"NH Republican Mayor: 'Arrest and Prosecute' O'Keefe and Fellow 'Voter Fraud' Conspirators!"
(14 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/12/2012 @ 6:09 pm PT...
Brad: I believe that both Federal and NH prosecutors would be well within their rights to subpoena all records relating to the $50,000 contribution as well as any records that would reflect how many people knew about the manner in which O'Keefe et al sought to carry out this little scam.
What we may be looking at is a conspiracy to violate both state and federal election laws.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2012 @ 6:49 am PT...
What about the people he sought to impersonate - are they complicit?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2012 @ 9:58 am PT...
... Marzi asked...
"What about the people he sought to impersonate - are they complicit?"
They would be another set of victims, no?
But as I understand it they are all very recently deceased so they themselves are unlikely to be filing complaints against O'Keefe...
... however would family, friends, and others have standing on any grounds?...
Monsiuer Canning?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 1/13/2012 @ 11:03 am PT...
Notice the little old ladies in his video. His cowardly gang will do "stings" with little old ladies who should be commended for working the polls (probably because no one else wants to do it), minorities (ACORN), etc... He's not man enough to do a "sting" against billionaire (white) banksters or the military industrial complex who are ripping us off to the tune of TRILLIONS of dollars. Big "hero": punk rich Republican kid James O'Keefe. And his cowardly friend Andrew Breitbart's name usually pops up somewhere.
I bet his "heroic crew" tried many places (not in his videos, of course) who turned them down, and the only ones they got to do this were these poor little old ladies in this video.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 1/13/2012 @ 12:15 pm PT...
It's amazing to think of the massive fraud that has gone on in this country, mortgage brokers using white out to change loan applications and saddle little old ladies with exploding mortgages that re-fid them right out of their house, Bank of America et al interally emailing about what crap and lies they put on spreadsheets certifying to the quality of very bad quality loans so they could sell said crap to investors, MERS having almsot no actual employees but having people from all over financial world signing property right documents as VP - MERS, foreclosure mills and robosigning document mills falsely signing false afffadavits.
No one is being prosecuted for this, no new laws with any teeth are being passed to better address this lawnessness, but states are fighting a war on VOTER FRAUD? Really?
I would like us to launch a war on fraud, when we get done election fraud and theft, and done with Wall Street and the rest of the dishonest parasites in the FIRE sector, then I'd be happy to consider what we can do to stop the handful of voter fraud cases that have likely happened in the last decade.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Dan Mortenson
said on 1/13/2012 @ 2:42 pm PT...
Kinda sad to see the Repukes take up this cause, as I can't help but remember how short their political "memories" are --- or how adjustable their "morals" are.
I expect this Rep-led "charge" against Mr. Breitbart to evaporate with the morning dew; but I guess any reaction at all from them is better than NO reaction.
Still don't know why this ONE violation struck such a chord with them, unless it was just because it was THEIR election, that Breitbart was "busting," and it was just too close to home.
Too bad they can't use that same sort of public-election morality, when it comes to their OWN plain efforts to cut the number of Dems voting...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 1/13/2012 @ 5:24 pm PT...
Al Sharpton and Nashua, NH City Clerk Paul Bergeron nailed it on MSNBC.
Sharpton notes there's only been one conviction for voter fraud out of 3,315,022 votes cast in past NH elections.
Bergeron, who feels O'Keefe & friends committed a crime, adds:
You don’t prove there has been voter fraud by committing it yourself.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Davey Crocket
said on 1/14/2012 @ 8:52 pm PT...
Dan #6
"...short their political memories..."
Democrat--Lyndon B. Johnson
In 1977, Salas, the election judge who'd been quiet for years, admitted to The Associated Press after much coaxing that he had certified enough fictitious ballots to steal the election for Johnson. Jim Mangan, the AP's Texas bureau chief at the time, interviewed Salas and broke the story.
"I kind of pressed him, 'If you die, history will never know what happened, Luis,'" recalled Mangan, who lives in San Antonio. "So he told his story."
Salas was a henchman for Parr, nicknamed the "Duke of Duval," and obviously was intimidated by the party boss, but Parr had since killed himself, Mangan said. Salas said he was finally revealing what happened so he could find "peace of mind and to reveal to the people the corruption of politics."
Salas said he saw the names of people who hadn't cast ballots added in alphabetical order and that he certified them. Another witness described the names as being written in the same colored ink and in the same handwriting.
Salas is now dead, too. Johnson and Stevenson both died in the 1970s.
"Everybody knew what had happened," Mangan said. "This was no mystery to anybody that the election was crooked."
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
John Cokos
said on 1/16/2012 @ 2:02 pm PT...
Bergeron: Go back to Law School. There are no "wiretapping laws" involved, nucklehead. That's the same tired old "cop talk" that LEO's are using to breakup Digital Video recording today. Those "wiretapping laws that this legal scholar makes reference to are from the 50's and 60's ard are largely irrelivant in today's world.
O'Keefe might be a clown, but know what you are talking by getting your facts striaght. A High School Diploma is a terrible to waste.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 1/16/2012 @ 6:43 pm PT...
John Cokos -
Why is NH's wiretapping law, which bans recording telephonic communications or oral communication(as I detailed in my previous article on this) not applicable here?
I'm not sure if there is a "this law largely irrelivant in today's world" provision in NH law (or anybody's law).
Look forward to your answer.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Gus Wynn
said on 1/18/2012 @ 8:06 pm PT...
O'Keefe is already being sued in San Diego for taping conversations without consent, so damn straight these privacy laws are current and relevant. He has rich lawyers from CIR backing him as he tries to evade paying $75K to a previous sting victim.
But the M.O. is the same here, it's the journalistic equivalent of entrapment when O'Keefe commits or proposes crimes, then looks to blame or embarrass anyone that helps him. He was the one to propose crimes in his ACORN stings, not any of the workers - then edited the tapes deceptively.
It's not undercover journalism to suggest crimes, fishing for accomplices just because they are Democrats.
In fact, O'Keefe should be charged with conspiracy to commit human trafficking of underage prostitutes and tax evasion - if his video victims are accountable, why isn't he?
As we wait for updates on O'Keefe's San Diego lawsuit, we also may hear about another suit brought by Nadia Naffe, a blogger who testified in a criminal complaint she was drugged and had her panties stolen while in the company of O'Keefe. She also says he tried to get her to 'crash' in his barn as she was losing control of her senses.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
John Cokos
said on 1/19/2012 @ 6:25 pm PT...
WELL; What I didn't plan on getting into due to the constraint's of this reply is the fundamental difference in nature between the two. Almost every Circuit Court that I'm aware of, (the level just below the Supreme Court) has ruled in favor of video recording. THIS IS NOT THE same creature as the analog component of the wire tapping laws. In this digital age,the concept of privacy as you conceive it does not exist.
I go into this to some degree on my web site, but will expand on this if there is any interest.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
John Cokos
said on 1/19/2012 @ 6:37 pm PT...
New Jersey is 1 person state in the area of consent to monitor communications, of all types.If I agree there, is no prohibition to the types of communication I can monitor.Some states are 2 party consent state, for telephonic communication.
When you step outside, you are in the public domain, with NO expectation of privacy.
I believe that NH is in the 1St Circuit Court of Appeal, they have already ruled on that.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/21/2012 @ 4:45 pm PT...
Skinny, white and young looking. Someone is going to have a boyfriend in jail