Foreign fighters died in Iraq

A dossier on every for­eign ter­ror­ist died in Iraq (2003–2004) pub­lished on Global Ter­ror Alert, with all the details on their coun­try of ori­gin, the day he died and their actions and involve­ments until their death, worth to see and count how many Saudis and Kuwaitis are among them.

Remem­ber they call them­selves “Mar­tyrs” and they are now in par­adise mar­ried to 99 women for reward on their actions (if you con­sider being with 99 women in one place as a reward!!).

By the way: Why women been always used as rewards ??

See the dossier here (PDF)

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16 Responses to Foreign fighters died in Iraq

  1. Pingback: Mudville Gazette

  2. Mister Ghost says:

    Women = Sex.
    Sex = Party Time.
    99 Women = Lots of Party Time!

  3. Dave says:

    Lady­bird, it is sim­ply, women are cuter than we men are,a lot more com­fort­ing. I do agree 99 is overkill. I think 7 would do just fine :-)

  4. alan says:

    well lady­bird

    just because they are vir­gins might be a good rea­son for it

    bit strange the num­bers of kuwaitis since to free them was the rea­son for the first gulf war


  5. The Outlaw Michael Cosyns says:

    99?????? I thought it was 72!

    Sigh… some guys have all the luck.

  6. Muons says:

    99 women? I thought it was 72 and they had to be vir­gins too. Even if it’s 99 or 72, but assum­ing they have to be vir­gins, I think the sui­cide bombers are being ripped off. Because heaven is sup­posed to be for eter­nity, right? But a vir­gin doesn’t stay one beyond the first night. So wouldn’t a sui­cide bomber go through them pretty damn quick? LOL.

    Gee, Bagh­dad Dweller, if you ever find out why women are used as rewards please let me know? I’m a woman and I’ve never thought of objec­ti­fy­ing men that way, nor do I know many women who would.

  7. M says:

    Par­adise mar­ried to 99 women, huh? Sounds more like eter­nal tor­ture with all those women hen­peck­ing them for­ever and ever; sounds like they are likely to get what they deserve.

  8. Brian H says:

    I think it’s 72 vir­gins, and actu­ally they’re young nanny goats. Noth­ing was said about women!

  9. cecile says:

    Sorry, but is there a way women can arrive to the same par­a­dis­i­cal num­bers with as many men around? (wash­ing dirty dishes and under­wear and cook­ing deli­cious meals?) Or is that not fore­seen in the exist­ing reli­gious scenarios?

  10. LadyBird says:

    The ques­tion is what women “Mar­tyrs” get?? I hope not 99 male

  11. Oded says:

    72 Vir­gins with no men­tion of sex or phy­logeny. Hope­fully these crea­tures are male. And isnt it inter­est­ing that for all their noble beliefs with all the resul­tant death and dis­mem­ber­ment, it all comes back to get­ting laid. A noble cause indeed!

  12. thinking says:

    Wait till they find out the rea­son there are vir­gins in heaven is that this is no sex in heaven. DOH!!!

  13. Muons says:

    In addi­tion to “earn­ing” x num­ber of vir­gin what­ev­ers in heaven, sui­cide bombers gain a cer­tain posthu­mous fame on terra firma, osten­si­bly along with mon­e­tary secu­rity for their sur­vivors. With the Saudis, for exam­ple, ter­ror­ist groups and oth­ers export­ing and fund­ing this mad­ness to Iraq. And Bush say­ing that the upcom­ing elec­tions proves that things in Iraq have improved. On what planet? As Juan Cole said in his blog today: “In his appear­ances on Wednes­day, Pres­i­dent Bush said that it was a pos­i­tive that Iraqis are even hav­ing elec­tions, since three years ago it would have seemed out of the ques­tion. You know, if all you have to boast about is that you are bet­ter than Sad­dam Hus­sein, it isn’t actu­ally a good sign.”

  14. windknot says:

    When women over there get their rights, men will real­ize they have four WIVES. Maybe that’s the rea­son they are all so keen to leave this world for 72 or so vir­gin whatevers.

  15. Loren says:

    Allah’s par­adise is a brothel. They get 2 or 70 women depend­ing on how they die. The vir­gins are spe­cial in that they have no eyes for any­one except the cel­e­brant, and they “grow over” again after each use, so they are per­pet­ual vir­gins.
    All mus­lims’ fate is pre­de­ter­mined at the time of the cre­ation of the uni­verse. 1 out of 1000 non-martyrs are des­tined for par­adise, unless they run afoul of their Ilah (god), Allah (who lives in a stone in the Ka’aba in Mecca, and there­fore is a pagan idol).
    They get 2 vir­gins. Mar­tyrs get a free pass and 70 vir­gins. Sui­cide bombers care­fully wrap their gen­i­tals before their mis­sion so that part might sur­vive for use in par­adise.
    All of the “pil­lars of Islam” are pagan in ori­gin, defined 5 gen­er­a­tions before Muham­mad by his great, great, great grand­fa­ther, Qusayy, who ran the local Ka’aba con­ces­sion in Mecca. Muham­mad didn’t inherit it and wanted it for him­self, there­fore rein­vented him­self as a non-prophesying prophet to try and get it. When he was laughed out of Mecca he tried the same thing with the Jews in Med­ina, with the same result. He then went on a ter­ror ram­page and took the Ka’aba in Mecca by force.
    It’s all in the orig­i­nal scrip­tures explained at Read it.

  16. Loren says:

    Whoops, for­got to men­tion, there’s only room for 700,000 in par­adise. Sorry, boys, no room at the inn.
    And, if mus­lims’ fate is pre­des­tined, why go through the pagan rit­u­als? Ah, I for­got, you can earn Allah’s wrath even if you were the one of 1000 to be pre­des­tined. So, per­form the rites.
    Oh, by the way, Jihad is required, so said Muham­mad as one of the pil­lars. The pil­lars change over time. If you don’t per­form Jihad you are a hyp­ocrite and are to be killed. You are hated even more than Jews and Chris­tians.
    Who wants to sign up for this?