Unions scramble as Arizona Republicans move to rush through tough anti-Labor bills.
Benjy Sarlin reports from a gathering of young Las Vegas Republicans... who aren't into Ron Paul.
The House GOP tries to take Ted Kennedy's CLASS Act off of life support.
What's really behind the Komen Foundation cutting off funding to Planned Parenthood?
Take a wild guess as to what was the dominant cable news theme of the day.
Mean Girls, GOP-style.
Conservatives do a giant collective facepalm over Romney's "very poor" gaffe.
When we last heard from freshman Rep. Sean Duffy (R) he was 'struggling' on his $174,000 congressional salary. But things are apparently looking up. And now he's introduced his own bill which includes a congressional pay freeze.
As his career swirled the bowl, former Rep. Anthony Weiner's (D-NY) campaign paid $13,290 to a private investigator to investigate who had hacked his website and put penis pics on it.
Did Romney's dog Seamus seek asylum in Canada after the crate on the roof incident?
Obama moves into a big lead in Ohio in new poll.
Michele Obama: Barack "Sings To Me All the Time." Watch.
As I mentioned last night, Newt's big task right now is to hold on until March, when the mix of states in play become considerably more favorable to him. But the next big obstacle in his path is Nevada, where he'll have to fight like crazy to avoid coming in third behind Ron Paul.
Citizens United lawyer: I hate SuperPacs too.
The President's approval numbers continue to slowly trend up. Now even Rasmussen has him in positive territory. The President's current TPM Poll Average is 46.3% approve, 49% disapprove. Chart after the jump ...
Read More →The Romney campaign is still dodging questions about those offshore accounts.
Looks like GOP voter turnout actually fell compared to 2008's primary.
Meanwhile, that old firebrand Alan Grayson says the whole affair has done "lasting damage" to the party.
So can Newt hold on? Not to win the nomination. That boat has sailed and is pretty much over the horizon. But can he hold on through February and still command enough media attention to credibly remain in the race?
Read More →Two daughters and a son-in-law of Sheldon Adelson's wife ponied up $1 million in 2011 for Newt Gingrich's super PAC, about half of its total funding, new FEC filings show. That was before Sheldon himself got in on the act this month.
According to Team Romney, Mitt received no call tonight from Newt congratulating him on the win.
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