans and sending the data to Israel -- almost certainly to Israeli intelligence. It would not be surprising if this firm were simply a front for Israeli intelligence and in effect being paid by US taxpayers to spy on them. In Pittsburgh, a city council member has demanded a probe into ITRR accusing the firm of "espionage."

Institute of Terrorism and Response a Mossad Israeli company was Hired by the State of Pennsylvania to Spy on Pennsylvanians.

Israeli intel firm behind Pennsylvannia's "terror" bulletins on peace, environment, LGBT groups

Israeli Intelligence Firm Had Contract with Pennsylvania Dept of Home. Secty - by AP and Others

Pennsylvania Homeland Security Employed Israeli Company to Spy On Americans

Pa. Governor Apologizes for Tracking Enviro Extremists, but Questions Remain

Don't count on your favorite rightwing talk channel to talk about how YOU are paying OUR government for ISRAELIS to spy on us:

Will "truthseeker" WILK's Steve Corbett talk about this or mention Israel's involvement? I don't think so. In fact? I tuned in to our local rightwing channel WILK during the Sue Henry show and her guest host was talking about how some artist has to go into hiding because THE MUSLIMS are after her for drawing pictures of Mohammed!!! Let's go to war with Iran for Israel! Go ahead, keep dumbing yourself down with the Israeli occupied U.S. mainstream media! And notice: if they DO talk about our government spying on Pennsylvanians, they WON'T mention it's the Israeli's, and they DEFINITELY won't mention PROVEN Israeli ties to 9/11, like I have posted here. THE MOSQUE! THE MOSQUE! THE MOSQUE! ...is what they want you to talk about! Not Israelis on OUR soil being paid OUR tax money by OUR government to SPY on us!

Update: it was pointed out to me that although I did not hear Steve Corbett talk about Pa. Homeland Security using our tax money to pay Israelis to spy on us on our own soil, he did write this article even (scantly) mentioning Israel...BUT, he doesn't go far enough such as devoting a week of shows to this issue OR taking a step further and connecting the dots that Israel spying on U.S. soil has been going on for decades and there is proof that Israel was in on the events of 9/11, as you can see in my post that you are in. And you can see in this video here here how Steve Corbett dances around the 9/11 issue with callers to his show and belittles and cuts off callers who don't believe the "official" 9/11 story. Funny, in his article, he says that when he spoke with Richard Perleman of Pa. Homeland Security, he was falsely accused of being hostile and sarcastic. Now he knows what the 9/11 callers felt like! Listen to the video. I think writing an isolated post on his blog about this issue is a far cry from the media coverage it deserves, and that goes for the entire rightwing WILK lineup. They need to delve deep into Israeli Mossad connections and taxpayer money financing this treason, and linking it to Israeli spying on U.S. soil before, during, and since 9/11...as is PROVEN by this Pa. Homeland Security story and this entire post of mine that you are in. Steve Corbett also fails to mention that former Pa. Governor Tom Ridge was in the federal level Department of Homeland Security, and now happens to be a spokesman for the companies drilling/fracking in the Pa. portion of the Marcellus Shale natural gas companies...AND, isn't it funny that protesters of this drilling happen to be on this Pa. Homeland Security list...coincidence? I think not. Steve Corbett: you say you're a "truthseeker", then seek the truth on this ENTIRE issue. Do your job you used to do many years ago when you were actually a good investigative journalist during the Glen Wolsieffer case. That was a long time ago, Steve. A long LONG time ago. One good point Steve Corbett makes in his isolated article is that no one has been fired by current governor Rendell because of this...BUT, he also doesn't take the leap to 9/11 and ALSO point out that the Bush administration fired NO ONE for the biggest security breach in history: 9/11. It's called a "pattern" which points to people at the highest levels arranging these things. That is why no one is ever fired. Conclusion: there are links between Israeli spying on U.S. soil for decades and it included 9/11 AND this Pa. Homeland Security spying on Pennsylvanians. MAKE THE LINK!!!

FBI gave inaccurate statements claiming terror link to anti-war rally

Defense Department officials are negotiating to buy and destroy all 10,000 copies of the first printing of an Afghan war memoir they say contains intelligence secrets

If the link above doesn't work, click on this one about Lt Col Anthony Shaffer.

NSA/Pentagon Want to Suppress Lt. Col Anthony Shaffer’s Book “Operation Dark Heart”

Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell apologized Tuesday to groups whose entirely lawful events were the subject of regular anti-terrorism reports provided by a Philadelphia-based Israeli-American outfit to state law enforcement agencies

Jesse Richard: America's #1 enemy - the mainstream media. Jesse Richard explains how the mainstream media acts as a cloaking device for criminals at the highest levels, like the Israelis (the Israeli occupied U.S. mainstream media), the military industrial complex, the wealthiest elites (the establishment), and corporations:

Above, Jesse Richard gave an example of how the mainstream media ISOLATES important news stories from us. His example was this below: the Israeli spy ring in the U.S. at the time of 9/11, a 4 part investigative series by FOX news which was squashed (ISOLATED FROM YOU). The series points out that there were Israeli connections to the events of 9/11:

Dual Israeli-U.S. citizenship: to whom are they loyal???

U.S. politicians (and there's LOTS of them usually not voted on, but hand-picked in cabinets) with dual-Israeli citizenship: whom are they loyal to???

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

9/11 was a false flag by the U.S. and Israel to "blame the Muslims". WTC-7 is the smoking gun. WTC-7 was a 47 story building about a block away from the Twin Towers, it was NOT hit by a plane, yet fell like this controlled demolition style:

Do your research yourself. You're not going to find the REAL 9/11 story in the mainstream media. As you can see in REAL TIME right now, the coverage of the Pennsylvania government spying on its citizens in its limited reporting is NOT telling you that the SPY COMPANY IS ISRAELI!!! Here's your 9/11 links, my guarantee, as always, is there is a 100% chance you will NOT believe the "official" 9/11 IMPOSSIBLE FAIRY TALE if you bypass the controlled mainstream media and research what the REAL EXPERTS SAY...not the media and politicians who lied to you. If you believe that 47 story building fell in 6 seconds like controlled demolition in the above video for no reason (it was NOT hit by a plane on 9/11), then you are simply an idiot and there's no hope for you:

9/11: All In One Chunk


9/11 Blueprint For Truth










9/11 Mysteries (movie)

9/11 Press For Truth (movie)

FOX news 4 part investigative series into Israeli spy rings in the U.S., scrubbed from their site, but available on youtube

47 story WTC-7 building a block away from the Twin Towers fell in 6 seconds...NOT hit by a plane

Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9/11, "our purpose was to document the event"

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

Jane's Addiction

Anthrax & 9/11- Everything You Ever Wanted To Know

Rockefeller Reveals 9/11 FRAUD to Aaron Russo

Weapons of Mass Deception: how the media was in bed with the military to falsely lead us into the Iraq/Afghanistan Wars

Taxi to the Dark Side

torturing Democracy

The White Van: Were Israelis Detained on Sept. 11 Spies?

The 9/11 Perpetrators Timeline

Monday, June 22, 2009

Jane's Addiction

(bd: this is a re-post, cleaned up a bit, with some things changed/added)

So, you thought I was crazy when I said in my "must read" post here that members of the U.S. government are being blackmailed via the domestic wiretaps by Israel and others. Ironically, this story just came out:

Congressional Quarterly: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC

Congressional Quarterly is reporting Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman of California was overheard in 2005 on an NSA wiretap speaking with a suspected Israeli agent. During the call, Harman reportedly said she would lobby the Justice Department to reduce espionage-related charges against two officials of AIPAC, the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee. In exchange for Harman’s help, the suspected Israeli agent reportedly pledged to help lobby Nancy Pelosi to appoint Harman chair of the Intelligence Committee after the 2006 elections. The conversation is said to have been picked up on a court-approved NSA wiretap directed at alleged Israel covert action operations in Washington. Congressional Quarterly reports then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales decided to stop a probe of Harman, because he wanted Harman to be able to help defend the administration’s secret domestic spy program that the New York Times was about to expose.

Sources: Wiretap Recorded Rep. Harman Promising to Intervene for AIPAC

NYTimes Confirms Jane Harman tried to stop wiretapping story, possibly before 2004 election

Are Members of Congress (and Maybe Even the President) Being Blackmailed?

Were Other Congress People - Besides Harman - Also Blackmailed by the Bush Administration?

Did the Israeli Moussad wiretapping and blackmail of U.S. politicians' phones work? Look at this breaking story from the Washington Post:

WaPo: Prosecutors Considering Dropping Espionage Charges Against Former AIPAC Lobbyists. Review Comes Amid Reports That Rep. Harman Was Overheard on Wiretaps Agreeing to Seek Lenient Treatment for Them

Caught on NSA Wiretap, Harman Faces Another Democratic Primary Challenge. Progressive Marcy Winograd tells The BRAD BLOG why she plans to run against L.A.'s powerful U.S. Rep once again...

You can only say things like this publicly about a super-power...if you're blackmailing them with wiretaps:

The Obama Administration will put forth new peace initiatives only if Israel wants it to, said Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman in his first comprehensive interview on foreign policy since taking office. "Believe me, America accepts all our decisions," Lieberman told the Russian daily Moskovskiy Komosolets.

Gonzales ‘blocked prosecution of Democrat who helped keep lid on wiretapping story’ (that's called bribery and blackmail, btw...)

Hastert informed of Harman investigation?

So Denny Hastert was helping the Turkish lobby with "intelligence" matters. Jane Harman was helping AIPAC with "intelligence" matters and Alberto Gonzales helped cover both up for political leverage, another crime. Does anyone work for the US anymore?

Jane Harman: Stupid and Reckless, Not the Victim of Illegal Wiretaps

House Passes H.R. 1955: Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act of 2007 (authored by Jane Harman on behalf of a foreign country, Israel???)

According to a little-noticed passage in the Starr Report (Ken Starr's report when he led the impeachment of Bill Clinton), during March 1997, President Clinton told Monica Lewinsky that he suspected a foreign embassy was tapping his telephone conversations.

Nothing more is said in the report about the incident, but according to information received by this news service, that reference could provide the key to the entire Lewinsky scandal and to the setting-up and entrapment of the President. Reportedly, the embassy involved was that of Israel, under the control of the right-wing Likud government of Benjamin Netanyahu.


Falwell Confirms Lewinsky Affair Linked To Israeli Lobby Intrigue

Why would the U.S. not attend a U.N. Racism conference? Is it at the behest of Israel, as usual?

I have some good advice for you: bookmark my post and go through it thoroughly! Then it will make sense to you, when you see in the news all the time, the U.S. government's never-ending bias towards Israel.

AT&T whistleblower: AT&T serves Mossad to blackmail U.S. government; our phone calls go to two Israeli companies!

Air Force Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski

Few could help notice last week that the "Bird" omitted an opinion piece distributed by the Knight-Ridder news agency by a senior Pentagon Middle East specialist, Air Force Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski, who worked in the office of Under Secretary of Defense for Policy Douglas Feith until her retirement in April.

"What I saw was aberrant, pervasive and contrary to good order and discipline," Kwiatkowski wrote. "If one is seeking the answers to why peculiar bits of 'intelligence' found sanctity in a presidential speech, or why the post-Saddam [Hussein] occupation [of Iraq] has been distinguished by confusion and false steps, one need look no further than the process inside the Office of the Secretary of Defense [OSD]."

Kwiatkowski went on to charge that the operations she witnessed during her tenure in Feith's office, and particularly those of an ad hoc group known as the Office of Special Plans (OSP), constituted "a subversion of constitutional limits on executive power and a co-option through deceit of a large segment of the Congress".

Aug 7, 2003: Insider fires a broadside at Rumsfeld's office

Air Force Lt Col Karen Kwiatkowski is in this short video:

Jane's Addiction - Jane Says (Hammerstein Ballroom)

Monday, June 15, 2009

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

(bd: this is a re-post, some of the original links were gone since the original posting)

NYTimes: NSA spied on member of Congress and broke new laws

Justice Dept. Whistleblower Defends Decision to Leak Bush Domestic Surveillance Program & Calls for Prosecution of Gov’t Officials and Telecoms

Former NSA Analyst: NSA ‘Monitored All Communications’ Of Americans, Targeted Journalists

NSA Analyst: Spying Far More Widespread than Previously Believed

Whistleblower: NSA spied on everyone, targeted journalists

Whistleblower: NSA even collected credit card records

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11

Trojan Horse: How Israeli Backdoor Technology Penetrated the US Government's Telecom System and Compromised National Security by Christopher Ketcham

Israel and 9/11: New Report Connects the Dots: What the 9/11 Commission didn't tell us

James Bamford: Israeli Wiretappers tapping Americans phones. Along with the mass surveillance being conducted on all U.S. users of AT&T and Verizon by Narus and Verint, (according to Bamford), two other Israeli-owned companies, Amdocs and NICE Systems, have their fingers in the wiretapping pie as well. If Ketcham and Bamford are correct, (so far, no lawsuits), then the National "Security" Agency has thrown the "National Security" of the United States under the bus.

FOX scrubbed their 4-part series about Israeli spies and their 9/11 connection, with the Orwellian replacement: "This story no longer exists"

The Bush administration's spying on Americans began before 9/11. Put together all the pieces of the puzzle, domestic spying is just one part of it. Below: putting it all together! Folks! Remember: the anthrax letters were mailed to media heads like Peter Jennings and two anti-war Democrats and blamed on Arabs! Was the domestic spying targeting journalists and the anthrax mailings to the heads of media to "shut up" the media? The anthrax letters said things like "Death To Israel" and "Allah Is Great", and then it turned out the anthrax letters (we're told) were sent by someone in our own government! Obviously, the writings on the anthrax letters were meant to blame Arabs! Who keeps blaming Arabs for everything, even though so much evidence points towards Israelis? Who can that be?

...the Next Thing you will be Buying will Likely be the Brooklyn Bridge.

(The below article is several years old, and some of the referenced links aren't there anymore, but he hardcopied them at the bottom, maybe anticipating that. Interestingly, this was written in 2003 and they said the anthrax letters were a frame-up of the Arabs, and several years after this was written, the FBI said someone from our own govt did the anthrax letters and committed suicide - so NOT Arabs! So, this guy was right years before the anthrax story came out!)



The "Five Dancing Israelis" said on Israeli TV: "Our purpose was to document the event". This means they knew about 9/11 ahead of time! Watch the "Five Dancing Israelis" on an Israeli talk show say it themselves below:

MOSSAD: The Israeli Connection to 9/11

In the unfolding saga of stock-option fraud, few characters are more curious than an Israeli entrepreneur named Jacob “Kobi” Alexander.

The 54-year-old entrepreneur, who nurtured Comverse Technology from a penny-stock, high-tech wannabe to a leading producer of voice-mail software with 5,000 employees, fled the United States this month rather than face charges of scheming to manipulate stock options.

Alexander was born in Israel, the son of Zvi Alexander, who is considered the founder of that nation’s meager oil industry. The younger Alexander served in the Israeli military and intelligence services and has spent much of his adult life going back and forth between Israel and the United States.

By 1984, Alexander was back in the United States, helping launch Comverse on New York’s Long Island. The start-up took off in the 1990s, eventually selling its high-tech wares in more than 120 countries and seizing on niche opportunities, such as digital eavesdropping for law enforcement.

Indira Singh, an “IT consultant” who previously worked on a Defense Advanced Research Project, and who was employed by J.P. Morgan on 9/11, in risk management, pointed to MITRE’s role at the FAA during the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings in New York last September.

“Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11,” Singh said. “Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything – it would have been Ptech along with MITRE.”

The Mossad-run Guardium company is linked with Ptech through Goff Communications, the Holliston, Mass.-based public relations firm previously run by Michael S. Goff and his wife Marcia, which represents Guardium.

Amit Yoran was the Israeli “Cyber Security Czar” appointed by President George W. Bush in 2003. Yoran has held various positions since the 1990s in which he oversaw computer security for the Dept. of Defense computers.

Israeli 9/11 Crook Flees with $57 Million to Israel



“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

Indictment Shows Washington Is 'Israeli-Occupied Territory'

Friday, April 17, 2009

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11: Are Members of the U.S. Govt Being Blackmailed by Israel and Others via Wiretaps?

NYTimes: NSA spied on member of Congress and broke new laws

Justice Dept. Whistleblower Defends Decision to Leak Bush Domestic Surveillance Program & Calls for Prosecution of Gov’t Officials and Telecoms

Former NSA Analyst: NSA ‘Monitored All Communications’ Of Americans, Targeted Journalists

NSA Analyst: Spying Far More Widespread than Previously Believed

Whistleblower: NSA spied on everyone, targeted journalists

Whistleblower: NSA even collected credit card records

Israeli Wiretappers, the NSA, and 9/11

Trojan Horse: How Israeli Backdoor Technology Penetrated the US Government's Telecom System and Compromised National Security by Christopher Ketcham

Israel and 9/11: New Report Connects the Dots: What the 9/11 Commission didn't tell us

James Bamford: Israeli Wiretappers tapping Americans phones. Along with the mass surveillance being conducted on all U.S. users of AT&T and Verizon by Narus and Verint, (according to Bamford), two other Israeli-owned companies, Amdocs and NICE Systems, have their fingers in the wiretapping pie as well. If Ketcham and Bamford are correct, (so far, no lawsuits), then the National "Security" Agency has thrown the "National Security" of the United States under the bus.

FOX scrubbed their 4-part series about Israeli spies and their 9/11 connection, with the Orwellian replacement: "This story no longer exists"

The Bush administration's spying on Americans began before 9/11. Put together all the pieces of the puzzle, domestic spying is just one part of it. Below: putting it all together! Folks! Remember: the anthrax letters were mailed to media heads like Peter Jennings and two anti-war Democrats and blamed on Arabs! Was the domestic spying targeting journalists and the anthrax mailings to the heads of media to "shut up" the media? The anthrax letters said things like "Death To Israel" and "Allah Is Great", and then it turned out the anthrax letters (we're told) were sent by someone in our own government! Obviously, the writings on the anthrax letters were meant to blame Arabs! Who keeps blaming Arabs for everything, even though so much evidence points towards Israelis? Who can that be?

...the Next Thing you will be Buying will Likely be the Brooklyn Bridge.

(The below article is several years old, and some of the referenced links aren't there anymore, but he hardcopied them at the bottom, maybe anticipating that. Interestingly, this was written in 2003 and they said the anthrax letters were a frame-up of the Arabs, and several years after this was written, the FBI said someone from our own govt did the anthrax letters and committed suicide - so NOT Arabs! So, this guy was right years before the anthrax story came out!)



The "Five Dancing Israelis" said on Israeli TV: "Our purpose was to document the event". This means they knew about 9/11 ahead of time! Watch the "Five Dancing Israelis" on an Israeli talk show say it themselves below:

In the unfolding saga of stock-option fraud, few characters are more curious than an Israeli entrepreneur named Jacob “Kobi” Alexander.

The 54-year-old entrepreneur, who nurtured Comverse Technology from a penny-stock, high-tech wannabe to a leading producer of voice-mail software with 5,000 employees, fled the United States this month rather than face charges of scheming to manipulate stock options.

Alexander was born in Israel, the son of Zvi Alexander, who is considered the founder of that nation’s meager oil industry. The younger Alexander served in the Israeli military and intelligence services and has spent much of his adult life going back and forth between Israel and the United States.

By 1984, Alexander was back in the United States, helping launch Comverse on New York’s Long Island. The start-up took off in the 1990s, eventually selling its high-tech wares in more than 120 countries and seizing on niche opportunities, such as digital eavesdropping for law enforcement.

Indira Singh, an “IT consultant” who previously worked on a Defense Advanced Research Project, and who was employed by J.P. Morgan on 9/11, in risk management, pointed to MITRE’s role at the FAA during the 9/11 Citizens’ Commission hearings in New York last September.

“Ptech was with MITRE Corporation in the basement of the FAA for two years prior to 9/11,” Singh said. “Their specific job is to look at interoperability issues the FAA had with NORAD and the Air Force in the case of an emergency. If anyone was in a position to know that the FAA – that there was a window of opportunity or to insert software or to change anything – it would have been Ptech along with MITRE.”

The Mossad-run Guardium company is linked with Ptech through Goff Communications, the Holliston, Mass.-based public relations firm previously run by Michael S. Goff and his wife Marcia, which represents Guardium.

Amit Yoran was the Israeli “Cyber Security Czar” appointed by President George W. Bush in 2003. Yoran has held various positions since the 1990s in which he oversaw computer security for the Dept. of Defense computers.

Israeli 9/11 Crook Flees with $57 Million to Israel



“Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don’t worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”

- Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001, to Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio.

Monday, January 12, 2009

We Know The Truth

London News: Police are expected to make up to 40 arrests after anti-war demonstrators hurled missiles and smashed shops during a rally outside the Israeli embassy in Kensington

53 PICTURES: Demonstrators riot outside the Israeli Embassy in London, in protests against Israel’s attacks on Gaza

18 PICTURES: Thousands of pro-Israeli demonstrators gather in London’s Trafalgar Square

by Prof. James Petras

Because of the unconditional support of the entire political class in the US, from the White House to Congress, including both Parties, incoming and outgoing elected officials and all the principle print and electronic mass media, the Israeli Government feels no compunction in publicly proclaiming a detailed and graphic account of its policy of mass extermination of the population of Gaza.

A close reading of the most important propaganda organ of the PMAJO, The Daily Alert (TDA), during the first 5 days of Israel’s assault, reveals the propaganda tack taken by the leadership of the pro-Israel power configuration. TDA systematically worked to achieve the following:

  1. Exaggerate the threats to Israel by the Palestinian missiles from Gaza, citing 4 Israeli deaths, while omitting any mention of the 2,500 Palestinian dead and wounded and the total destruction of their economy and living conditions (without safe water, electricity, food, cooking fuel, medicine and heat in the winter).

  2. Promote Israel’s military assault as ‘defensive’, directed at eliminating Hamas rocket attacks while omitting mention of Israel’s clearly stated purpose of destroying all civil organizations, social welfare agencies, educational facilities, medical clinics and public security institutions connected in any way with the elected Hamas government and any auxiliary agencies.

  3. Cite select statement from Israel’s allies and clients (Washington, the US media, Germany and the UK) blaming Hamas for the conflict without mentioning the vast majority of countries in the United Nations General Assembly condemning Israel’s brutality.

  4. Reproduce Israeli slanders against any and all international human rights leaders and organizations that condemn the Jewish state’s policy of genocide against the native Palestinians. In this regard, TDA is the foremost ‘genocide denier’ in the United States and, perhaps outside of Israel, in the world.

  5. Repeatedly cite Israeli political and military leaders’ claims of acting ‘with restraint’, ‘safeguarding civilians’, and ‘targeting military objectives’, even in the face of reports and images of mass civilian destruction and loss of life documented in the vast majority of (non-US) Western media.

  6. Defend every Israeli bombing mission, every day, every hour, of every building, every home, and every economic, religious and educational institution in Gaza as ‘defensive’ or a ‘reprisal’, all the while quoting some of the most notorious, unconditional, perennial apologists of Israeli violence as if they were unbiased intellectuals, including Benny ‘Nuke Tehran’ Morris, Marty Peretz and Amos Oz.

  7. The Daily Alert quotes US writers, journalists and editors who praise and defend Israel’s ‘total war’ without identifying their long-standing affiliation and identification with Zionist organizations, giving the false image of a wide spectrum of opinion behind the assault. Never has even the most moderate Jewish or Gentile critic of Israel’s massive extermination campaign appeared in any issues of The Daily Alert.
The principle American Jewish organizations have bombarded the US Congress, influencing, intimidating and purchasing the craven so-called ‘representatives’ of the American people, the media and public notables with lies in defense of Israel’s total war to exterminate a people. Their public, brazen, open complicity in genocide can be considered crime against humanity: The willful promotion of acts of a state designed to destroy an entire people.

The Politics of An Israeli Extermination Campaign: Backers, Apologists and Arms Suppliers

1. the lie: Hamas and the Palestinians refuse a two-state solution.

2. the lie: Hamas overthrew the government and took over in Gaza

3. A little more history

4. Children in the cross-hairs

5. Tools of war

A few things the MSM isn’t telling you about the Gaza Attacks

Saturday, January 10, 2009

It's a blowout!!! 257-0 In The "GE Children Genocide Bowl" Game

Israeli fans watching the game. "It's hot out here, I need a Pepsi."

This is extremely appalling: Israeli civilians watching the Israeli's bombing and killing Palestinian people..."watching the war" on lawn chairs, sipping Pepsi, having a grand old time! This is proof of the lopsidedness of this war: Hamas rockets are so useless, you can sit on a lawn chair without your life being in the least amount of jeopardy and watch the American taxpayer precision guided missiles killing Palestinian children...as you're sipping your Pepsi. There's more of a chance of accidentally getting killed by an Israeli/U.S. taxpayer missile. "Look at that," she shouts, clapping her hands as four artillery rounds pound the territory in quick succession. "Bravo! Bravo!" Scum of the earth. Not human. This is how you act when you think you're "superior" to other people. You watch them getting killed in your lawn chair, sipping a Pepsi, and cheering "Bravo! Bravo!" And clap your hands. It's not a war if one side is watching it on lawn chairs while the other side has over 200+ children massacred. This is disgusting!!!

Israelis Watch the Fighting in Gaza From a Hilly Vantage Point . They Come With Binoculars and Lawn Chairs; Nurse Znaty: 'I'm Sorry, but I'm Happy'

Gazing at Gaza's Destruction: Israelis Sip Pepsi, US Progressives See 'Silver Lining'

Here's what the Israeli "fans" are watching:

UN: 257 Palestinian children killed in Gaza(bd: ZERO Israeli children killed!)

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Gaza strike is not against Hamas, it's against all Palestinians II

Israeli gunboats purposely ram humanitarian boat "Dignity" with former U.S. congressman Cynthia McKinney and doctors, journalists, and human rights activists aboard it, then LIE about ramming it! Does this remind you of another time Israeli's attacked a friendly ship and said it was an accident? I detect a pattern here!

Israeli Navy attacks and wounds Dignity in International Waters

URGENT! Israeli Navy Attacking Civilian Mercy Ship! TAKE ACTION IMMEDIATELY!

American Jews Call for Immediate Ceasefire, End of Gaza Blockade

Israel’s lie machine working flat out to dodge “killer” question

Ever wonder what a "shill" is in a comment thread or chat room? Israel’s Government has thrown its weight behind efforts by supporters to counter what it believes to be negative bias and a tide of pro-Arab propaganda. The Foreign Ministry has ordered trainee diplomats to track websites and chatrooms so that networks of US and European groups with hundreds of thousands of Jewish activists can place supportive messages.

Israel backed by army of cyber-soldiers

BY WAY OF DECEPTION Israel pulls a fast one – and gets caught

“Hamas had repeatedly said it was willing and ready to stop “all” firing of projectiles from Gaza if only Israel would lift the deadly blockade. And Israel repeatedly said “No.”

February 08, 2005 Fake rocket attack

U.S. man pleads guilty to acting as agent for Israel

The US Army Document That Proves the US is the World's Number One Sponsor of World Terrorism

Terrorist States Collude in Gaza War Crime

Shock, Awe and Lies: The Truth Behind the Israeli Attack on Gaza

Christmas 2008: Hell in the Holy Land


The Rise of the Anti-Christ in the Nation from Hell.

Palestinian women mourn over the bodies of three Palestinian children from the Balosha family, of five who were all killed in the same Israeli missile strike, in the morgue before their burial at Kamal Edwan hopsital in Beit Lahiya, northern Gaza Strip, Monday, Dec. 29, 2008.

In Pictures: Massacre of Gazan Children

BUT WAIT!!!!!!!!

This Israeli propagandist said there were no civilian casualties! I posted here that it would be exposed that she was lying! LIAR!!!

Can't they stop lying??? It's like an infomercial!!!

Gaza strike is not against Hamas, it's against all Palestinians I

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Gaza strike is not against Hamas, it's against all Palestinians

George Bush: "Be careful of civilians!"

Bush doesn't want Israel to stop bombing Gaza, but he urges Israel to try and avoid civilian casualties. This coming from a guy who killed over a million Iraqi civilians (so far)! Now, Israeli leaders say they haven't killed any civilians, but when it's exposed that they have, they'll probably pull the human shields propaganda. Laura Bush seems to think getting assaulted by a shoe is worse than killing a million Iraqi civilians or a nuclear power bombing Gaza civilians.

356 comments on Raw Story about the Israeli attack, by readers

Lots of coverage at 99's blog on Israel bombing Gaza...

Anger, sadness over fabricated Holocaust story

What is really going on in Gaza that the networks aren't telling us (make yourself smart about the Palestinian problem in 10 fast minutes...for ignorant Americans

After months of a sickeningly brutal blockade, in which more than a million people have been deprived of life's essentials, the blockaders have escalated the "conflict".

"What the media never question is Israel’s idea of a truce. It is very simple. Under an Israeli-style truce, Palestinians have the right to remain silent while Israel starves them, kills them and continues to violently colonize their land. Israel has not only banned food and medicine to sustain Palestinian bodies in Gaza but it is also intent on starving minds: due to the blockade, there is not even ink, paper and glue to print textbooks for schoolchildren.

'Gaza strike is not against Hamas, it's against all Palestinians'

The Israeli army is still ongoing with its offensive against the residents of the Gaza Strip and killed on Monday at dawn five sisters, all children. Death toll since Saturday is more than 305 Palestinians, and nearly 1000 were wounded. Palestinian medical sources reported that that army shelled the house of Anwar Ba’lousha, in the Jabalia refugee camp in the northern part of the Gaza Strip, killing five sisters, all children, while the rest of their family remain under the rubble and others were hospitalized....

Most Gaza casualties were non-combatants, civilians

Israel bombs a University in Gaza...

This woman is an out-and-out LIAR! Most casualties were civilians!

The Jewish Third Reich

As for the truth...what's happening today in Palestine is the culmination of a generation-long effort to indoctrinate an Israeli fighting force - brainwashing them into killing civilians without hesitation or moral concern. The purest form of Orwellian evil:

"The Palestinians are beasts walking on two legs." Menahim Begin, speech to the Knesset, quoted in Amnon Kapeliouk, "Begin and the Beasts". New Statesman, 25 June 1982.

"The Palestinians" would be crushed like grasshoppers ... heads smashed against the boulders and walls." " Isreali Prime Minister (at the time) in a speech to Jewish settlers New York Times April 1, 1988

"There was no such thing as Palestinians, they never existed." Golda Maier Israeli Prime Minister June 15, 1969

"We have to kill all the Palestinians unless they are resigned to live here as slaves." Chairman Heilbrun of the Committee for the Re-election of General Shlomo Lahat, the mayor of Tel Aviv, October 1983.

"We must use terror, assassination, intimidation, land confiscation, and the cutting of all social services to rid the Galilee of its Arab population." Israel Koenig, "The Koenig Memorandum"

"One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail." -- Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 [Source: N.Y. Times, Feb. 28, 1994, p. 1]


"The thesis that the danger of genocide was hanging over us in June 1967 and that Israel was fighting for its physical existence is only bluff, which was born and developed after the war." Israeli General Matityahu Peled, Ha'aretz, 19 March 1972.

Israelis Execute Women; video not shown in America