
A Farewell To Facebook, Reason #3: Obsession & Stupidity

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series A Farewell To FacebookThis is the last in my posts about why I left Facebook. No, really, I promise! Like many things I write, they’ve come off a bit as “explanation” and/or “justification,” but– also like many things I write– they were meant more as “exploration.” They are a personal exploration, through writing, of my... read more

A Farewell to Facebook, Reason #2: Interaction

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series A Farewell To FacebookIn a previous post, I described the confusion of the term “friend” as a primary reason I left Facebook. Another reason I left was confusion over the term “interact.” It just seems that much of Facebook is not “interaction.” It’s short anecdotes that people comment on. That’s not interaction.... read more

A Farewell To Facebook, Reason #1: Friends

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series A Farewell To FacebookRecently, I deleted my Facebook account. Deleted. Completely.1 When I did this, many friends and family expressed surprise, sometimes outright frustration, that I would leave Facebook. According to them, there were a number of reason I should not have left, but primary among them was that I’d be eliminating that important way to... read more


Dear friends, I just emailed Congress to urge them to oppose the Internet Blacklist Legislation, known as the PROTECT-IP Act in the Senate and the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the House. This legislation seeks to give the executive branch power to conduct slash-and-burn campaigns against websites that allegedly host – or even link to – content that infringes on intellectual property rights. That... read more

Today, I Bought an iPad

I remember this day 25+ years ago, when my mother came home with it. It was a box with a silver keyboard looking thing that said “TI 99/4a.” That big, blocky hulk of a purchase that was one of the best decisions of my mother’s parenthood. She wasn’t always the best role model, my mother, but this decision was superb. It came with intent, a reason: She told us that she couldn’t... read more

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