A dossier on every foreign terrorist died in Iraq (2003–2004) published on Global Terror Alert, with all the details on their country of origin, the day he died and their actions and involvements until their death, worth to see and count how many Saudis and Kuwaitis are among them.
Remember they call themselves “Martyrs” and they are now in paradise married to 99 women for reward on their actions (if you consider being with 99 women in one place as a reward!!).
By the way: Why women been always used as rewards ??
See the dossier here (PDF)
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Women = Sex.
Sex = Party Time.
99 Women = Lots of Party Time!
Ladybird, it is simply, women are cuter than we men are,a lot more comforting. I do agree 99 is overkill. I think 7 would do just fine :-)
well ladybird
just because they are virgins might be a good reason for it
bit strange the numbers of kuwaitis since to free them was the reason for the first gulf war
99?????? I thought it was 72!
Sigh… some guys have all the luck.
99 women? I thought it was 72 and they had to be virgins too. Even if it’s 99 or 72, but assuming they have to be virgins, I think the suicide bombers are being ripped off. Because heaven is supposed to be for eternity, right? But a virgin doesn’t stay one beyond the first night. So wouldn’t a suicide bomber go through them pretty damn quick? LOL.
Gee, Baghdad Dweller, if you ever find out why women are used as rewards please let me know? I’m a woman and I’ve never thought of objectifying men that way, nor do I know many women who would.
Paradise married to 99 women, huh? Sounds more like eternal torture with all those women henpecking them forever and ever; sounds like they are likely to get what they deserve.
I think it’s 72 virgins, and actually they’re young nanny goats. Nothing was said about women!
Sorry, but is there a way women can arrive to the same paradisical numbers with as many men around? (washing dirty dishes and underwear and cooking delicious meals?) Or is that not foreseen in the existing religious scenarios?
The question is what women “Martyrs” get?? I hope not 99 male
72 Virgins with no mention of sex or phylogeny. Hopefully these creatures are male. And isnt it interesting that for all their noble beliefs with all the resultant death and dismemberment, it all comes back to getting laid. A noble cause indeed!
Wait till they find out the reason there are virgins in heaven is that this is no sex in heaven. DOH!!!
In addition to “earning” x number of virgin whatevers in heaven, suicide bombers gain a certain posthumous fame on terra firma, ostensibly along with monetary security for their survivors. With the Saudis, for example, terrorist groups and others exporting and funding this madness to Iraq. And Bush saying that the upcoming elections proves that things in Iraq have improved. On what planet? As Juan Cole said in his blog today: “In his appearances on Wednesday, President Bush said that it was a positive that Iraqis are even having elections, since three years ago it would have seemed out of the question. You know, if all you have to boast about is that you are better than Saddam Hussein, it isn’t actually a good sign.”
When women over there get their rights, men will realize they have four WIVES. Maybe that’s the reason they are all so keen to leave this world for 72 or so virgin whatevers.
Allah’s paradise is a brothel. They get 2 or 70 women depending on how they die. The virgins are special in that they have no eyes for anyone except the celebrant, and they “grow over” again after each use, so they are perpetual virgins.
All muslims’ fate is predetermined at the time of the creation of the universe. 1 out of 1000 non-martyrs are destined for paradise, unless they run afoul of their Ilah (god), Allah (who lives in a stone in the Ka’aba in Mecca, and therefore is a pagan idol).
They get 2 virgins. Martyrs get a free pass and 70 virgins. Suicide bombers carefully wrap their genitals before their mission so that part might survive for use in paradise.
All of the “pillars of Islam” are pagan in origin, defined 5 generations before Muhammad by his great, great, great grandfather, Qusayy, who ran the local Ka’aba concession in Mecca. Muhammad didn’t inherit it and wanted it for himself, therefore reinvented himself as a non-prophesying prophet to try and get it. When he was laughed out of Mecca he tried the same thing with the Jews in Medina, with the same result. He then went on a terror rampage and took the Ka’aba in Mecca by force.
It’s all in the original scriptures explained at prophetofdoom.net. Read it.
Whoops, forgot to mention, there’s only room for 700,000 in paradise. Sorry, boys, no room at the inn.
And, if muslims’ fate is predestined, why go through the pagan rituals? Ah, I forgot, you can earn Allah’s wrath even if you were the one of 1000 to be predestined. So, perform the rites.
Oh, by the way, Jihad is required, so said Muhammad as one of the pillars. The pillars change over time. If you don’t perform Jihad you are a hypocrite and are to be killed. You are hated even more than Jews and Christians.
Who wants to sign up for this?