I want to take this time as I do just about every year to say thank you to the people in my life who have made this a good year in a lot of respects, all things considered.
I made it through with my health and sanity relatively unscathed, and I have my immediate family all in good condition and spirits, and we all got through 2011 with few complaints. At our family reunion in Santa Fe in August, I realized how blessed I am to have both of my parents to guide and inspire me, my brothers and sister to remind me of the oneness of family, and extended family to share joy and sorrow with. At my 40th year high school class reunion in September, I renewed friendships with people who had been a part of my life for many years, and in some ways still are. This was a good year for renewal.
I still have a place to work and good people and friends to work with, doing good things for the hundreds of thousands of students and teachers in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. The last couple of years have been tough for all of us with cutbacks in the budget and added responsibilities for all of us. But we made it through in good stead and I'm happy and humbled to be a part of the effort. We have had our own shares of testing times -- taking on new duties with less money to do it -- but we made it through, and so to all of my colleagues and friends, thanks for everything. See you Tuesday.
This past August marked the tenth anniversary of my return to Miami. It hardly seems possible, but this is the longest I've stayed in one place since I graduated from high school, surpassing the eight years I lived in Colorado. Of course, helping me feel back at home has been the friendship and companionship of Bob and the Old Professor, who are still enjoying their retirements and the joys of volunteer work. Our regular Friday nights out to dinner and the wonderful meals on occasion are a great part of my life, not to mention the joy that Bob and I get out of using the OP as our straight man, so to speak. Never was there a better role model since George Burns or Margaret Dumont. And without Bob, my enthusiasm for cars and great humor would be sorely diminished.
There also the big wide world of the blogosphere out there that provides endless insight as well as maddening inanity. But it's all a part of the mix.
Bark Bark Woof Woof marked
eight years back in November. This year was the most prolific (if not insightful) with over 2,150 posts; some of them even worth reading. I owe so much to so many people who have linked and promoted this little bit of the blogosphere, especially Rick at
SFDB, and those who have included me in their effort: Melissa McEwan at
Shakesville, Michael at
The Reaction, and Kenneth Quinnell at
FPC. I have become a lot better at this largely because of them.
And then, of course, there's you, dear Reader. Believe it or not, I don't do this just because I love to write. Well, I do love to write, but it would seem to be a hollow effort if I didn't think there was someone out there to read it and certainly keep me on my toes. You have made this blog a joy to write, and I am always thinking of you when I sit down here in the early morning to look at the world with dry bemusement and try not to bump into the furniture on my way to the coffee maker.
So here we go into 2012. What's next?
PS: You can get a t-shirt with that cool picture of Mustang Bobby and Sam at the
BBWW Shop. Get yours today.
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Stop That Noise!