The point of seeing a doctor -- or being one -- should be to improve health. After all, besides your mother or spouse, who do you count on to care about your well-being more than your doctor does? That is literally his or her job. But what I've found is that the same incentives distorting banking, energy, education, and government are distorting our very bodies. For American health care providers, the goal isn't to get you healthy, but to get you paying. And similar to banking where the costs of a low interest loan might be a hidden balloon payment, the costs of our health care system are hidden from the end consumer.
The news this week that the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation, after years of pressure from political groups, will end its support of lifesaving breast cancer screening at Planned Parenthood health centers comes as a blow to women across America.
The election is still more than nine months away, but it's already clear that in the race for the White House, "we the people" are running far behind "we the one percent."
President Gingrich, as soon as Air Force One touched down on my hot, tropical tarmac I shuddered. I knew that I was lost. As the gleaming jet's door opened and you stood there on the top of the stairs, your ermine robe jauntily draped over your adorably hunched soft shoulders.
The president succeeded in keeping plants open and saving jobs; Mitt Romney closed factory after factory and now he wants you to believe that the two are equivalent.
I'm embarrassed to say that one of the key places where candidates and citizens acquire a taste for -- and skills in -- negativity is higher education. For decades now, we have promoted a culture of criticism in which you show how smart you are by tearing apart somebody else's ideas.
Though Romney recognized that "...we have food stamps, we have Medicaid, we have housing vouchers..." he neglected to make the following four points.
Paula Deen's problem -- hers and America's -- won't be solved with a prescription from the pharmacy. But it can be solved with changes in the way we all cook, and eat.
It's high time to toss aside diplomatic niceties and place Russia in the diplomatic stockade for its sheltering of the illegitimate Bashar al-Assad from global wrath.
Acidifying oceans, a result of the same carbon dioxide pollution that is warming our planet, is a problem of multiple dimensions.
Keeping children out of poverty in America will take more than just local community efforts. We need national policies that provide more opportunities for low-income families and put more Americans on a pathway out of poverty.
Want to know how we can improve our schools using technology? Want to know how your son/daughter's education can be more effective?
With friends like Senator Mike Lee, the Constitution needs no enemies.
In light of the aggressive attack on women's health by the Right, perhaps we should ask -- "Am I a woman or am I a puppet?" Our strings are being pulled far to the right, and many of us are fed up.
LA should step up to the global marketing plate and rename our airport after Elizabeth Taylor, one of the great movie actresses of modern times. LAX should become LIZ.
For the vast majority of the electorate, the economy trumps most other issues. Candidates who continue to raise anti-Muslim fears should be seen as irrelevant distractions from the real problems of the economy, jobs, civil rights, education and health care.
The Grey is a great story and thrilling to watch on the big screen, but that's all it is. Fiction. Fantasy. Made up.
Valentine's Day has become a major children's holiday, and is for them, about friendship. So if we parents have to buy Valentines anyway, why not send the money to children and schools less fortunate than our own?
This is the first interview in the Black History Month series "Perspectives on Black Politics in the Age of Obama."
If the house organs of the financial sector and the house intellectuals of the Right are all talking like a Marxist study group, then perhaps we are on the verge of a major transformation -- not only in terminology but, more importantly, in the facts on the ground.
The solution to childhood poverty takes Herculean efforts, enormous investment and a driving national will, so everyone needs to be a hero. But the place to start is right here: getting off our butts and doing something.
What will happen in the general election if Romney is the nominee is anyone's guess. I suspect that Republican conservatives will line up behind Romney, but they will not do so enthusiastically, as the low voter turnout in contested states thus far shows.
The goal would be to temper the Islamicization of society and to ensure a moderate, balanced set of laws that does not ignore Islam but provides spaces for true democratic norms and protections for free speech and minorities.
Visiting the monastery of Vatopedi I saw the sea sweep right up to its gates... I'll never forget standing there in a rare moment following sunset just when darkness is about to fall.
It took me years to realize the value of replenishing myself and putting myself on the top of my to do list, of taking care of myself so I can take care of others. And at some point I really got that the key to happiness is to going deep inside myself and realizing that I was enough and that is what I call the process of unbinding.
But for some Cuban and Cuban-American voters, the candidates' immigration positions don't dim their appeal. Neither does the tone of the debate, which many consider insulting to the whole community.