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Komen Backtracks, But Questions Remain
After an overwhelming nationwide reaction to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure Foundation's decision to cut grant funds from Planned Parenthood, the board of directors announced today a new revision to its funding policy.

NOW Congratulates Suzanne Bonamici on Special Election Victory
NOW/PAC-endorsed candidate Suzanne Bonamici (D) soundly defeated Tea Party favorite Rob Cornilles (R) in Tuesday's special election in Oregon's 1st Congressional District. Bonamici, a strong supporter of NOW's issues, will be the first woman in recent years to be part of Oregon's congressional delegation.

Violence Against Women Act Needs Your Immediate Action
Take Action!Take action NOW to push back against conservatives in the Senate who are attempting to drastically reduce funding under the Violence Against Women Act! Please call AND email your senators urging them to oppose amendments that would effectively shut down many smaller anti-violence programs and seriously impact services in larger programs.

Roe v. Wade Turns 39, Abortion Rights Still Under Attack
As we celebrate the 39th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision that recognized a woman's constitutional right to legal abortion, we can't forget how many times women's lives have been put at risk in the past year.

Open Letter to President Obama: NOW Urges 2012 Wake-Up Call for Nation
NOW is deeply invested in the message the president will send in his State of the Union Address on Jan. 24. The nation is at a crucial juncture that demands strong, principled leadership to restore a broadly representative democracy and reduce income inequality. Achieving these goals is essential for fairness and justice in our society.

Catholic Bishops Fail to Take Birth Control from More Women
In an important decision that ensures access to affordable birth control for millions of women, the Obama administration announced today that it would not expand an unconstitutional refusal clause that will already deny contraceptive coverage to some women under the Affordable Care Act.

Obama Administration Failing Women on Birth Control
NOW President Terry O'Neill writes on The Huffington Post: "As the president of NOW, I hear from a lot of women (and men). Many of them are outraged right now, and they're asking the same question: Can this be real -- is the White House actually caving in to the radical right on birth control?"

NOW to Obama: Women Who Elected You Need You To Support Birth Control
NOW calls on President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to retract the department's decision to overrule the FDA's recommendation on Plan B One-Step, and to keep all religious exemption clauses out of the Affordable Care Act regulations on insurance coverage of birth control.

Tell President Obama, Secretary Sebelius "Reverse Plan B Decision"
Take Action!Take action NOW to reverse this outrageous and purely political decision to overrule the FDA's determination that a form of emergency contraception is safe, effective and should be available over the counter with NO age restriction.

Speak Out Against Anti-Abortion Terrorism
Take Action!Groups like Operation Save America and Operation Rescue use intimidation tactics to scare away women from exercising their right to obtain abortion care. By signing this petition, you will send a message that these actions are an organized form of terrorism that must stop.

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campaigns and events

NOW 2012 National Conference
Save the Date! This year's conference will be Fri. 6/29 - Sun. 7/1 at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport

NOW Regional Conferences
Attend the NOW conference in your region this spring and help elect national leadership!

Media Hall of Shame Media Hall of Shame: ABC's "Work It" Works Overtime Promoting Sex Stereotypes - check out our latest outrage!

Love Your BodyLove Your Body Campaign
Thanks for all your fabulous entries in the Love Your Body poster contest. The 2012 winners will be announced soon.

Ratify Women Campaign RATIFY WOMEN!
U.S. ratification of the CEDAW treaty is long overdue. Get the details and take action.


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