Sport Photograph, Enthusiasm and Melancholy

How can we read the past in the present through photography? Enthusiasm is awakened because the sensational cultural products created in the Russian avant-garde’s monumental push to fuse art with life have for a long time been an unknown field in cultural history: a field now being elucidated. Paul Wood has described this as an archaeological endeavour for cultural history that also casts light upon our own time: The excavation of the full scope of the work of Rodchenko, Vertov, Klutsis, Vladimir Tatlin, Maiakovskii, and Lissitzky, not to mention the related theoretical perspectives of Osip Brik, Viktor Shklovskii, Valentin Voloshin, and others, has achieved that rare thing: the eruption of the historical work into the practical conjuncture of the present. for best shot, get Oklahoma Memorial Stadium Tickets and grab your camera to get the best moments, also you mught wanna try different locations by having Beaver Stadium Tickets.

It would not be going too far to say that a culture has been recovered – a culture, moreover, that is still revolutionary with respect toour own. We are awoken as well to melancholy. Its dawning is tied to the contrast so clearly presented to us, the disheartening cleft between the public life of our own time – which the sports photograph is a part of – and the radical and aesthetically creative culture that burgeoned in the first fifteen years after the October Revolution. What we see are the traces of a culture where sports were intended as a means of providing health, happiness and entertainment, not just for the chosen few but for everyone; and where artists functioned as purveyors of ideals guised as visual publicity. They did this, just as we have seen with Rodchenko, on the basis of a critical, theoretical discourse, and through a kind of photography intended to challenge the viewer’s perceptual and aesthetic sensibilities – an approach that seems to be unprecedented in our own costly practice of press photography. More than anything else it is this contrast that is set in relief by the preceding comparison between Rodchenko and contemporary Norwegian sport photography. get your ROSE BOWL TICKETS here.

How To Get Great Results With Digital Photo Printing

How To Get Great Results With Digital Photo Printing

When compared to traditional photo processing, digital photo printing has many different advantages. The main benefit is that you are in complete control of how the finished image will look. This is something that traditional methods just can’t do, and the level of customization for your pictures is much higher when you are using digital photo printing. In order to get the absolute best results, there are a few things that you c Continue reading