As if we didn't need any more reminders that bloviating blow-hole Newtie Gingrinch is an attention whore, today he comes out and says he won't play if he can't be cheered on by his mindless slavering fans.
Newt "threw down a gauntlet" to the media -- which he naturally both loves and hates -- calling NBC's Brian Williams to task for trying to keep the debate audience quiet:
"I wish, in retrospect, I had protested when Brian Williams took them out of it because I think it's wrong. And I think he took them out of it because the media is terrified that the audience is going to side with the candidates against the media, which is what they've done in every debate." For future debates, Mr. Gingrich said "we're not going to allow that to happen."
"The media doesn't control free speech," he added. "People ought to be allowed to applaud if they want to. It was almost silly."
Got that? Free speech. Yeah, free for Gingrinch, not so free for those who came to see a debate (such as it is) and not the chanting spectacle of a bunch of Newtie robots gathered up from the Teabagger clubhouse and required to check their brains at the door.
It's long been a proven mind control tactic, getting people to act together, feeding off each others' energy and reinforcing the in-group mentality.
You don't have to look any further than military basic training which employs cadence chants and group actions to train soldiers to act and think together as a unit. And of course Nazi Germany was notorious for this. Watch Leni Reifenstahl's propaganda masterpiece
Triumph of the Will for a textbook example of this in action.
Sidebar: Did you ever notice how many times Newtie has called something "silly"? It's been a lot over the years. Can't he come up with any other descriptive adjectives? Here's what has to say about "silly":
1. weak-minded or lacking good sense; stupid or foolish: a silly writer.
2. absurd; ridiculous; irrational: a silly idea.
3. stunned; dazed: He knocked me silly.
Given that, I'm willing to stipulate that Newt Gingrinch know
silly when he sees it. Except when he's looking in the mirror...