PDC Newsroom

November 9, 2007


Shawn Uhlman, PDC

PDC Holds Community Meeting To Discuss The Future Of Urban Renewal

The Portland Development Commission (PDC) is inviting community members to attend a briefing and discussion of the Future of Urban Renewal Initiative. The meeting will be Monday, November 19 from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. at the Oregon Association of Minority Entrepreneurs (OAME) located at 4134 N. Vancouver Avenue.

Urban renewal is a state-authorized, redevelopment and finance program designed to help communities improve and redevelop areas that are physically deteriorated, suffering economic stagnation, unsafe or poorly planned. The PDC uses urban renewal as a tool to focus public attention and resources in blighted or underused areas to stimulate private investment and improve neighborhood livability.

“There are a variety of important issues surrounding the Future of Urban Renewal Initiative,” said PDC Executive Director Bruce Warner. “We view this initiative effort as an opportunity to engage stakeholders from across the region in a conversation about our work in various communities.” 

One of the first projects in the Future of Urban Renewal Initiative, the Westside Study, started this fall with a look at the downtown urban renewal areas (URAs): Downtown Waterfront, South Park Blocks and the River District.  Two of the URAs are due to expire soon but still have important projects to be completed. The River District URA has performed beyond expectations and a boundary change could allow tax increment revenue to be used in other needy areas of the city.  Public input is needed in making critical decisions about the future of these URAs. 

Portland’s central city serves as the regional economic driver, provides a variety of residential housing types, supports a thriving tourist industry and offers a unique retail shopping experience. Its health and vitality is important to everyone in the city and throughout the region.

The PDC is seeking public input and discussion on a variety of issues including:

The Westside Study is being conducted by the Urban Renewal Advisory Group with representatives from Portland City Council, the PDC Commission, Multnomah County, the Portland Planning Commission and a citizen representative.

More information on The Future of Urban Renewal Westside Study can be found at: http://www.pdc.us/ura/future-of-urban-renewal/westside.asp

For additional information please contact Bob Durston at (503) 823-9189 or e-mail.


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