Sunday, June 10, 2012

my first thought upon seeing this headline was "wow, boehner wants to end the tax cuts to the rich, too?!"

Boehner: Obama must act on taxes to help economy
Weird how the repugs think that things that have not helped the economy since they were implemented will suddenly now start helping the economy....Isn't that one of the definitions of insanity?

Friday, June 08, 2012

hmm, could it possibly be because it is so ultra-conservative now?

Only 44 percent of Americans approve of the Supreme Court
The crazy conservatives on the court won't legislate by the law - the let their insane political views get in the way of justice. Any wonder why the current court has such a low approval.

Thursday, June 07, 2012

long overdue

thank goodness - this should have been done years ago

(Think Progress)
If we finally end this nonsense maybe we can start trimming the deficit.

repugs hate the constitution

what a surprise!

George W. Bush’s favorable rating lowest of any living president, poll shows
No, people still have not forgotten how much bush f'k'd this country. Yes, I wish Obama had done more to date to fix bush's f'k-ups, but at least we're moving in the right direction as opposed to the downward spiral we were in under bush.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

you would hope so, but somehow I doubt it

Is the GOP ready for its own gay candidate?
Considering that most repugs are rabidly and violently anti-gay, I would be surprised if he is accepted, but you never know...

Thursday, May 31, 2012

this is actually pretty funny

well, duh

Court: Heart of gay marriage law unconstitutional
Of course it is unconstitutional to deny people equal rights. When is this ridiculous discussion going to be over? When will be able to separate church & state (since it is only religious assholes that are denying people their rights)?

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

well that's a helluva goal

Romney Says His Policies Will Reduce Unemployment To Already Projected Rate By 2016
(Think Progress)
Of course, he would probably fuck it up so that we couldn't do this, but nice that he's so ambitious!

sorry repugs - facts are continuing to get in the way of your talking points

because it's ok if you're a repug

is this what they mean by "compassionate conservative"?

a majority of Americans support equal rights

Monday, May 21, 2012

Utterly crazy, hateful and just plain stupid....


More American Die In Their Workplaces Each Year Than Died During 10 Years Of War In Iraq 
(Think Progress)
And repugs want less regulations so more people can be maimed and killed....

repug "logic"

repug math

typical repug - asking for handouts

more repug bigotry