Peaceful Tomorrows Joins April 20th Stop the War Mobilization

On stage at the April 20th Stop the War Mobiliation: Peaceful Tomorrows members Eva Rupp, Rita Lasar, Derrill Bodley and Ryan Amundson.

September 11th Families For Peaceful Tomorrows joined hundreds of other peace and justice groups, including The Fellowship of Reconciliation, Peace Action, Global Exchange and The American Friends Service Committee, demanding an end to war during a April 20th, 2002, march on Washington.

Filed in: Discrimination and Fear, Dissent and Civil Disobedience, Press Releases, War in Afghanistan

Peaceful Tomorrows receives no money from 9/11 charities or disbursements. We depend entirely on individual and foundation grants to continue our work. More...

Editorial Policy: This website contains information related to the mission and goals of Peaceful Tomorrows and is intended for educational, non-commercial use. We highlight the projects undertaken by our organization, print essays and speeches made by 9/11 family members of our group, and post photo galleries which reflect the activities of our members around the world.

September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows is a project of Tides Center.

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