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  1. RT @The_Shareholder RT @mikebrownfield What's the cost 2 pay for those who go bankrupt after sick? We're talking nasty welfare bills here.
  2. Is it lawsuit time? and here's what I wrote to Garafalo and Pariseau
  3. I'm talking education today on
  4. I 2nd that RT @maryturck Tell me something I didn't know RT @MPR Women equal 2 men in advdegrees but still lag income
  5. I 2nd that RT@maryturck Tell me something I didn't know RT @MPR Women equal 2 men in advdegrees but still lag income
  6. @WentRogue ah, you're way ahead of me.
  7. @john_fitz_2020 R2Top third? Need funding. U Participate in appl?
  8. Or cuts 2 Dept of Ed? RT @EducationMN @MN2020: Standing By as State’s Education Infrastructure Crumbles
  9. Ref2 alternative licensure? RT@EducationMN RT @MN2020: Standing By as State’s Education Infrastructure Crumbles
  10. No more rep? RT @MicCheckRadio One day I would like to run for mayor of the city of Chicago Rahm Emanuel on Charlie R
  11. B/c there's no way 2 prove @robinmarty @WomensRights: Why Do Women Still Earn Less Than Men? - via @TIME #EqualPayDay
  12. @The_Shareholder I agree! But "greed" is just profit. That's why we need regs! :-)
  13. Education: Race to the Top Funding, Thissen's Bill of Rights
  14. RT @marissapherson Happy National Volunteer Week! Have you thanked a #volunteer lately?
  15. Ha! RT @atinklenberg ran 0.01 mi on 4/18/2010 at 10:44 PM with a pace of 99:51'12"/mi
  16. Mistake. It's tax fairness we're seeing. RT @dcccThe Hill: House Dems use Tax Day to publicize cuts 4 middle class
  17. Thursday Musing: ✔ Other on Census, Polish American
  18. Still tweaking auto FB 2 fan page Seems wordbooker has current logged in user choice but having trouble posting 2 FB page Need perms?
  19. Did you c Demmer's loan That's nuts! RT @TwoPuttTommy RT @lukehellier CD1 Ballot Two: Demmer-87, Quist-71
  20. RT @PeterBoisclair Going to pick up Bill Mckibben, founder of at the Minneapolis- St. Paul Airport with a friend today #350