Named as Finalist in Two Categories: Best Blog & Best Post!

The BRAD BLOG has made it to the final voting for the 2005 Koufax Awards in two categories! Just 10 nominees in each category from amongst the entire Progressive 'sphere! So thanks for bringing us this far, guys! It's quite an honor!

We're up against several much "bigger" blogs out there, so please consider voting for us as "BEST BLOG" in the non-pro division and for "BEST POST" for Lydia Cornell's "Death is Sexier than Sex (to Ann Coulter)" story (waytago Lydia!)

HOW TO VOTE: Click on either or both of the two "BEST" links above, scroll to the bottom of the page, and type "BRAD BLOG" into the Comments box.

OR... If the server is slow, send Email specifying your choices for each category to (subject line: Koufax).

Vote only once in each category! Diebold will handle everything from there!

Be sure to check out the other nominees in these, and the other categories as well. Great stuff all! Thanks to the folks at Wampum for running these awards and highlighting some tremendous work being done out there by the Progressive side of the 'sphere!