The titans of the porno industry are shaking in their glittery boots as pretend presidential candidate Michele Bachmann (R-Mars) takes the pledge to protect America from adult entertainment by working as president to ban it.
And that's not all she's sworn to.
The vow was written by an Iowa group and asks Republican candidates to agree that being gay is a choice, sex is inherently better after marriage, and makes them promise they’ll provide “humane protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy... from human trafficking, sexual slavery, seduction into promiscuity, and all forms of pornography and prostitution, infanticide, abortion, and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.”
So far, only Bachmann has signed.
Industry lobbyists reacted predictably, Friday. The Seduction Into Promiscuity Institute (SIPI) issued a terse statement, "We're not willing to debate such basic, precious rights and freedoms as those to beguile, inveigle and debauch."
(photo: Rep. Michele Bachmann)
"Jobs would be killed," said "Choch" Mañana, spokesman for the Exploitation Guild of Louisiana, "Good jobs. Naked jobs."
The Anti-Conjugal Relations League and The Club for Infants withdrew previous endorsements of Bachmann. The White Slavers Council (SSC) stated, "Rep. Bachmann seems ignorant of the jobs that the adult mandatory volunteerism industry gives this country."
As always, the Bachmann campaign did not return BlatherWatch calls.
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