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Komen's Small Board Includes GOP CEO, Her Son, a Top GOP Financial Fundraiser and Big Texas GOP Donor CEO of Komen and Former Husband Gave Massive Donations to GOP Tell the Tea Party: The Obamas Represent True Family Values Don't Blame the Wealthy for Inequality? You've Got to Be Kidding! Hi-Tech US Corporations Deny Skilled American Workers Jobs Through Abuse of Visa Loophole![](
Headlines and News
All | Past 1 Hour | Past 2 Hours | Past 6 Hours | Past 12 Hours | Past 24 Hours
- Why Komen Let Me Down: A Breast-Cancer Survivor's Haunting Tale
- Has Romney Become the Stealth Tea Party Candidate?
- WikiLeaks to move servers offshore, sources say, to hopefully avoid prosecution, but there are skeptics about this strategy
- CEO of Komen and Former Husband Gave Massive Donations to GOP -- Mark karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Komen's Small Board Includes GOP CEO, Her Son, a Top GOP Financial Fundraiser and Big Texas GOP Donor -- Mark karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Wisconsin's Walkergate Investigation Gives A Glimpse Into GOP Strategies Nationwide
- What Occupy taught the unions
- STOCK Act Opponent Richard Burr Stands To Gain From Natural Gas Investments
- Christine O’Donnell’s Bookselling Money Magic
- Komen Decision: Race, Class, Abortion and Republicans
- While Mitt and Newt Flail, It's Time For You to Be Bold, Mr. President
- Obama team sadly misinformed by job outsourcers
- The 7 Most Irritating Superbowl Halftime Performers of All Time
- The Betrayal of the Nobel Peace Prize
- Will Netanyahu Use US Elections to Push Obama into Iran War?
- Romney Wins Big in Nevada Caucuses; Gingrich Lashes Out, Vowing to Fight On
- Although BuzzFlash at Truthout is No Fan of Nancy Brinker, the $5 Million a Year Salary Attributed to Her on the Daily Beast Appears to be Incorrect. According to the Latest Komen 990, Brinker received $417,000 in "Compensation" from Komen in in FY 2010. Now, Brinker may be making a salary from related work, but it does not appear to be $5 million from Komen. After being informed about the gross error from BuzzFlash, Daily Beast changed compensation figure, but didn't explain or acknowledge error.
- Daily Beast: “Komen plays hardball and is determined to stay on top,” says a member of another cancer organization, who declined to be identified. "Let’s be honest about all this: people think of breast cancer as a charity, but it’s really a major business.”
- With Spotlight on Super PAC Dollars, Mega-money Right Wing c-4 "Nonprofits," Such as Rove's Crossroads, Escape Scrutiny of Donors
- Roll Out the Barrels of "Envy": Romney Wins Nevada Caucuses
- Politico has two commercials for American Petroleum Institute in its Daily Newsletter
- Greece holds crucial talks over EU bailout plan terms
- Russia opposition vows new rallies to shake Putin
- In South Side Neighborhood, Violence Still Hard to Shake
- Prayer in Public Schools Is Always Undemocratic, Unconstitutional, Rude and a Form of Bullying - Here's How to Discourage It
- Chinese Fascism's Global Consequences
- Inside the new hate Right-wing rhetoric seems to have reached new heights of xenophobia.
- Why Black Union Workers Matter in This Year’s Super Bowl Showdown
- Occupy DC: The battle for McPherson Square
- Syrian embassies still under sieeg
- How I Learned to Scrape By
- Love Thy Neighbor (Yeah, Right!)
- Electro-Motive Lockout: Caterpillar To Close London, Ont. Plant, Company Says
- Jonathan Haidt Explains Our Contentious Culture
- Oral History Collection Gives Voice to Incarcerated Women
- Why Don't We Pay People Enough? 8 Facts About America's Struggling Working People
- Egyptian Police Tear Gas Tahrir
- Another Romney Campaign Fail
- 7Up Employee Fired, Loses Health Care, for Feeding Feral Cats
- Watch the Five Most Politically Controversial Super Bowl Ads of All Time
- Romney's Indifference to the Poor
- Follow BuzzFlash at Truthout on Facebook. Click Here.
- Will Netanyahu Use US Elections to Push Obama into Iran War?
- CEO of Komen and Former Husband Gave Massive Donations to GOP -- Mark karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- When Will Working Class People With No or Poor Health Insurance Get the Message That the Private Ensurers Are Screwing Them?
- “Responsible” Homeowners and the Problem and Promise of American Moralism
- Pentagon Won’t Slow 9/11 Death Penalty Filings
- Top of the Pyramid Billionaires, Secretly Buying the 2012 Election
- Watch: Bill Moyers Discusses How Conservatives and Liberals See the World
- What Planned Parenthood Actually Does, in One Chart
- "Joe the Plumber" Pays Himself a Salary from Campaign Money
- "Buffett Rule" Becomes a Bill, and Congress Bickers
- Wisconsin Lawmaker Says He Carries Gun Onto Assembly Floor
- Gay Veteran Confronts Mitt Romney
- For Mentally Ill Inmates, Health Care Behind Bars is Often Out of Reach
- Bradley Manning to Face All Charges in Court-Martial
- Roseanne Barr Wants to Be the Green Party Nominee for President
- A Radical Idea to Combat the Rising Cost of College: Don't Pay Anything Until After Graduation
- The 18 Most Secretive Corporations in the Citizens United Era
- Today Marks a War Anniversary That the US Wishes to Forget
- Seven Questions Begging to Be Answered Before a Foreclosure Settlement Is Reached
- Indiana Secretary of State Convicted on Voter Fraud Charges
- Newt Gingrich and the Real Saul Alinsky
- Tens of Thousands Rally Against Putin's Rule
- US Elections vs. the Environment: The Stigma of Successful Regulation
- Afghan Civilian Deaths Hit Record High in 2011, UN Report Says
- Tell the Tea Party: The Obamas Represent True Family Values -- Mark karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Democrats Catch a Break in Wisconsin Recall Signatures Lawsuit
- The Scary Danger of Meat (Even for Those Who Don't Eat It)
- Romney To Nevadans: I Don’t Know "What the Purpose Is" of Public Lands (Hint: They Pump $1 Billion Into the State Economy)
- Adding It Up: Press Freedom, Democratic Health and Public Media Funding
- Santorum to Gay Man: You Don’t Deserve "Privilege" of Marriage Because Gay Unions Don’t "Benefit Society"
- Bipartisan Strategy Takes Shape to Close Overseas US Bases
- Super Bowl Ad Makes New York Mayor Bloomberg Gun Control King
- Catholics Plan Counterattack on New Contraception Coverage: Church vows to use courts and legislation to fight "un-American" requirement for religious employers to provide contraception to workers with government-required health insurance
- Why the "Liberal" Media Leaves Hawkish Foreign Policy Unchallenged
- Russia and China Veto UN Resolution on Syria
- Grand, Old Psychos
- Media Gets It Wrong, Komen Didn’t Actually Reverse Decision About Planned Parenthood
- One on One With Rep. Lynn Woolsey: "US Family Law Is Stuck in the 'Leave It to Beaver' Era"
- Anonymous Hacks Into Phone Call Between FBI and Scotland Yard
- US Military Toxins: The Gift That Keeps on Killing
- Is the Super Bowl Socialist?
- Aborted Fetuses: The Awkward Guests at Your Super Bowl Party
- Ron Paul Defends Romney on "Poor" Comment
- Arizona GOP Lawmaker Wants a State Holiday to Celebrate White People
- Inside the New Hate: Right-wing rhetoric seems to have reached new heights of xenophobia. But is that true? An expert explains
- Why Do Dangerous Financial Criminals Roam Free?
- Gingrich: "Unlike Mitt Romney, I not only don't SPEAK French, I can't find it on a globe."
- Romney Cuts Loose the Guy Who Improved His Debate Performance
- STUNNING: When a Single Image Cuts to the Core of an American Injustice
- How the Internet Changed Komen’s Mind: The torrent of reactions to the cancer group's Planned Parenthood defunding proves the power of social media
- Study: The Bottom 20% Pays Nearly Six Times What the Richest 1% Pays in State Taxes
- Seven Privacy Threats the Constitution Can't Protect You Against
- Senator Opposing Stock Act Says No Member Of Congress Would Use Insider Trading
- Gingrich’s Deep Ties to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
- Jobless Rate Falls to 8.3%, Altering Face of Campaign
- Occupy DC Raided by Park Police: Live Updates
- FLASHBACK: How the Komen Foundation Fights Health Reform and Fails Cancer Patients
- Ari Fleischer, Bush Press Secretary and Anti-Planned Parenthood Adviser, Helped Komen in Hiring Senior Communications VP
- Report: Koch Brothers, Allies Pledge $100 Million At Private Meeting To Beat Obama
- Planned Parenthood Raises $3 Million After Komen Right Wing Blunder
- Komen's Statement on Planned Parenthood: Reversal or PR Stunt?
- Don't Blame the Wealthy for Inequality? You've Got to Be Kidding! -- Paul Buchheit for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Hi-Tech US Corporations Deny Skilled American Workers Jobs Through Abuse of Visa Loophole -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Anonymous Reveals Haditha Massacre Emails
- President Barack Obama’s name will remain on the Georgia primary ballot after a state law judge flatly rejected legal challenges that contend he can not be a candidate.
- Wall Street Money Continues to Flow to Romney
- What Occupy Taught the Unions
- Taibbi: Good Foreclosure Deal Could Open the Door to Ending Up With Half of Wall Street in Jail
- Schumer: GOP Has Lost Its Obstructionist Mojo
- Jobs Numbers Are a Pleasant Surprise, but the Road Is Long
- J.C. Penney to One Million Anti-Gay Moms: We Won’t Fire Ellen
- Do You Know What Planned Parenthood Actually Does?
- Ronald Reagan Would Not Recognize His Party Today
- Bait And Switch: GOP Leaders Renege On Debt Limit Deal Defense Cuts
- The Saudis, A Twitter Investment, and the End of Arab Spring?
- Rich White People Are Awesome! The Rest Of Us Are Lazy Fatasses
- NY Attorney General Slaps Fresh Mortgage Lawsuits On BofA, JPMorgan, Wells Fargo
- The Federal Campaign Giving History for Susan G. Komen Founder & CEO Nancy G. Brinker
- Anonymous Hacks Neo-Nazis, Finds Ron Paul
- The “Cure” for the Susan G. Komen Foundation
- "There is one last step that can be taken to save the mighty Komen from running aground permanently. The entire executive leadership and board must resign. Now. Anything less means that the prominence that Komen achieved will become simply one more in a long list of worthy causes that Americans may or may not choose to support."
- What Does Komen's Latest Statement on Planned Parenthood Really Mean?
- Occupy the Super Bowl
- Koch Brothers Convene Ultra-Secret Billionaires Meeting To Raise Funds, Plot Strategy
- Anonymous Strikes Again, Intercepts Law Enforcement Phone Conference Regarding How to Take Down Anonymous
- Komen: Curing The Pink Stink
- How the Sierra Club Took Millions From the Natural Gas Industry—and Why They Stopped
- Impose Windfall Tax on ‘Fracking,’ Group Says
- The Komen Foundation Has a Problem with Planned Parenthood, but Teams Up with Gun Manufacturers. Hm.
- One Town's War on Gay Teens: In Michele Bachmann's home district, evangelicals have created an extreme anti-gay climate. After a rash of suicides, the kids are fighting back.
- Mitt Romney Was For Birth Control Before He Was Against It
- Komen Changes Story as Firestorm over Planned Parenthood Snub Grows
- Ethics Investigation May Cost Colorado Republicans
- "After the violence at Port Said’s football stadium last night, in which at least 74 people were killed and more than 1000 wounded, it isn’t surprising to see so many Egyptians not only decry the lack of adequate policing at the stadium, but accuse the police and the military of having manufactured the whole thing."
- Two Days Later, Romney Gives Up Defending Comments About The Poor: ‘I Misspoke’
- Real US Corporate Tax Rate Falls to 12.1%, the Lowest Level Since 1972
- 6 Things You Need To Know About the Komen Foundation/Planned Parenthood Controversy
- The Snake Oil of “Who Lost Iraq?”
- Panetta Believes Israel May Strike Iran this Spring: Reports
- Romney's ‘Very Poor' at Highest Percentage in 35 Years as Safety Gaps Grow
- With NFL Players Behind Them, Groups Plan ‘Occupy Super Bowl’ Protests Of Indiana’s Assault On Workers
- Unrest Grows in Egypt after Deadly Soccer Riot
- Soaking the Poor, State by State
- Cambridge, Mass., to Vote Next Monday on Resolution Opposing Iran War, Inspired by Resolution Passed in Charlottesville, Va
- Jan Brewer Recall Possible As Arizona Collective Bargaining Has Democrats, Unions Planning Protests
- GE Workers Win Big Organizing Drive
- S.E.C. Spares Large Banks From Tough Sanctions: "Even as the Securities and Exchange Commission has stepped up its investigations of Wall Street, the agency has repeatedly allowed big firms to avoid punishments."
- The Young Billionaires Club
- Susan G. Komen Top Officials Resign As Backlash Gains Steam
- Obama to Announce Veterans Job Corps
- Jobless Rate Falls to 8.3%, Lowest in Three Years
- Secrecy Shrouds ‘Super PAC’ Funds in Latest Filings
- No-Fly List Of Suspected Terrorists More Than Doubled In Past Year
- The Republican Myth of Obama’s “Entitlement Society”
- Villagers Scramble for Fuel in Europe's Big Chill
- The Komen Foundation Pinkwashes Anti-choicers, Punks Planned Parenthood
- Why Is the GOP the Party of Hate and Bitterness? -- Steve Jonas for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Arizona Governor Jan Brewer's Finger Poke in Obama's Face Was Racist -- Mark Karlin, Editor of BuzzFlash at Truthout
- From Army to Activist: How one Israeli soldier confronted the ghost of his past and decided to resist his country’s occupation of Palestine
- Before Endorsement, Trump Trashed Romney: ‘He’s Going To Lose,’ ‘He’d Get Rid Of Jobs’
- The Tangled Web of Newt Gingrich's Alliances -- Bill Berkowitz for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Slander an Alleged Rape Victim, When Her Alleged Rapist is the Son of the New York Police Commissioner
- 'Gasland' director Josh Fox after arrest: I've been blacklisted
- Bloomberg to give $250,000 to Planned Parenthood
- Ex-Credit Suisse CDO Chief Charged in Scheme to Boost Bonuses
- Top Susan G. Komen Official Resigned Over Planned Parenthood Cave-In
- In Year of Uprisings, Reporters Brave Crackdowns from Wall St. to Tahrir Square
- Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Dempsey Told Israelis US Won't Join Their War on Iran
- Republicans Want to Throw Kids Under the Bus. Literally.
- New Mexico House Passes Bill Calling On Congress To Reverse Citizens United
- How "Occupy Our Homes" Can Win
- The Assange Case Means That We Are All Suspects Now
- Oops: Florida Republican Forgets To Remove ALEC Mission Statement From Boilerplate Anti-Tax Bill
- `Game Change:' Palin on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown
- "By defunding Planned Parenthood, the Susan G Komen Foundation betrays women"
- Romney Invested in Chinese and Iranian Companies
- Unions Scramble As Arizona GOP Moves Quickly On Labor Bills
- Anonymous Claims Neo-Nazi Links to Republican Ron Paul
- US Marine Fights Conviction for Suicide Attempt
- With Restrictions Gone, '1 Percenters' Dish Millions, Alter Race for White House
- Ex-Credit Suisse Traders Admit Cooking Subprime Books
- GOP Senators Unveil Bill To Spare Pentagon From Automatic Defense Cuts
- How the GOP Is Resegregating the South
- Want to make your money count? Don’t give it to Obama.
- 5.6 Million Americans Have Switched Their Banks In The Last 90 Days
- America Spends Less on Food Than Any Other Country
- Where The Komen Decision To Defund Planned Parenthood Will Hit Hardest
- Washington State Senate Passes Gay Marriage Bill
- Tea Party Roundup: Birthers, Slaves and Super PACs
- Lieberman, Cantor Defend Capitol Hill’s Inside Traders
- Tea Party House Votes to Repeal Part of Law to Make More Americans Healthier
- Mitch McConnell’s Very Selective Memory -- Tony Peyser for BuzzFlash at Truthout
- Occupy Oakland's Black Panther Roots
- Robert Scheer: The Democrats Who Unleashed Wall Street and Got Away With It
- Planned Parenthood Sees Donation Spike after Komen Cut Off Cancer Screening Funds
- Health Care Reform Was Tea Party's First Defeat
- American Workers Kicked in the Teeth on Wages in 2011
- Rupert Murdoch Inc and How Roger Ailes Built the Fox News Fear Factory
- Private Equity Industry Launching Multi-Million Dollar Public Affairs Campaign
- A Tale of Two Romneys
- Panetta: US Combat in Afghanistan to End Next Year
- White House Proves GOP Wrong - Health Care Law Saved Medicare Money
- Murdoch Hacking Inquiry Widens to Times of London
- John Boehner: Time For Government To Stop Helping Homeowners
- At Hearing on "Fracking," Capitol Police Arrest Director of "Gasland"
- Robert Koehler: Transforming Troubled Schools
- Florida's Nine Best Newtisms
- Mitt, Michelle and the 'Very Poor'
- Obama Offers New Home Financing Plan to Help Struggling Mortgage Payers
- Voter ID bills decried by Democrats advance
- Unions call on Democrats to reject poison pills buried in Republican 'compromise' on FAA
- We Should Not be Looking to Our Past; We Should Be Looking to Our Future as a Nation -- Ann Davidow for BuzzFlash at Truthout
THE LIGHTER SIDE: - Time Traveler From The Year 1998 Warns Nation Not To Elect Newt Gingrich
- A Clarification from Mitt Romney
- The Gingrich Open Marriage Initiative (GO-MI) Explained
- The Long March To Moon Base Gingrich