Thursday, February 9, 2012

I call this photo, Boy in Car:
Ha ha!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tuesday morning I talked about quitting candy.  Tuesday night I baked a bundt cake!
 Ha ha ha.  Now that's funny!  I'm just clearing out the pantry.  I don't plan on eating the whole thing.  That's a sad looking cake!  I took it out of the pan too soon.  It broke into three pieces.  I tried to "glue" it together with icing but it didn't quite work.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I'm very close to quitting candy.  I quit soda.  Now I need to get candy out of my life.  I am addicted.  I may have to wean myself.  I quit soda cold turkey.

Have you seen "First Week In?"  It's a prison/jail reality show.  Whew!  It's pretty scary.

Monday, February 6, 2012

That was a GREAT Super Bowl.  Probably not so great if you're a Patriots fan.  That last hail Mary was so close to being caught.  Whew!  I get tense just thinking about it.  I didn't care for the halftime entertainment.  It was pretty boring.  The gold standard for Super Bowl halftime performances is Prince.

The commercials were just OK.  My favorite was Skechers.  When that little dog took off in those running shoes, Cara and I laughed out loud.

Today is my nephew's 16th birthday!

How the heck did that happen?  I want to say I feel so old.  But, I don't.  I'm still young!  I still FEEL young!  Ha ha.  Happy Birthday, Lucas!

Friday, February 3, 2012

I sliced a piece of bread last night.  This is what I ended up with:
WTF?  I'm missing 30% of my bread!  I totally got screwed.

I think my quest to celebrate Valentine's Day Month is over.  I was going to eat a heart-shaped food product every day but I don't think there are enough products to sustain my dream.  Yesterday I ate a chocolate covered marshmallow heart.  Today the only thing I could find is a chocolate covered peanut butter heart.  It's not different enough.  It feels like I'm cheating.  So, I will no longer be able to honorably continue this project.  To end on a high note, I did eat this:
It's the aforementioned peanut butter heart.  It's pretty funky looking, right?  But what it lacks in looks, it makes up for in taste and smell.  The "natural" peanut butter odor fills the room!  It is delicious.  Happy Valentine's Day Month!

Have you heard, the Super Bowl is this weekend.  And that brings us to a new feature:  Bob's Super Bowl Pick!
Based on my season-long statistics, the final score will be NEW YORK 77, NEW ENGLAND 28.  

Have a good one!